Unliving - Chapter 525

Published at 3rd of November 2023 06:59:27 AM

Chapter 525

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“Sometimes you don’t have to look for reasons to deal with people. Sometimes they give you all the reasons you need on their own initiative.” - Saying attributed to Xaliburnus the Conqueror, First Emperor of the Elmaiya Empire.

“What is it, Good Master?” asked Kino politely when Farouq came to their room all of a sudden. It was already the third day of their stay at his place, as there was quite a bit of information the place had gathered from every corner of Oajib, and it was Kino’s work to sort out the relevant bits out of them. She was nearly done with it, though, and expected to continue the trip by the next day or the day after.


“Some unpleasant news, I’m afraid, milady Renard,” he replied with a slight bow. The name was one Kino had adopted for her own during her years in the Lichdom, that of Kino Aphelia Renard. The middle name she had adopted from the mountain where she felt moved by one person’s effort to better their community, while the last name was an archaic elvish term for a fox, which was the sort of therian she descended from.


“What sort?” inquired Eilonwy from where she was seated on the table, scribbling on a scroll. The elvish girl had been bored the past few days since all she was doing was to copy down the bits of information Kino found relevant, and since the way Farouq looked likely meant some trouble was brewing, she asked quite spiritedly. If there was a chance to flex her limbs, she would most certainly take it. 


“Bey Masudrah, that is, the local noble you beat up a few days ago, is apparently looking to get even through less… savory ways, milady Fiachna,” answered Farouq. “He had been spotted contacting Ghoulam Al-Surad, one of the most prominent slave traders in Oajib. That man mostly did business through the underworld, and has many connections with the underworld elements in town.”


“So you believe that they might be waiting to waylay us once we leave your place?” Aideen asked from where she was lying down on a long bench, reading a book. 


“That is very likely, Milady deVreys,” admitted Farouq. “While I highly doubt that the sort of scum employed by that rat Al-Surad would be able to even lay a hand on His Holiness’ chosen agents, I feel that it might be best to be forewarned in such a situation. If things ended up being public, the locals would likely side with Al-Surad, and there is little I would be able to do in that case.”


“Understood. In other words, as long as it is done quietly, nobody would care if they were to disappear from this world, right?” asked Aideen back, to which Farouq nodded. “So, you girls feel like you’re up to it? If you are, I won’t interfere.”


Kino and Eilonwy exchanged a silent look for a moment before they simultaneously turned to Aideen and nodded fervently. 


“Please allow us the chance, Miss Aideen,” said Kino somewhat imploringly.


“Yeah, Aunt. Can’t have you be wiping our asses for us all the time,” added Eilonwy more nonchalantly. “Besides, I don’t think a slave trader’s going to be the sort that would be missed in this world anyway.”


Aideen nodded in acquiescence of their opinions. Kino would be safe, her being an unliving pretty much guaranteed that. Eilonwy was more at risk, though, as while she had fought in a battlefield before, the sort of foes she might face this time would be perfectly willing to make use of any means, no matter how despicable they might be.


“I’ll still come with you. We might end up helping some people if we do this, and chances are they’d need some healing,” replied Aideen. “Neither of you can heal that well, and besides that’d take up your time and attention. No reason to let some unfortunates suffer more just to prove a point.”


“Fair point,” admitted Eilonwy with a nod.


“Would you need anything from my side, miladies?” asked Farouq politely from the side. 


“Could you arrange with some other trading houses to be ready to transport people away from here in case we do end up helping some?” asked Aideen in turn. “If people were unfortunate enough to get caught by an underground slave trader to be put up for sale, they likely wouldn’t have anything on them, so they’d need help getting out of here.”


“A good precaution, milady. The locals would have treated them as escaped slaves and thrown them into the hands of another slave trader if they were to be caught,” noted Farouq. “You are doing them a great kindness.”


“You have to be thorough when dealing with matters like these,” replied Aideen. “As promised, I’ll let you two handle the fighting. I’ll just be helping deal with the unfortunates we find.”


“So we’re going to uproot this slave trader, then, aunt?” asked Eilonwy somewhat excitedly.


“But of course. If they come for us with bad intentions, they have already shown us their hostility. There is no reason to leave an enemy behind when you could exterminate them with minimal consequences,” was what Aideen said. “As for that upstart Bey, do you think you could make him suffer from your end, Farouq? If I understand the local mindset here, that Bey is making an attempt against your guests, which in turn greatly disrespected you, isn’t that right?”


“That is indeed correct, milady, and I would be well within my rights to retaliate to some extent,” said Farouq with a wide grin on his face. “Rest assured, I know what to do.”


The way Farouq grinned with an almost childish glee told Aideen that he clearly didn’t like the Bey one bit himself, and was all too happy to receive a chance to make life hell for the obstinate old “noble”. Aideen was not concerned about what Farouq would do, as she trusted that someone taken into confidence as an agent would know what lines they shouldn’t cross, and times when it would be perfectly fine to cross said lines.


“Great, then we’ll leave him to you. The slaver, we’ll handle later tonight.”



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