Published at 1st of November 2021 11:48:31 AM

Chapter 673: 673

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Lu Zihan has no idea what happened to Lu Ziyan. When she received the call, she was still sleeping in bed.

It is said that Lu Ziyan is now in the police station. Lu Zihan suddenly wakes up and calls Hong Tao immediately.

Hong Tao's mobile phone has been taken away. Naturally, this phone can't get through.

Lu Zihan had no choice but to call Lu's lawyer and ask him to go to the police station immediately. He also rushed to the police station to check.

Lu Zihan arrives one step ahead of his lawyer. Seeing Lu Ziyan, who is so red and black on his embarrassed face that he doesn't look like a human being or a ghost, Lu Zihan is scared back.

"Brother? How did you become like this? "

After Lu Ziyan was brought in, he didn't know his present dignity at all. Seeing Lu Zihan, he immediately spoke eagerly, "where's Hongtao? Where did you die? Why doesn't he come with you? "

"Can't get through? I don't know where people have gone. "

Listen to Lu Zihan say, Lu Ziyan can be sure that Hong Tao had an accident, he hoarse voice, "call a lawyer, call a lawyer right away!"

"Lawyer, I've informed you. I'll be right there." Lu Zihan replied that seeing his handsome brother become like this, Lu Zihan really can't say enough: "brother, what's going on?"

"I've been calculated! He Yucheng must have done it

"He Yucheng is scheming against you? Why? " Lu Zihan asked.

"Why else? He wants revenge Lu Ziyan's gritting answer.

"This..." Lu Zihan some unimaginable, "he all lost his memory, by that sun Xiaoxiao played round and round, how can calculate you?"

"No, who would it be? I haven't offended "but if they don't go out, you're finished!"

"Haven't I finished yet? No! If you want to force me to submit, there's no way. I'd rather make headlines again than compromise! " Lu Ziyan was cruel.

Lu Ziyan here die not compromise, would rather die, Jiang Mo called he Yucheng, he Yucheng gently clapped his hands, "good? I didn't expect Lu to be so tough. Well, after all this, he refused to give in and would rather lose his reputation. It can be seen how he hated sun Tiantian! It seems that we have to add weight to him. "

"Plus? What code to add? " Mo Wanxi asked.

He Yucheng laughs: "send the video shot last night to Lu Zihan. If Lu Ziyan refuses to give in, well, I admire him for being a man!"

"What video? Let me see. " Mo Wanxi asked curiously.

"You can't look! There's a needle in the eye. " He Yucheng's serious reply.

Mo Wanxi pursed: "then why can you watch it?"

"Who said I saw it? Your husband, can I see something like this? Well, it's specially prepared for Lu Ziyan. Let him see it for himself. Let's not see such dirty things. "

He Yucheng asked Jiang Mo to be busy. Soon the exciting video of Lu Ziyan and some old women in the crowded dark room was sent to Lu Zihan's mobile phone.

Lu Zihan opened it for a few seconds, and then exclaimed, "brother! What are you looking at here? "

Lu Ziyan took a look at the mobile phone and saw that his clothes were exposed and that he was beaten by several old women with a whip. He was furious. Wow, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!