I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 148

Published at 15th of October 2021 10:00:56 AM

Chapter 148: 148

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Seeing Han Jun kneel and kowtow in tears, Mo Yang really can't understand why there is such a big gap between people who come out of a womb.

Han Jun doesn't look like a man at all. He's so weak that he has gold on his knees. He says he can kneel on his knees.

On the other hand, although the whole cloud city regards Han 3000 as a loser, in fact, Han 3000's performance has nothing to do with the loser. It's just that those ignorant people mistook him for a loser.

The abilities of the two brothers are far apart.

Mo Yang looked at his mouth disdainfully and said, "don't you dare to act like a man?"

Han Jun doesn't care whether he is a man or not. As long as he can live, he can get revenge in the future. What's the humiliation?

Moreover, during that time in Qincheng, Han Jun was also thoroughly obedient. If he couldn't fight, he would admit that he was counselled, otherwise he would be beaten more severely. This is the truth he realized.

"Brother, please let me go. I'm not Han 3000." Han Jun cried.

Mo Yang shook his head speechless. What's the right to be brother with Han 3000?

I don't know what kind of existence their family is in Yanjing. They have raised this kind of waste.

"Of course you are not Han 3000." At this time, a familiar voice came to Han Jun's ears.

Han Jun looked up in disbelief.

Han 3000!

How can he be here.

"Han 3000, why are you here? Aren't you in prison?" Han Jun asked.

"By the way, this is my boss. Give him back two billion yuan." Mo Yang laughs a way, this kind of soft bone, he is really can't see go down, give a man disgrace.

Han Jun is stunned. Can Han 3000 be the boss? Isn't this an international joke?

Feelings these people are Han 3000 to play, deliberately scare him?

Han Jun angrily stood up and said to Han 3000, "well, Han 3000, you've got to find someone to scare me."

With that, Han Jun waves his fist to Han 3000, because he is used to bullying Han 3000 when he is at Han's home. Anyway, Nangong Qianqiu supports him. Even if he beats Han 3000 into the hospital, Nangong Qianqiu won't blame him.

When he was a child, he had such an attitude towards Han 3000. When he grew up, Han Junfei didn't converge and became more arrogant.

"Before I didn't fight back, I was afraid to kill you, but now I won't." Han three thousand one kick out.

Han Jun banged on the wall. The pain made him feel worse than death.

"Han 3000, you dare to beat me." Han Jun gnashed his teeth and glared at Han 3000.

"Do you think you can do whatever you want with Nangong Qianqiu's support? When I don't pay attention to Nangong Qianqiu, even she is not qualified to brag in front of me. " Han 3000 said coldly.

Han Jun laughs. This fool doesn't even pay attention to his grandmother. He can brag.

"Han 3000, I'll tell Grandma about it. You can wait to regret it." Han Jun said.

"Do you have any other skills besides letting her support you? Emperor's appearance, you are more like a submissive eunuch Han 3000 comes to Han Jun.

Han Jun held his head high. He didn't believe that Han 3000 would dare to beat him. How much humiliation did he suffer in Han's family? He didn't even dare to say a word. Now he's too busy, can he still have a long temper?

"Try, try me again." Han Jun challenged.

Mo Yang covers his face with both hands. How can there be such a writing brush in the world? In this case, he still provokes Han 3000. Isn't he looking for death?

"As you wish." Han Sanyi hit Han Jun in the face.

Han Jun is a burst of painful wailing, rolling all over the ground, swearing at Han 3000, and shouting for Nangong Qianqiu to avenge him, like a three-year-old who was bullied.

"What's wrong with you, brother?" Mo Yang can't help but tell Han 3000 that he has never seen such a cowardly man, let alone an adult who talks about his grandmother at any time. What the hell are they.

Han Jun has achieved nothing all the time. He lives to this day relying on Nangong Qianqiu's indulgence. It's not surprising that he has such a performance. Han 3000 wants to thank Nangong Qianqiu for this. If it's not for her, maybe Han Jun won't be so easy to deal with.

"Take him back to Mordor." Han 3000 said.

Mo Yang waved his hand, and several people put Han Jun out of the room.

"How do you deal with this?" Mo Yang asks Han 3000.

"The main play hasn't started yet." Han 3000 said.

Mo Yang from Han Jun out of the ID card to see Han 3000 is from Yanjing, in the heart of a pile of doubts, but before Han 3000 did not answer his question, so he also resisted curiosity, did not ask.

That afternoon, accompanied by Shi Jing, Nangong Qianqiu arrived at Yuncheng.

"Do you know where Han 3000 lives?" Off the plane, Nangong Qianqiu asked Shi Jing.

"Yundingshan villa area." Shi Jing said. Nangong Qianqiu said with a cold smile: "the Su family will be so rich, can they still live in the villa area? It seems that he still enjoys a lot in Yuncheng. " Shi Jing has a wry smile on her face. Han 3000 is driven out of the Han family. How much humiliation has she suffered when she enters the Su family? She just lives in a villa area. In the old lady's eyes, is it enjoyment? What about Han Jun? What is Han Jun's rich life? Shi Jing will not stand on any side now, she only regards herself as a bystander. Although she used to value Han Jun more, since Nangong Qianqiu insisted that Han 3000 should be sent to prison instead of Han Jun, this unfairness made Shi Jing not want to help Han Jun any more. After all, Han 3000 is her flesh and blood and should not be treated like this“ Mom, don't you think it's the best choice to send Han Jun back to Qincheng now? " Shi Jing said. Nangong Qianqiu looks cold and says: "the best choice? Is it a good choice for you to let Han 3000 destroy the Han family? " Shi Jing feels Nangong Qianqiu's stubbornness. She doesn't speak any more. She doesn't care about the final outcome of the Han family. When they came to Yundingshan villa, they didn't register, so they were stopped at the gate. Shi Jing made a phone call before she was released. At this time, Tian's family suddenly exploded, and even Tian Changsheng was shocked. Shi Jing came to Yuncheng, but she didn't show her identity. But this time, she told Tianjia who she was. The Han family in Yanjing is here. How can the Tian family be calm“ Dad, how can the Han family in Yanjing suddenly come to Yuncheng! " Tian Honghui asked Tian Changsheng. Tianchangsheng took a few deep breaths one after another. He was covered with goose bumps, and then his scalp began to feel numb again, just like an electric shock. The thirsty tianchangsheng drank three cups of tea in succession, which moistened his throat. The hand holding the cup trembled unconsciously and said, "who do you think lived in Yundingshan villa?"“ Who lives there? Isn't that our Cloud City? " Tian Honghui didn't understand. Tianchangsheng glared at tianhonghui and exclaimed, "I mean hillside villa."“ Hillside villa, Su family. Now the head of the house is Su Yingxia of Su family. What's so strange? " Tian Honghui said“ You get out of here. " Tianchang angrily scolded, this son is old, still so not awake, the Su family is a ball? At the beginning, Han 3000 bought the villa, but Tian Honghui didn't think of it. Tian Honghui didn't even know why the old man suddenly lost his temper. Seeing something wrong, he left quickly. Tianchangsheng sighed heavily and said to himself with a bitter smile: "no wonder you are so excellent. I don't think ling'er is worthy of you. Now it seems that our family is really not worthy of you. Ling'er is going to suffer a big loss this time. Ah, my dear granddaughter, he is from the Han family in Yanjing!" Just Cloud City, in front of that kind of superior family, what is it? Hillside villa, when Shi Jing rang the doorbell, he Ting opened the door, a puzzled face asked: "who are you looking for?" Nangong Qianqiu looked at he Ting disdainfully and said, "Han 3000."“ I'm sorry, he's not at home now. If it's convenient for you, you can call him He Ting said politely“ Well, you'd better let him get back at once. " Nangong Qianqiu said. He Ting frowned. The old lady was very aggressive. She was not polite at all. It gave people a very annoying feeling. At this time, Jiang Lan's voice came from home: "he Ting, don't put cats and dogs in our house. If you have nothing to do, let them go." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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