I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1894

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:18:14 AM

Chapter 1894: 1894

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Black shadow frowned: "I'm not bad for you."

"Bad" Han 3000 sneered, pointed to his brain, and pointed to his heart: "what you are bad about is here, is one person's persistence and love for another person, is one person's missing for another person, I have, but you have nothing."

"So, you are the real shadow, and I, Han 3000, am not!"

With a roar, Han 3000 was extremely dignified at this time.

"Joke, joke, you are such a low shadow. You are so ridiculous and stupid. What's the difference between you and these rubbish like things? Do you think this alone can prove that you are better than me? I tell you, only waste, will think those waste things useful! And I, without those rubbish things, is the strongest Black shadow cold sound a drink, not to be outdone.

Han 3000 took out a sneer from the corner of his mouth: "let these wastes become the last straw on you."

Han three thousand finish, the whole person suddenly rushed up.

Compared with before, Han 3000 was as fast as before. When he came down with Pangu axe, the shadow subconsciously blocked it.


With a loud noise, the floor tiles at the foot of the whole person suddenly collapsed, and then the whole body directly fell madly, directly half of the body was stuck under the ground.

"This... How is this possible?" The unbelievable black look as like as two peas in the shadow of the Han Dynasty, three thousand, is full of wonder: "it's impossible. It's impossible. You and I are exactly alike. We can't even score a victory or defeat. And in this tower, I am stronger than you, but..."

"But why did you suddenly have so much power in that blow?"

Dark shadow didn't believe the facts in front of him, but it happened in front of him. But he didn't understand what happened.

Why is that?

"I said earlier that this is the difference between us. The reason why people can become the strongest existence in the world is not only the IQ, but also the heart." Han 3000 said with a cold smile.

"These are wastes. They will only become the fetters on the way of people's ascent. People often say that if you want to reach the highest level, you have to be aloof from the world, live without desire, and abandon worldly feelings." The dark shadow doesn't understand the way.

"What is the real highest state? Have you ever been there? " Han three thousand smile: "for me, the highest realm of people should be to have everything in mind."

"From the moment of birth, people are endowed with seven emotions and six desires, which is a natural gift, and you think that the highest level is to abandon them? Don't you really want to know why I'm better than you all of a sudden? I'll tell you right now, it's just because of the rubbish you call, but in my eyes, it's the source of power. "

"Because I deeply know that I can't die, I can't lose, because I have my family, I have my concerns, and this is my final motivation, and you have nothing."

Han three thousand finish, in the hand fierce force, Pan Gu ax suddenly burst out of the golden light, the prestige straight down, suddenly toward the shadow more dead pressure.

Black shadow suddenly shadow virtual shake, at this time in the eyes completely did not have the previous disdain, change the abnormal panic: "no, no, you can't kill me, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'm your demon."

Han three thousand one smile, is to increase strength, black shadow with the last unwilling, melt in the golden light of Pangu axe.

When the shadow dispersed, the other three windows suddenly burst into the sunshine. The whole room was very bright, but there seemed to be nothing in it.

"The devil? My biggest heart demon is never myself. " Han three thousand smile, at this time, the tower door has opened, along the tower door, Han three thousand into the upper floor.

When the door of the new tower is opened, the room is very bright. Instead of small windows, there are some French windows similar to the earth. There is white silk yarn in the windows. The breeze blows in through the window, and the silk yarn shakes gently.

Under the silk yarn, two people were tied to the pillars beside the left and right windows.

In the center of the tower, a very beautiful woman, wearing light gauze, sits on a chair. Her right hand is a sword, and her left hand is a bed.

At this time, she looks at her face, and her perfect face is covered by her long hair. When the wind blows, her hair moves, which makes her whole beautiful face appear and disappear. It's just like a dream.

"Three thousand!"

Suddenly, a nice and familiar voice rang out. When the gauze woman turned her head, Han 3000 was stunned.

Red lips and jade teeth are so beautiful that every move of the Buddha is beautiful. Even if she just looks at herself like this, she can see that there is no corner in the mountain and no edge in the ground!

"Elder martial sister Qin Shuang?" Han 3000 frowned slightly.

She? Why are you here?!

"I know that what you said that day was for my good. I misunderstood you. Can you forgive me?" Qin Shuang's face is pathetic, especially when she is wearing gauze. In the sunshine, Han 3000 can see through everything. Fangfo returns to the scene when she took a bath that night.

Han three thousand slightly a Leng, the whole person suddenly face embarrassed, throat is dry, want to spray fire. Qin Shuang is indeed the most beautiful of all the women she has ever seen. In the face of such a woman, even any man will have the most primitive impulse. Han 3000 is a man, not a God. Even a God, he is a normal man. It's perfectly normal to have a reaction. But soon, Han 3000's reason suppressed his desire and said with a smile, "is that right?" The breeze passed again. At this time, the window screen was lifted a little higher. When the window screen was completely raised, Han 3000 could see clearly the two people tied under the window screen. When Han 3000 saw these two people, his brows were not tight and he frowned wildly“ Welcome summer? Nianer? " Han 3000 frowned“ You are not allowed to look at them. " At this time, Qin Shuang see Han 3000 dead looking at Su Yingxia and Han Nian, the whole person suddenly cold face. Han 3000 ignores her. She always looks at Su Yingxia and Han Nian in her eyes. At this time, the mother and daughter close their eyes slightly and seem to be in a coma“ Ah“ I! All! Say it! It's over! no Sure! Look! " Qin Shuang suddenly roars fiercely, in the hand suddenly an energy, aims at Han 3000 then direct thunderbolt to come over, in the mouth at the same time angry hysteria. At this time, the energy crazily arrived in front of Han 3000 and drove Han 3000 back several meters! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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