I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 211

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:59:24 AM

Chapter 211: 211

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A worthless relationship!

This sentence directly hit Su Haichao's heart.

He used these words to threaten Su Yingxia, but he didn't want Su Yingxia to see through the essence of the matter directly.

When he is no longer the chairman of the company, who will pay attention to him?

Since Kangling died, they mentioned that they would continue to cooperate with the company. Su Haichao knows that there must be something inside. Maybe Su Yingxia, a schemer, has already mastered all this.

"Su Yingxia, I will make you regret it." Su Haichao finished, looked at other su family relatives and continued: "I will let you know who can lead the Su family to prosperity. You garbage will regret it sooner or later if you follow her."

After su Haichao left, the Su family meeting went on as usual. Su Yingxia's plan was very simple, to stabilize the existing development of the Su family, and then to seek a breakthrough. Naturally, other people didn't dare to have any opinions on this matter. After all, they had to rely on the company to survive. Now Su Yingxia is the chairman of the board of directors, so they obediently obey their orders.

At the same time, Han Sanqian drove the Lamborghini he had brought back from the repair shop towards Rongshi.

Chengdu is less than 100 kilometers away from Yuncheng, but it has developed better than Yuncheng, and has the momentum of impacting the first tier cities in recent years.

There is a very famous temple in Rong City. On the 15th day of the first day of the lunar new year, pilgrims will go to the temple to pray for blessings. It is said that the abbot of the temple is the reincarnation of a great immortal. Of course, only some devout believers will believe this. Ordinary pilgrims just come here to seek some psychological comfort.

In places like temples, it's very strange to see people dressed as Taoists. But at this time, there was a young Taoist walking up the path towards the back mountain, and he didn't care when passers-by looked at him strangely.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen Taoist chanting Buddhism?"

"Look again, believe it or not, I'll dig out your eyes."

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

The young Taoist swearing all the way to the back of the mountain, after nine twists and eighteen turns, came to a green tile house.

There are rare people here. They belong to the forbidden area for pilgrims. Only a few people know about this place, such as the abbot of the temple.

"Master, I'm back." The young Taoist sat in front of the gate of the green tile roofed house. He had no Taoist style at all. He took off his shoes and began to rub his feet. He also put his fingers on his nose and took a deep breath.

"Along the way, I'm really tired to death, but I met the man you said. In fact, it's not so good. If I don't fight him, he will kneel down in front of me and pinch my people for help." The little Taoist continued.

When the door opened, an old man with white hair hobbled out, hit the young Taoist on the head with a chestnut and said, "Qingyun, tell me the truth, you didn't do anything stupid."

The young Taoist named Qingyun covered his head with a look of pain and said, "master, I respect your teaching. I just met him. I didn't say anything or do anything. You can rest assured."

"Yes." The white haired old man nodded his head, took out a piece of jade from his pocket, crystal clear, said: "this thing is very important, you must remember to put it away."

As soon as Qingyun saw that the jade didn't look like a common thing, he quickly took it and said with salivation: "master, this thing is good. Is it very valuable?"

The old man with white hair stretched out his hand. It seemed that he was going to teach Qingyun a lesson. However, Qingyun moved quickly and stepped back two steps. He said, "master, don't worry. I'm just asking. I won't sell it."

"Remember, this jade is very important. Even if it is life-threatening, you can't give it to anyone. It's a keepsake, a very important keepsake." Said the old man with white hair.

"Don't worry, I have such a brilliant mind that I will never forget it." Qingyun said with a smiley face.

Looking at Qingyun's languid attitude, the white haired old man sighed and said, "go down the mountain, go to Han 3000 and don't come back."

Qingyun was stunned. He put away his laughter and said, "master, why do you want to go to Han 3000? Didn't you say he was going to die? And I'm gone. Who's going to take care of you? "

"Do I need your care? Remember master's words, it's better to make friends with him. Someone will come to you in the future. This jade is a token to prove your identity. " Said the old man with white hair.

Qingyun's brain is full of paste, and he becomes friends with Han 3000? Is it going to stab him in the back? However, with his current skill, even if he is plotting, he will not be able to succeed. Moreover, who will come to him? What does this jade token represent?

"I know you have a lot of doubts, but in the future, you have a chance to know, but before that, for your safety, you should not investigate anything and let it be." The old man with white hair warned.

"Master, I was brought up by you since I was a child. I'm sure I won't have two words about what you want me to do, but I can't come back. Is that too much? I want to see you to the end. " Green cloud said.

The old man with white hair kicked and said, "get out of here." Back to the green tile house, after closing the door heavily, his voice came from inside: "take off this Taoist robe, you can do what you want to do, don't think I don't know you often go to peep at those female pilgrims, but the female sex is enough, don't waste your body." This sentence makes Qingyun completely excited“ Master, I don't really want to leave, but I can't resist your old temper, so I'm leaving now. Don't miss me too much. " With that, Qingyun ran away. As soon as he got to the temple, Qingyun suddenly stopped. He felt an uncertain feeling in his heart and ran back quickly. Back to the green tile house, Qingyun called master several times, but there was no movement in the room, which made Qingyun's heart sink to the bottom. Push open the door, what you see is a pair of dangling legs“ Master! Who, who killed you Qingyun cried bitterly. He was brought up by his master since he was a child. Although Qingyun looks like a naughty man, he almost treats his master as his father in his mind. He knew that someone must have forced him to die“ Master, I will take revenge for you. No matter who he is, I want him to bury you with me. " Qingyun buried the old man with white hair in tears before going down the mountain. At Rongshi University, Jiang Yingying, with a horse's tail tied, is buried in her head. She is obviously in a hurry and seems to be running away. But as soon as she gets to the school gate, several girls stop her“ Jiang Yingying, what's your hurry? You're running so fast. You're not going to help make money. "“ I can't see that you are a good student in the eyes of a teacher. You are still a jerk. You make money in this way. "“ If you are short of money, tell us that it can help you. You don't have to be cheap. "“ By the way, it's said that your mother works as a servant for others. It should be very hard to pay for your tuition. " These girls and Jiang Yingying are classmates, but their relationship is not very good. Recently, there are some rumors about Jiang Yingying in the school, so they find the opportunity to fall into the well and hope to use this opportunity to drive Jiang Yingying out of the school“ What does my mother do? It's none of your business. Please get out of the way Jiang Yingying said“ Jiang Yingying, I advise you not to go out of school. Now the school is holding a research meeting on your affairs, and maybe you will be expelled. If you go out in this hot spot, you will have a good reputation as a platform girl. "“ Yes, yes. You don't have to worry about making money. Let's wait until the limelight. "“ Maybe she is too poor to eat now. If she doesn't go out with her guests, will she be hungry? " Several people cover their mouths and laugh. Their words are full of insults and taunts to Jiang Yingying. Jiang Yingying's expression is gloomy. These things have been framed. They are nothing“ Jiang Yingying, I have a video here. Do you want to see it? " One of the women took out her cell phone and opened a video. Although the distance is very long, Jiang Yingying can still see the video content from the picture. This is in the bedroom. The picture on the video is that she is changing clothes. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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