I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2489

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:03:40 AM

Chapter 2489: 2489

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Although Han 3000's injuries are extremely difficult to cure, the seven elders of the blue mountain Pavilion do their best, and Han 3000 has a strong will to survive. These are not problems.

Therefore, after a day and a night of treatment, Han 3000's back injury has been greatly improved.

But the problem is

In the twinkling of an eye, another two days passed, but Han 3000 was still in a coma and couldn't wake up.

This makes seven elders and others confused, but only Han 3000 himself knows that his body has already been hurt enough, more tired enough.

After all kinds of torture of the evil monks, Han 3000's body almost reached its limit. Even in order to get out of trouble, Han 3000's body exploded and organized itself.

All of these have made Han 3000's whole life reach the edge of collapse.

If it's his strong endurance and willpower, if it's an ordinary person, it's just that he can't support himself before the self explosion and self organization. This guy not only supports himself, but also conquers the war after that.

The horror of the scene, naturally, consumes not only the amazing will, but also the limit of the body.

Today's Han 3000, under complete relaxation, naturally has entered a period of extreme physical fatigue. The body's regurgitation or self-protection has formed Han 3000's coma for two days.

But in these three days, many extremely interesting things happened outside.

With the help and guidance of Lu Ruoxin, the glutton of evil almost came to dangshanping.

Tens of thousands of monks naturally can't keep up with the speed of experts like the man in black. Even if some of them can barely keep up, most of them are out of date. They want to hide their actions by taking advantage of the mountain, but what they meet is Lu Ruoxin, a man with extremely high accomplishments and flexible key brains.

This makes them like a combination of hunting dogs and hunters. Even if they can hide their tracks, they can't escape the matchless cooperation.

In three days, there was a scream of ghosts and howls everywhere in the valley. Three days ago, they were so arrogant when they bullied Han 3000, and now they are so embarrassed when they cry.

Good reincarnation of heaven, retribution is not good!

But different from this, another place is almost in a desperate situation.


In the border town, there was a roar and roar.

The low voice is like the general voice, which makes people feel chilly.

But what's more chilling and irritating is that these voices come from almost every corner of the city.

The most core is obviously the restaurant at this time.


In front of the whole restaurant, the number of zombies has reached a frightening crazy density.

Nowadays, the potential of flood is beyond description. They are more like ants, bees, or debris flows. They are piled up with each other, like mountains.

The restaurant, nearly two floors high, has been surrounded by zombies. The third floor, which used to be a lookout tower, has completely lost its original function. Instead, it has become a gateway.

Several disciples of the mystery alliance relied on this pass to snipe and kill the zombies who climbed up the corpse group and stumbled to climb up the window from the third floor.

But one by one, covered with mud and blood, they are also quite powerless at this time. Looking around, zombies almost piled up on the second floor are everywhere. Just looking at them, they have already made people's scalp extremely numb, not to mention killing them one by one.

The people outside are desperate, and the people inside the restaurant are even more desperate. The whole interior of the restaurant has been almost supported by people with thick sticks or other furniture.

Obviously, these exist to support the wall.

But even so, the whole restaurant can clearly hear the creak around. The walls from the first floor to the second floor and even the third floor are constantly flashing in because of the external force, which seems to collapse directly at any time.

And what collapse means, everyone knows very well that it must be the influx of zombies, people become the food on the plate.

But at this time, no one cares about this, because hunger is what they are most worried about at present.

It's also the biggest problem.

Everyone was lying on the ground, almost feeble, lips extremely dry and pale, dying.

Some people who are weak in cultivation lie on the ground and do not move.

"Four days, 3000 has been out for four days, but now there is still no news. He... He really won't leave us, will he?"

At this time, even has always been very rational help from all can not help but open the mouth full of silk, said despairingly.

Once this was said, there was no response at the scene. They had no strength to respond. Only their eyes were open and full of despair!

However, at this time, fumang suddenly got up and made a surprising move!

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