I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3202

Published at 19th of January 2022 12:53:59 PM

Chapter 3202

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One comes from the South and the other comes back from the north. It can't be said that they know each other. It can be said that they have nothing to do with each other.

Secondly, one is the demon family, the other is human, one has lived for hundreds of years, but the other is young.

There seems to be no intersection between the two.

How can jade face Shura know him? Moreover, the most terrible thing is that he not only knows him, but also knows that he will cause trouble for himself, and even knows the boy's last name.

If Yumian Shura didn't take a stand just now, he really wondered whether the two were working together to help him find trouble in the city.

"Relax, ghost Zun, I said, I'm definitely not here to make trouble with you. Why do you do that?" Jade face Shura smiled.

Ghost Zun frowned and did not dare to relax his vigilance: "but how do you know everything here? This demon cloud ghost city is my site. Only I can check everything in the city. How can others know?"

Are there spies in the city?

To some extent, this possibility can not be ruled out. At present, the situation of magic cloud ghost town is low, so it is natural that some people fall into the well.

The so-called tree falls and monkeys scatter is not without its reason.

"Well, ghost Zun, you and I have known each other for many years. Can I still tell you? I not only know the boy's surname is Han, but even I know the guy's full name and what he did before he came here." Jade face Shura smiled softly.

Ghost Zun was more confused, and even couldn't understand what the situation was.

However, at this time, jade face Shura took out a long book from his arms and slowly handed it to ghost Zun. Then he gently opened his mouth and said with a smile: "when you finish reading it, you will know all the truth."

Although confused, ghost Zun opened the book and read it quickly after taking over the long book.

Then he frowned. The more he read, the tighter he frowned.

Until a moment later, he finished reading and looked at the jade face Shura unbelievably: "is this true?"

"Hehe, the white and black characters on it are true. The most important thing is that the long book can be fake and the content can be fake, but the bright red home seal is innocent. I believe this, ghost Zun should know better than me?" Jade face Shura smiled.

Ghost Zun naturally knows that this mark is true.

However, what he really doesn't understand is how this kind of thing didn't happen to him, which is far more untrue than pie falling from the sky.

"Yes, I know this long book is true, but the Pei family mainly married the seven princesses to Ben Zun. Ben Zun can't believe it." Ghost Zun shook his head helplessly: "this..."

Even though he is arrogant, ghost Zun really knows that although he is the leader of one party and his power is against the sky, but

But that's who to compete with.

The Pei family is the Taowu family. It is the largest powerful family in this area. At least, it runs thousands of miles in this direction. The Pei family says one, no one dares two.

But such a peerless creature suddenly took a fancy to his sesame meat one day.

How can you believe it?

"Exactly." The jade face Shura seemed to have expected the reflection of the ghost statue. When he moved his hand, a light screen floated in the air: "the bride price team is one step away from the red earth. As long as you nod slightly, it has been decided."

Ghost Zun swallowed his mouth and looked at the light screen with some excitement, but sure enough, he saw a huge team at the north entrance, dressed in red clothes and holding a happy battle, showing a noisy gift giving team.

This is not a dream?

But reality?

He really wanted to give himself a slap to let himself feel whether it was a dream.

What is flying on the branches to become a phoenix? Isn't that right?

One day, he will be able to climb the big tree of Pei family!

Especially at this critical moment.

"Is this true?"

"How could such a large team come all the way? However, the Pei family leader has a small request about the boy..." Yumian Shura sneered.

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!