I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3580

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:27:09 PM

Chapter 3580

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"No wonder, no wonder your boy can die and come back to life. It's the monkey that's causing trouble!"

"Well, I'll kill him. I'll kill him, too."

After that, his body changed and completely disappeared into the air, but the remaining seven suns in the sky rose sharply in an instant.

The whole space was heated up in an instant, like a furnace red by fire.

The jade monkey raised his eyes and looked at the sky.

The next second, he stamped on his foot and flew directly up with a wooden stick.

Almost at the moment of his flying, the monkey body turned into Han 3000, and the long stick suddenly turned into a jade sword.

"Come on."

The seven Yang suddenly moved. The next second, with one Yang as the center, the other six Yang showed the trend of six combinations. They released a vast sword like roar to Han 3000.

Qimang takes Han 3000 as the center. Obviously, if it is directly bombed, it will only turn into waste residue.

Han 3000 did not panic at all. He moved in his hand and hit back directly in the face of seven rays of light.

"You Huang!"

The youhuang is strong in case of strength and weak in case of weakness. It is almost the same as the Wuxiang divine skill. Taking advantage of the situation, the youhuang resists seven lightsabers, and Han 3000 moves in the Taixu divine step.

The 72 way divine sword instantly adjusted its direction and stabbed the nearest aperture.

Almost in the middle of his 72 way magic sword waving, Han 3000 turned into a jade monkey, the long sword also turned into a long stick, and the strange and tricky Jin mang turned into an extremely domineering stick in an instant.

The aperture also obviously sensed the intention of Han 3000, but their respective offensives were trapped by youhuang, and it was difficult to get out for a time.


When the sword to the stick arrived, it carried the terrible power of Han 3000 and the jade monkey. The attacked aperture was stunned for a moment, and then disappeared under the explosion.

The sword rises and falls, and the stick hits the sky!




Han three thousand is as powerful as a spear. In the crazy and unrestrained attack, the aperture falls and explodes one by one!

In less than half a minute, seven Suns have set six, leaving only one sun hanging high in the air, so weak.

"Breaking mountains and rivers!"

The long staff turns over and the jade sword breaks through the air!

With the constant changes of human shadow and monkey shadow, the power of thousands of people rushed down.


The sun collapses and the light explodes.

The whole world is in an extremely dazzling light.

A moment later, the light dissipated, everything, and the peace of the past was restored.

Qiyang has long disappeared. Only Han 3000 with a long sword is left in the air. He is majestic!


A heavy vent rang through the whole space.

"Is that ok?"

The voice was confused and shocked.

It's really wonderful.

Complete the anti kill between attack and defense without the slightest slippage.

Defense is like a solid wall, while attack is like running water.

"Although I'm an opponent, I must praise you. This is the most gorgeous offensive and defensive skill I've ever seen in my life. It's really better than blue. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead."

"Smelly boy, I really have you."

Han 3000 was still cold and expressionless, but his eyes were firm and did not say a word.

"Hum, it seems that those bastards have betrayed me."

"It's more and more interesting that the quiet emperor has made it out."

Since Han 3000's tentative burning silence brought Tianhuo in, he has noticed that it's wrong.

However, he didn't pay attention to some things. Some people can't understand them all their life, while some people can completely master them as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

This is called fate, or luck.

He had such an experience before his death, so naturally there was no need to be surprised.

But as Han 3000 just brought out the seventh monkey, and now blocked by the youhuang, he deeply understood one thing.

One thing may be luck, but two or three are no longer luck. It can be explained clearly.

This is fate!

Or, it's the choice of heaven.

But what about the chosen one?

"I'm dead. What's the point of whether the world wants or not? What kind of shit do I care about?"

When he roared angrily, the sky suddenly became gray, as if there was a shadow of Yin, and more strange things happened with it.

The eight aperture sun, which had completely disappeared, suddenly hung high in the sky again

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!