I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3649

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:26:01 PM

Chapter 3649

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In the colorful light, his body seems to be like light illusion, floating with the floating of brilliance.

Qian, Kun and other seven gates were broken successively. Although the process was extremely dangerous, on the whole, it was not dangerous.

Even if he is very proficient in eight trigrams, now he has Liangyi Tianshu to protect himself. These things are really nothing to him.

"There are only the last students left." Han 3000 smiled and his face was full of confidence.

Of course, he knows that students seem to be students, but they must be the most subtle and dangerous of the eight.

However, it's all coming and breaking. It's unreasonable to shrink back at the last level.

With a slight smile, he moved his hand and flew directly into the school.

All around is a vast expanse of white. I can only see the dark shadows everywhere in the distance.

But when Han 3000 had not yet established himself, the small shadow suddenly attacked him.

As the distance gets closer, its volume becomes larger and larger. Until it reaches a few miles in front of Han 3000, it has changed from a small black spot the size of a thumb to a huge thing that almost covers half of the world.

After that, it was scattered around, like towering claws, and quickly went towards Han 3000 package.

At that moment, Han 3000 only felt that the heaven and earth had become black, and those spreading giant claws produced countless sharp teeth, so that the Buddha wanted to swallow himself alive.

Soon, when all the darkness completely wrapped Han 3000, they began to shrink.

Trying to crush Han 3000 completely.

Han 3000 smiled coldly: "living illusion!"

Living illusion is dead silence.

"Insect carving." Han 3000 shook his head confidently, and then sat directly on the ground with his eyes closed.

After that, Han 3000 closed his eyes and settled down. His heart had no side thoughts, and all kinds of illusions were dashed without fear.

Sure enough, when Han 3000 completely emptied, he released Yin and Yang and Qi through Liangyi Tianshu. At this time, when he was in the eight trigrams, it was one of the eight trigrams. Naturally, any attack was ineffective for him.

However, the attack did not come, but at this time, Han 3000 suddenly felt a burst of brightness in front of him. He thought he had broken the array, opened his eyes and looked, but saw that the front was just like coming in, only a vast expanse of white.

The dark shadows of those who eat people like swords have disappeared.

Just as Han 3000 was about to get up, suddenly, some images appeared in the vast expanse of white.

Later, these images became more and more clear, until there was a scene of human purgatory in front of Han 3000.

"It's the bamboo house." Han 3000 can recognize the place in the image at a glance.

On the other side of the bamboo house, corpses are everywhere, the bamboo house is destroyed, and the wooden house is burning in the fire. The last self is burning. Outside them, the blood flow has become a river.

A lot of mysterious people alliance disciples fell in a pool of blood and died miserably.

Around their bodies, many soldiers dressed in the clothes of the city were looking for a living, and when they saw the dying, they made up a knife.

In the middle of the two houses, accompanied by an explosion, purple fell from the sky and hit the ground directly. She had no movement except that the blood in the outlet was sprayed for half a meter.

Next to her, a group of culprits approached her carefully.

Further away, there was a battle at the end. Under the siege of a large group of soldiers, the woman in white in the center was dying and completely lost her combat effectiveness.

However, even so, while she was heavily panting, no one around dared to move forward.

Judging by the number of meters around her, she is full of fallen elite, which is enough to see how she killed all directions before.

However, Han 3000 looked a little funny.

That woman is no one else, but Su Yingxia.

"Although it's an illusion, please be a little more serious." Han 3000 disdained a cold smile: "it's right that my wife is beautiful and stronger than me in my heart, but after all... It's just what I think."

The fact is that Su Yingxia can't have such skills at all. This illusion is too exaggerated.

As Han 3000's voice fell, the whole world suddenly began to shake violently

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!