I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3787

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:24:05 PM

Chapter 3787

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But the next second, suddenly, the most central place at the foot of Han 3000 began to move abruptly.

Gulu Gulu

Around the key hole, bursts of bubbles began to appear.

But soon, these blisters disappeared completely in an instant.

The whole space fell into complete silence again.

But suddenly, Han 3000 frowned and seemed to notice something wrong.


Sure enough, a huge explosion erupted directly from the keyhole, and the flames all over the sky gushed directly from it.

At Dayton time, it was like a volcanic eruption, with countless flames rising into the sky.

Although the poor Han 3000 supported the energy circle to protect himself for the first time, he couldn't stand such a powerful fire under him.

Before it moved much, the flame surrounded it directly.

The temperature rose sharply. Even with the protection of the energy circle, Han 3000 still felt extremely hot.

However, Han 3000 didn't panic at all. He put a little energy into the five elements divine stone. After a while, the five elements divine stone gave birth to countless water energy and slowly wrapped Han 3000 in it to cool it.

Although it still can't resist the fierce high temperature, at least Han 3000 won't suffer right now.

Then Han 3000 didn't think much and went straight down his hole.

As Han Sanyi entered, the skyrocketing flame began to disappear. Finally, it was completely extinguished from his mouth, and the hole was closed again in an instant.

Everything has returned to the calm of the past.

It seems that nothing has happened.

"Shit, what the hell is this place?"

But some people are not like this. As soon as he entered the bottom of the swamp, Han 3000 was completely stupid.

All around him, the raging fire was burning wildly. He prevented the Buddha from entering a sea of fire. The extremely high temperature even made his energy circle start popping. It seemed that the energy cover was about to be broken by the high temperature.

"His mother, I thought it would be very hot here, but I didn't think it would be so hot. Shit." Han 3000 gave a low scold.

Obviously, it's impossible to rely on God alone.

Move one hand directly and offer the power of yin and Yang with your backhand to consolidate energy. At the same time, all the chaotic forces in your body greet you unreservedly.

What Han 3000 needs to do is to ensure the firmness of the energy circle.

Otherwise, once the energy circle is broken, the end of Han 3000 can only be one.

Become a roast duck!

With the convergence of these two forces, the energy circle that seems to be about to collapse has finally regained its "activity".

With the re protection of the outer layer, Han 3000 stabilized his mind again.

The top priority is to find eggs.

However, as I looked at it, it was a sea of fire. I couldn't tell the direction and see the situation clearly. I could only look like a blind man.

Han Sanqian tried to open his eyes, but the effect was almost equal to No.

There is fire all around here. It's useless to see it.

"Shit, why am I so stupid?" Han 3000 gave a low, depressed scold.

He ignored a detail. Eggs need water to keep cooling down. Therefore, the place where they can touch the water should be the place closest to the egg.

It means that we need to explore all the way.

Thinking of this, Han 30001 accelerated and flew directly to the bottom.

The lower it goes, the fiercer the fire is and the higher the temperature is, although it is more and more dangerous for Han 3000.

But at least it proves a good thing.

That is, it is closer and closer to the Dragon ant egg.

Sure enough, with a stronger high temperature, Han 3000 also found that something seemed to be burning wildly in his downward direction of 50 degrees

And in its innermost part, a looming thing seems to come out with it.

However, seeing that vague thing, Han 3000 was quite skeptical about life at this time.

Is there a mistake?!

What the hell is that?


Don't say it's a dragon ant egg. Even if you say it's a dragon egg, Han 3000 thinks

Isn't that bullshit?

Well... It's not like an egg at all, but like... A round mountain

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!