I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4026

Published at 25th of October 2022 12:18:50 PM

Chapter 4026

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Yan Su stopped, looked back slightly, and looked at the two: "su'er just wanted to see if he could help the VIP."

At this time, Yin Su had come to the team of the doctors, which really confused them.

"Can you cure people?" Peihu frowned and asked.

Pei Hu actually had some basic information about Yin Su. However, he had never heard of Yin Su's medical skills.

Yin Su smiled: "his father was ill for a long time, and Yin Su took care of him for a long time. The so-called long illness makes a doctor. In addition, Yin Su specially added some knowledge to treat his father, but he knew a little."

"Now, the VIP needs, Yin Su is doing a little bit. This patient is treated by various doctors. Maybe, Yin Su's technique just can help the VIP, it doesn't matter to try."

Hearing Yin Su's words, Pei Gu nodded with great satisfaction.

What Yin Su said is indeed reasonable. The patient's body is different, the natural drug receiving situation is different, and each doctor's dosage is different, so the medical effect of nature on patients is different.

It can be seen that Yin Su really knows some medical theory.

At the same time, being able to stand up for his Pei family at this time is also enough to prove that Yin Su, the daughter-in-law who did not pass the door, has his heart, although this power may indeed be extremely weak.

But from this point, Pei Gu is still very sure of Yin Su's performance.

Seeing a smile on his father's face, Pei Hu, who was still worried, also wiped out these worries at this time, nodded, and said to Yin Su, "Su Su, go and try."

Yin Su nodded, squeezed into the team of doctors, and slowly went to Han Sanqian's room.

Waves of doctors entered the room, but most minutes later they retreated helplessly.

Most of them don't have much to do with Han Sanqian's current injury.

In fact, it's not a big problem to take care of his body. However, there is nothing to do to treat his meridians in accordance with the internal requirements.

It was almost Yin Su, but compared with others, Yin Su was not at all nervous at this time.

Because it is obvious that her drunkenness is not about wine.

Soon, it was Yin Su's turn.

The party quickly entered the house.

In the room, there was a man lying, his eyes slightly closed, very handsome.

Its form and momentum, even if it was a patient at this time, was enough to give people a sense of oppression. If it was about heroes, he would meet most of the heroic temperament in Yin Su's imagination.

The only thing missing is that he is like a disabled man at this time, and his muscles are broken, which shows that he does not have the strength of a hero at this time.

Glancing at Su Yingxia next to him, Yin Su sighed helplessly. It was really a beauty who loved heroes, and the world he saw was by no means his own. At least these two stunning women had explained everything.

It's her turn.

She sat down slightly and numbered Han Sanqian's pulse.

For a moment, she stopped her hand: "it seems that there is no solution, but it can only become waste, but there is not no way."

As soon as this word came out, everyone was directly stunned, and even Han Sanqian suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Yin Su.

When everyone was helpless, Yin Su's words naturally set off waves like a heavy bomb.

Su Yingxia was obviously a little excited and looked at Yin Su: "girl, do you have a way?"

Yin Su nodded slightly, "I dare not say 100%, but there are some ways to try."

Looking at the white and beautiful woman in front of her, Han Sanqian gradually saw self-confidence in her eyes and asked, "are you serious?"

"Yin Su never lied." Yin Su laughed.

Han threethousand nodded, "Yin Su? Well, since Miss Yin has a way, please Miss Yin. If you can help me heal my wound, no matter how effective it is, I'm very grateful."

Yan Su smiled: "Yan Su should do his best."

After that, Yin Su slowly got up and looked at the doctors present: "please go out for a while to give Yin Su some time and space to treat the VIP alone."

Hearing the words, the doctors chose to leave.

Su Yingxia and Ziqing looked at each other, and finally saw that Yin Su still nodded, and the two women also retreated obediently.

Doctors can't be distracted when treating people. Naturally, most of them are treated alone, which is reasonable.

After everyone went out, there were only Yin Su and Han 3000 left in the room

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!