I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4108

Published at 25th of October 2022 12:16:08 PM

Chapter 4108

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The next second, Han Sanqian directly pulled Su Yingxia up.

Then, for the first time ever, the couple sang and danced again.

Just like a picture, happy life.

This makes the things outside mad, and co-authoring this attack burst into percussion? !

"Damn, are you a tortoise? If you have one, come out and fight."

"Running to the forbidden area of ​​death, but only dare to hide in it, stinky boy, are you a dog?"

Even if there are thousands of skills, even if there is a way to defeat the enemy, facing Han Sanqian's Chaos Clock, all the things are like being hit on a stone, without the slightest gain not to mention, but also to be insulted by this son, The level of anger can be imagined.

But no matter how they screamed and cursed, the two of them in Ding were completely deaf, still dancing and singing.

"Why did the trash outside give this Chaos Clock to this kind of dog thief, are they stupid?"

"When I kill these three people, I will find the trash outside to settle the account. This mother's sincerity helps the enemy to attack us."

A bunch of things were very angry and had no choice but to yell outside the clock.

However, there are also different people who take a different approach.

"Stinky boy, come out, what kind of man are you hiding in this way? Well, as long as you are willing to come out, I will let you do three tricks."

"That's right."

"Or, I'll give you ten moves. As long as you defeat me in ten moves, no matter what method you use, I can promise you to leave here safely. No, let you move freely here."

"Ten moves, I'll give you a hundred moves."

The conditions became more and more tempting, and it even appeared that as long as Han Sanqian defeated him, no matter what method and how long it took, he could finally let Han Sanqian do whatever he wanted.

However, for Han Sanqian, no matter how different conditions are offered outside, for him, there is only one choice.

Shrinking, completely shrinking, he is free in the tripod, not hearing anything.

The pot was completely fried outside, and I wish I could get into this bell now and completely pull out Han Sanqian's muscles and cramps.

"Fuck, this bitch, it's really pissing me off."

"Ah, he just hides in the turtle shell."

"Depend on!"

inside the clock.

Han Sanqian was tired from jumping, so he rested and leaned on the ground.

Su Yingxia and Ziqing looked at each other worriedly, paused, and said, "Three thousand, are we really like this all the time? Those people outside are so angry that they don't talk about it, it's not an option to stay here for a long time."

"Yeah, Brother Sanqian, what should come will always come. I think we should follow what they said, or we will have a fight with them, at least, so we may have a little chance." Zi Qing also road.

When the opponent did not attack at all, Zi Qing believed that she and Su Yingxia were not without strength. Although the hope is very slim, as long as there is a slight chance, it is also an opportunity.

Han Sanqian shook his head: "When you are surrounded by a pack of wolves, do you really believe what the wolves say and don't eat us? They are all very hungry wolves."

"Besides, even if their words can be trusted, let me ask you, how did the three of us beat this wolf who was about to go crazy with hunger."

"Sometimes it seems that we have a glimmer of hope that is just what we look like. In fact, that glimmer of hope is likely to be deliberately shown to us by others. Once we climb up this glimmer of hope, it is just right someone else's trap."

Su Yingxia probably knew what Han Sanqian meant: "Sanqian, you mean, no matter how good the outside conditions are, it always just looks good. If we really want to match, we have no chance?"

"I'm not doubting the ability of the two of you." Han Sanqian said worriedly: "In fact, in this forbidden area of ​​the inner circle, I am afraid that no one is a small role."

"That's why, in this situation, I don't think you have a great chance of defeating them."

"But it's not the way to go on like this right now." Zi Qing said.

Even though Han Sanqian's analysis makes sense, the problem is always in front of everyone's eyes, waiting to be solved.

"It's not that there is no way." Han Sanqian said.

"What way?" Su Yingxia asked.

"Wait!" Han Sanqian said.

Zi Qing was puzzled: "Wait for what?"

"Wait for a real wolf, or rather, the wolf king!" Han Sanqian said softly.

Wolf King?
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Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!