I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 689

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:47:43 AM

Chapter 689: 689

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Even though she is a mother, Su Yingxia is always shy, especially when others mention her relationship with Han 3000. She still acts like a flower in bud.

Shi Jing's words made Su Yingxia not dare to look up, and her face turned red.

Han three thousand see this scene, can't help but steal music up, sit to Su Yingxia side, leaning in the ear whispered: "all when mother, still so shy."

Su Yingxia glared at Han 3000 and said, "can't you be shy when you're a mother?"

"We haven't done anything. There's nothing to be shy about." Han 3000 said.

Su Yingxia reaches out his hand and rubs his thumb and index finger back and forth. Seeing this action, Han 3000 quickly pulls away some distance from Su Yingxia, which makes him feel more scared than when he is facing the crazy people in the center of the earth.

"How can you talk well and use your hands and feet?" Han three thousand one face embarrassed way.

Su Yingxia snorted coldly and said, "if you talk about this kind of thing in the future, I will never let you go."

"Good, good." Han Sanqian nodded and said, "don't talk about it in the future, just do it."

"You..." Su Yingxia was so angry that she felt numb. Just as she wanted to be angry, the phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Su Yingxia was surprised. If it wasn't for this call, she almost forgot that there was this person in her phone.

"What's the matter?" Han 3000 found Su Yingxia slightly surprised expression, can't help but curious asked.

Su Yingxia did not speak, but picked up the phone to Han 3000 to see.

See the caller ID with uncle two words, Han 3000 light smile, said: "Su Guolin?"

Su Yingxia nodded.

"I said Su Haichao would not give up easily. He must have asked Su Guolin for help." Han Sanqian said that with his understanding of Su Haichao, he really guessed a little bit well. This guy is a thing that goes up with the crowd. Now that Su's company has become a first-line company in Yuncheng, he will try his best to come back to the company.

"Do you want to take it?" Su Yingxia asked.

"You asked, can you not answer?" Han 3000 said that he knew that if Su Yingxia didn't answer, he would have hung up. The reason why she asked was that she had already expressed her subconscious thoughts.

Su Yingxia pressed the answer button.

Su Guolin's voice came from the phone: "welcome summer, I heard that nianer is going to hold a hundred day banquet. What can I do for you? I have many related friends here, and they may be able to help."

As Su Yingxia opened a public address, Han 3000 could hear Su Guolin's words.

When he heard the word nian'er, he looked scornful.

Su Guolin has never met Han Nian, and he has the face to cry so intimately.

"Uncle, 3000 is dealing with this matter. I believe he can handle it well." Su Yingxia said.

Nowadays, hotels, restaurants and manors of all sizes in Yuncheng and surrounding cities all come to the door, hoping to host the 100 day banquet. How could it be su Guolin's turn to worry.

"It's true that this little thing, how can it be difficult for three thousand people." Su Guolin was a little embarrassed on the other end of the phone. He thought for a long time before he thought of such a prologue. Now it seems that he is really an idiot. His current ability actually wants to help Han 3000. Isn't that a joke?

Han 3000 makes a disgusting expression to Su Yingxia. In the past, Su Guolin used to call him either a loser or a loser at Su's house. It's time to call him Han 3000. Now he's so friendly.

"Uncle, is there anything else?" Su Yingxia asked.

"By the way, when is the specific date? I'll go early and see our princess by the way, but I haven't seen her once." Su Guolin said.

Han Sanqian used his mouth to express the four words "shameless" to Su Yingxia. This old man is really shameless and shameless. He didn't invite him, so he had the cheek to come uninvited.

Su Yingxia seems very tangled, which is her biggest shortcoming. She doesn't need to value her relatives, but she doesn't have the heart to leave them.

Han 3000 can't help but roll a white eye. Su Yingxia's hesitation once again reveals her true thoughts. However, he will respect all Su Yingxia's decisions, and it's not impossible to let Su Guolin show up. Let the old man see what is called big field, and let him know how much energy he once despised in Cloud City now.

"Do it yourself." Han 3000 said to Su Yingxia, after finishing, he went out of the villa and was ready to go to the backyard to see Jiang Yingying.

Su Yingxia's hesitation from the beginning doomed the result of this matter.

And at this time, Su Guolin threw an emotional shell and said, "I haven't seen your father for a long time. The two brothers also took this opportunity to see each other. After all, he and I are brothers."

"Well, the time will be in a week, but the exact location has not been decided yet. I'll let dad inform you then." Su Yingxia said.

"Good, good, good." Su Guolin on the other end of the phone was excited. He didn't think this method would work. Su Yingxia's answer excited every cell in his body“ If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first, and Han Nian will be sucking. " Su Yingxia said“ Yes, you can do it first Hung up the phone, Su Guolin heavily spit out a bad luck, said to Su Haichao: "yes, the time is a week later, she will tell me the location."“ It's still dad. Only if you show up can it be useful. Well, being able to attend Han Nian's hundred day banquet is the first step to success. " Su Haichao laughs heartily and says that now he won't feel the slightest shame of flattering Han 3000. As for the things he has done before, Su Haichao has long forgotten them. In the backyard of the hillside villa, the most important thing for Jiang Yingying is to train every day. After she has mastered Yan Jun's systematic training, she has a very clear understanding of how to use her strength. Although she can't reach the level of an expert, there is no problem for Jiang Yingying to fight a few local ruffians“ Three thousand brothers. " After seeing Han 3000, Jiang Yingying stops training and walks to Han 3000. In Jiang Yingying's heart, her gratitude to Han 3000 is beyond words. This is not only because Han 3000 helped her, but also her mother, he ting. Jiang Yingying knows that he Ting was made difficult in the labor market before, and how she was rescued by Han 3000. Finally, she came to the Su family as a servant. She not only got better treatment than the outside, but also Han 3000 didn't treat he Ting as a servant at all. Even when she was unfairly treated by Jiang LAN, Han 3000 once turned over with Jiang LAN. These things are enough to make Jiang Yingying feel that she will repay Han 3000 with her whole life“ How do you feel? " Han 3000 asked“ It's good. I'm not used to it at first, but now I can control it Jiang Yingying said that she didn't trace back how the inexplicable power in her body came from, because Yanjun told her that after she had such a change, she would be able to help Han 3000 in the future. Just knowing this is enough for Jiang Yingying, because she wants to repay Han 3000“ Thank you, brother 3000. " Jiang Yingying said. In the face of a sudden thanks, Han 3000 puzzled asked: "thank me for what, the last thing has passed so long, still remember in my heart?" Jiang Yingying shook her head and said, "it's my mother. If it wasn't for you, she still doesn't know where to work. You've paid her such a high salary, and you're still talking to her at home. It's rare for a boss like you." Han three thousand light a smile, said: "this is all should, after all, she has never made a mistake, are Jiang LAN unilateral create difficulties and against."“ But it's also reasonable for other people to help their parents or not. " Jiang Yingying said“ If you want to thank me, train harder, make yourself more powerful, and take you to a different place in the future. " Han 3000 said. Jiang Yingying resolutely nodded her head and said, "brother 3000, don't worry, I won't let you down." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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