Published at 17th of January 2022 08:56:15 AM

Chapter 83: I'm a little uncomfortable if I don't hit me

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   chapter 83

   "Have it!"

   Gao Teng's mind flashed again, and he said excitedly: "Divided them into several batches, locked them in different farms, and made them work by violent means every day.

   If you behave well, you don’t have to be beaten, you don’t have to eat bad food, you don’t have to live in a leaky house.

  In such an environment, even if the bottom line is terribly low, they will work hard to make progress, because no one likes being abused.

   As a result, the efficiency of the farm has improved, and these people have also changed their faces, killing two birds with one stone. "

   "Good guy." Xia Ling gave Gao Teng a thumbs up, "Your idea is great, the slave owners call out like-minded people, I suggest you be selected as one of the top ten people who moved the world."

   "Be polite, polite, just a little immature idea."

   Gao Teng's tone didn't mean a bit of modesty, and he was proud of his own whimsy.

"I have a question."

  Xia Ling raised her hand.


   "What if someone would rather be abused?"

   Gao Teng said nonsense in a serious manner, "That proves that they are scum who do not seek progress, and are harmful to human society. I recommend humane destruction."

   "Clap clap clap..."

  Xia Ling couldn't help clapping her hands, words couldn't describe her feelings.

   Gao Teng laughed, "I'm joking, don't take it seriously."

  Xia Ling seemed to have heard something very strange, her eyes widened, "Why not? How can you really do that?"

   Gao Teng laughed dryly, "How could..."

  Xia Ling was shocked, "My dear, you really thought about the feasibility of such a thing."

   "It's just a wild idea, how can you really do it." Gao Teng said with awe, "People are not objects, how can they be manipulated at will?

   Those who do not respect life lose their compassion and cause terrible disasters.

   I will never become that kind of person. "

  Xia Ling nodded and said: "This is the Gao Teng I know. Don't say words that are easy to misunderstand. You can't make jokes casually."

  Xia Ling [thinks that Gao Teng is noble]'s condition has not been relieved, and has been getting worse and worse.

   Gao Teng had an expression of knowing he was wrong, "I know, I won't make jokes anymore."

  Xia Ling couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you doing with such a serious expression?

   It feels like the teacher is training the students. "

   Gao Teng subconsciously wanted to say something sarcastic. He resisted the urge engraved in his genes. In front of Xia Ling, he couldn't mess around. He had to keep the character he created.

   He shifted the subject to business.

   "Liuhun Street is too big, Huang Yong just might hide here, how can we find him?

   feels like looking for a needle in a haystack. "

   In this place, Gao Teng would never dare to use [Smell Enhancement], the smell would definitely make him not want to use this ability again until he died.

   Moreover, the flavors in Liuhun Street are too complicated, and all kinds of strange things are mixed together, and [Smell Enhancement] is probably not useful.

   "That's a problem." Xia Ling looked thoughtful, "If he doesn't want to come out, do we have to go door to door?

   This is obviously useless, Huang Yong is not an NPC in the game, he just sits and waits for us to come to the door. During the process of looking for him, we probably escaped. "

   Gao Teng agreed.

   "Do you have any good ideas?" Xia Ling asked.

   Gao Teng thought for a while, "Find someone to ask."

   He looked around and saw a young lady standing in the alley.

  Miss is wearing a black lace deep V dress without underwear, and the majesty of her chest can hardly be covered.

   When she saw Gao Teng, she panicked.


   Gao Teng made a surprised voice, it was an old acquaintance.

   He put his hand in front of Xia Ling, "Lend me 100 yuan, and I will pay you back."

  Xia Ling followed Gao Teng's line of sight, and immediately retracted it, took out a hundred yuan from her pocket and slapped it in Gao Teng's hand, "Don't say anything about the relationship between us.

   Don't forget, I'm still a member of the Hero Association, and all the leaders' requests should be unconditionally answered. "

  Gao Teng was about to move again next to the horse character engraved in his genes. He forcibly held back and asked curiously, "Aren't you curious about what I want a hundred dollars for?"

   "What else can I do?" Xia Ling raised her chin at the young lady in the alley, "It must be inquiring from her, it's impossible for her to show her professional skills, right?"

   "Maybe so."

   "Come on, you're not that kind of person, don't make such vulgar jokes."

   Sure enough, beautiful girls are more fun.

   Gao Teng sighed deeply and walked towards the young lady.

   "Why is it you again!"

   As soon as Gao Teng approached, the young lady complained and yelled.

   "Ask you something."

   Gao Teng habitually stuffed the banknotes into the gap between the two peaks.

Miss    glanced down and said helplessly, "Are you paying to beat me again?"

   Gao Teng laughed twice, "If you have this demand, I will not refuse."


   "Don't worry, you answer the question honestly, and I won't hit you."

   "You ask." Sigh.

   Gao Teng took out his mobile phone and showed the woman Huang Yong's photo, "Have you seen this person?"

   She looked at it seriously for a while, "It seems... I don't seem to have seen it before."

   Gao Teng tapped his head, "He has some mental problems."

   "Aren't you embarrassing me?

   How many people in Liuhun Street are mentally normal? "


   Gao Teng fell into a huge silence, which was a little embarrassing.

   "I suggest you go to Dongsheng Gang and ask, those people have more information than me."

   Gao Teng slapped his forehead hard.

Yes indeed!

   Such a simple thing, he didn't expect it.

   "A woman like me who survives by selling her body can't be of much use, I can only help you so much."

"Thank you."

   Gao Teng waved goodbye, Miss Sister was a little lost, she didn't slap her face, and felt that one hundred yuan was not secure.

   Gao Teng returned to Xia Ling. Before she could speak, Xia Ling asked first, "Did you ask anything?"

   Gao Teng shrugged, and then said: "She has never seen Huang Yong, so let me go to Dongsheng Gang to ask."

   "There should be people with good abilities in the Dongsheng Gang, but it doesn't matter, they are not my opponents.

   Whatever you do, I will support you." Xia Ling was full of confidence.

   "You are too reliable." Gao Teng patted Xia Ling's shoulder heavily, "I am now making you my great protector!"

  Xia Ling was very satisfied with this position. She thought about it and said, "By the way, is it illegal for me to help?"

   "I went to Dongsheng Gang to inquire very kindly, but they had a bad attitude and even sent people to attack me.

   At this time, you are defending yourself in order to protect my safety, how can it be considered a violation? "

   After saying this, Xia Ling suddenly became enlightened, she nodded repeatedly, and praised Gao Teng and tricky.

   Thanks to the book friend Qingqing Zijin who read qq for your reward and support~



   (end of this chapter)

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