A Capable Maid - Chapter 2.10

Published at 7th of July 2023 05:21:28 AM

Chapter 2.10

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“However, it’s difficult to speculate the arsonist’s intention. While I cannot say for sure, it is most likely an accident considering they did not use highly flammable materials or any elaborate method.”

With that, her explanation came to an end.

Crown Prince Rael inwardly exclaimed in admiration, ‘How truly remarkable.’ If she’d merely discovered the culprit by fluke without any supporting evidence, he wouldn’t have been so impressed. However, the clues brought forth by that maid were by no means out of the ordinary. They were all things that had been found by everyone. From such common clues, she was able to deduce such an unforeseen conclusion. It was truly extraordinary.

‘Just who is that maid…’

He murmured the lingering doubts that had crossed his mind multiple times recently. The more he got to know her, the more he discovered there’s a different side to her. Just what the hell kind of person was she?

Crown Prince Rael suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe. It was an inexplicable sensation of stuffiness that he felt every time he saw her.

Meanwhile, the others present in the room also experienced a range of emotions. ‘She’s truly impressive. I seriously want to bring her to the West Empire now,’ Emperor Johannes of the Western Empire suddenly became more interested in her than before.

‘Miss Marie?’ Kierhan, who’d already held a favorable opinion of Marie, was deeply impressed of her concise explanation.

However, Prime Minister Oren’s reaction, who’d been silent for a while, was slightly different. ‘Who the hell is that maid?’

Unlike the others, he looked at her with suspicion. ‘How could a maid make such deductions?’ As far as he knew, she was a junior maid who’d been doing menial work until recently. She didn’t seem the type who could make such inferences.

‘Something’s fishy. I must keep an eye on her.’

Although he’s aware that Crown Prince Rael was already monitoring her, he thought that he should dig a little deeper for the Crown Prince’s sake—adding to the list of Marie’s long list of problems.

Once the Crown Prince regained his composure, he said, “I will take note of your account.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“I cannot say for certain that your conjectures are correct, given that the culprit hasn’t been confirmed yet, but it will be of great help to the investigation all the same. Is there anything you want?”

Marie hesitated for a moment before cautiously broaching Jane’s situation. “The truth is…”

Upon hearing her explanation, the Crown Prince nodded. “I see. Since it’s been determined that it was not that maid’s fault, she will naturally be acquitted of any crime.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

“However, that is an obvious course of action and cannot be considered as a reward for the contributions you’ve made.”

Marie wore a troubled expression upon hearing those words.

Reward? The greatest reward for her was to have everyone’s attention away from her.

“I don’t want anything in particular…”

The Crown Prince interrupted her with a nod. “Very well.”


“Anyhow, if your deduction is correct, we would be able to apprehend the culprit quickly. There’s one person who comes to mind immediately.”

Marie’s expression turned puzzled. Someone immediately came to his mind? And it seemed that it wasn’t just the Crown Prince, but the Prime Minister as well.

“Perhaps… If the maid is right, it’s possible that it’s him.”


Kierhan, who was listening to their exchange, seemed to have guessed the identity of the culprit as well. In comparison to them, he looked uneasy and pale. “Don’t tell me… Could he really?”

Marie stood awkwardly, not knowing whom they were talking about.

The Crown Prince turned his gaze back to her. “I’ll summon you once the culprit is apprehended. Even if that doesn’t happen, I had something to discuss with you alone.”

‘Who on earth is the culprit?’

Marie pondered as she lie on her bed. It was a relief that Jane’s name had been cleared and that they’d avoided unnecessary conflict with the West Empire at the same time. However, the question remained: who could the actual culprit be?

When Crown Prince Rael and Prime Minister Oren listened to her conjectures, they immediately thought of someone in particular—even Kiel had thought the same, which meant that the suspect was someone very familiar to them.

‘Plus, Kiel seemed extremely agitated.’

A childlike build;

Someone who had knowledge of every nook and cranny of the palace;

And was known by everyone.

‘Who could it be?’

Suddenly, a certain someone popped into Marie’s mind. Come to think of it, there was one person—someone who perfectly matched the profile she’d created!

‘N-No way.’

Her face turned pale as soon as she recalled that person, resembling the expression on Kierhan’s face earlier.

‘It couldn’t be him,’ Marie tried to deny it.

But then suddenly, someone knocked on her door. As she opened the door, Almond, Crown Prince’s Royal Guard Knight, stood before her. With his towering figure, he glanced down at Marie, who barely reached his chest.

“Miss Marie?”


“His Highness the Crown Prince summons you. Prepare to go to the Lion Palace immediately.”

“I understand,” Marie said. As soon as she’s done getting ready, she immediately went out of the room since Almond was waiting for her. Marie followed behind him as he headed towards the Lion Palace.

‘What a mess.’ She sighed inwardly. Not only was she worried about the Crown Prince’s summons, but she was dreading the identity of the arsonist as well. ‘What should I do if he really is the culprit?’

Almond quickly turned his head when he heard her sigh deeply. “Don’t worry too much.”


“I know how you all call him, and I can assure you he doesn’t drink the blood of virgins as the rumors say.”

“Oh, no, I…”

Almond seemed to have misunderstood Marie’s concern regarding the Crown Prince. ‘I wasn’t worried that he might consume my blood. Though it is true that I find him scary.’

“Anyway, let’s hurry.”


Marie began to see Almond in a different light. ‘Was he trying to comfort me?’ Although he appeared stern, he surprisingly had a kind side to him.

Encouraged by his kindness, Marie tentatively said, “Um, Sir Almond.”


“Has the arsonist been caught already?”

Almond briefly glanced at her face and nodded. “They did. The culprit confessed to the crime and is currently in custody.”

Marie’s face hardened. Considering the speed at which they apprehended the culprit, it seemed likely that the person the Crown Prince, Prime Minister, and Kiel suspected was indeed the culprit.

A foreboding feeling washed over Marie. ‘Could it really be true?’

“I-I was just wondering, who was the culprit?” Marie asked anxiously, but Almond shook his head.

“You’ll find out when we’re at the Lion Palace.”

“…I see.”

Marie reluctantly shut her mouth and followed him. Eventually, they arrived at the Crown Prince’s office.

“Your Highness, I’ve brought Miss Marie.”

“Come in.”


The sound of the door opening grated her ears. Upon entering, Marie bowed and said, “Greetings to Your Highness, the Crown Prince.”

The Crown Prince was with the Prime Minister. The latter was speaking vehemently to the crown prince, but when he saw Marie, he stopped talking.

“Yes, come in quickly. Thanks to you, we were able to easily find the culprit.”

“I beg your pardon.”

The Crown Prince looked at her wordlessly for a moment. There was a mysterious gleam in his usually cold eyes, which puzzled Marie. However, it was fleeting, and he spoke in his usual detached tone. “You’ve made a contribution from the last dinner banquet and this makes your second contribution now. I can’t just let you go unrewarded. Is there anything you wish for?”

As usual, Marie was about to shake her head and decline politely. She didn’t want to attract more attention from the prince by receiving rewards or accolades. But then suddenly, an idea popped into her mind—something she needed to ask the Crown Prince.

‘I should take this opportunity to request the cancellation of my assignment at the Lion Palace.’

If she didn’t ask for it, she would end up working alongside the Crown Prince after the festival was over. She must absolutely avoid it at all cost. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to address that issue. “Actually…”

But suddenly, when she was about to open her mouth, she noticed a document placed on the Crown Prince’s desk.

It read: “Crystal Palace Fire Report.”

It seemed to be a report submitted by the Imperial Guard. Unconsciously, Marie glanced at the section indicating the ‘culprit.’


Her eyes widened upon seeing the name of the culprit. ‘H-Him? Is it really him? It can’t be! Why?’

As she suddenly became silent, the Crown Prince furrowed his brows. “What’s wrong?”

“Your Highness, excuse me, but… may I know who the culprit is?”

The Crown Prince, with a perplexed expression, responded to her inquiry about the culprit. “It’s Oscar.”

Upon hearing the answer, Marie’s complexion turned as pale as a corpse.

“Yes, Oscar, the 10th Prince, was the culprit.”

‘For real? Prince Oscar was the culprit?’

Memories of the little prince who was cute as a doll came to her mind—

The cute banter they used to have;

The sight of him on the verge of tears for being alienated at the banquet;

His expression of delight when he watched her perform magic tricks.

‘The cute and pitiful little prince was the culprit?’

The Crown Prince calmly said, “You were of great help in the investigation. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have even suspected the culprit.”

Marie couldn’t pay attention to the Crown Prince’s praises. Only one thought kept running through her mind. ‘Why? Why would he start the fire?’ She simply couldn’t believe it. ‘Could it be that he wanted to ruin the grand banquet as revenge against those who alienated him?’

Such thoughts crossed her mind briefly, but she shook her head. Watching her perform magic had somewhat softened him, and above all, the little prince didn’t seem to possess such wicked nature. Especially when they parted ways, didn’t he cried like a child, promising to get back at her with his magic?

It was hard to imagine that he would commit arson to sabotage the grand banquet. ‘Then why?’

In an instant, the little prince’s declaration flashed through her mind. ‘Just wait and see! I’ll study the magic you showed me today and then we’ll make a bet again!’

‘Could it be?’ She swallowed the lump in her throat. ‘Was he practicing the flame vanishing trick I showed him?’

Flame Vanishing Trick. It is a magic trick that involves lighting a candlestick and making it disappear.

Perhaps the little prince accidentally caused the fire while practicing it.

Marie asked in a trembling voice, “Your Highness, why did Prince Oscar started the fire…?”

“Well,” the Crown Prince trailed off. “He didn’t mean to ruin the banquet on purpose, and he mentioned something about practicing with the candlestick. But he refuse to provide a clear reason when pressed further.”

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