Published at 19th of February 2024 05:58:44 AM

Chapter 6

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Her satisfied smile turned into a frown of frustration. How come she didn't plan on this sooner? Gunpowder is a big part of what makes firearms work. She needs to find a source for it now, or the work she had put into making the flintlock would all go to waste. 

She sighed and got off the chair. She then left the smith to go grab her cloak, which she wears when going to the market. She does this because every time she goes there, her body gets assaulted by stares from both men and women alike. Her body was getting more mature, with all the curves a woman would dream of, along with bountiful chests that sometimes offset her balance. Nevertheless, she is dead set on finding a source of gunpowder for her weapons.

"Nirra? Where are you going?" A voice behind her said Turning around, Nirra saw Ellie, who was staring at her with her head to the side.

Ellie has also begun to mature; like Nirra, Ellie has also made the transition from a little girl into a petite woman. though her chests aren't the same size as her twin's. She had ruby-red eyes, the same as Nirra. The only difference between the two is that Nirra has long hair tied into a ponytail that reaches her thighs, while Ellie has shorter hair that goes down to her neck.

"I'm just going to the market again to get more materials to finish my project." Nirra replied, turning her body towards Ellie.

"Can I come along? Mom already said I could. Ellie spoke while stepping forward to put on her shoes. Nirra nodded and replied, "I don't see why not." 

The two spent two hours roaming around the market trying to look for gunpowder, but true to Nirra's fears, they couldn't find any.

"What are we looking for, Nirra? It's been two hours, and we still haven't found what we're searching for." Ellie sat down on the edge of the fountain in the middle of the plaza.

"You'll know when you see it; it looks like black powder," replied Nirra, sitting beside her.

"Maybe it's sold in a different city." Ellie advised.

"Probably," Nirra agreed, "let's just head home for the day." She continued, and Ellie agreed to it.

That got Nirra thinking, though. 'Of course gunpowder would not be available on the market since none of the guards poses any kind of firearm; it could be that the nobles are hoarding it, but I highly doubt that would be the case since the gossips don't even mention the explosive powder once' 

Once they were out of the market area, Nirra heard two men talking to each other on the side of the main road.

"Hey, are you heading out?" said one of the men.

"Yep, heading to Aeris tomorrow. What's wrong?" He replied.

"I'd postpone it if I were you," the first man said with a serious expression.

"Why? The weather looks good, plus there are no bandit sightings on the route to Aeris." The second man looked puzzled as to why his friend was worried.

The first man sighed and looked at him. "You idiot, do you wonder why there are no bandit sightings?" 


"Doomslimes had been spotted in the area." The first man said, to which the second guy seemed shocked.

"You mean the slimes that blow up?" The first guy looks kind of irritated, so he hits the second guy lightly with his hand.

"Why do you think they're called Doomslimes? idiot" The first guy said, as he sighed at his friend being dumb again.

"Yeah, I think I'll postpone the ride to Aeris for a few days," said the second man with a sad expression.

Nirra, on the other hand, was absolutely ecstatic. These slimes could be the basis from which she could make gunpowder. if she were able to get a sample of the slime. She could try using it in place of the charcoal, sulfur, and nitrate solution found in gunpowder. Or maybe the slime itself has those compounds, and she just has to turn it into powder form. 

Nirra smiled like a kid who had just gotten their mom to buy them a shiny new toy. So Nirra and Ellie rushed to their house. Ellie, though, was a bit confused as to why her twin sister was full of energy all of a sudden. 

After they arrived home, Nirra took off her cloak and sat down on a chair. Her sister excused herself because their dad called her when they arrived. 

Nirra, now sitting alone, thought of a plan to procure a sample of those doomslimes. Well, the obvious way is to register as an adventurer and take an extermination quest to kill the slime, but that would be dangerous only because Nirra, in her past life, was only taught how to use any kind of gun. not close quarters fighting with a sword. 

Then it hit her: why not just pay the guild to set up a doomslime extermination quest? and have adventurers do the task for her. Of course, she would have to provide the rewards for the adventurers as well as pay the guild for their services. But that is better than going out there herself without a gun to defend. So she grabbed her pouch, where she saved up 40 silver coins from her monthly allowance. She then dawned her cloak once more while she put on her shoes.

"I knew saving this much money would come in handy one day." Nirra smiled to herself and went ahead to walk to the adventurer's guild.

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