Published at 17th of April 2024 07:13:35 AM

Chapter 6

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The Souls in Sectum – Chapter IV – Donarium

After her short meeting with Tabitha, Zanda believed learning more about Sectum was essential. In front of her eyes, T.H.I.C. played footage and images of the place her mind went to. It was the land of the Extarri and where Malkuthians ended up if they decided to break the Edictum Vitae, the law of Malkuth.

That land was formerly known as Greenland; now, it was considered a continent divided into four countries, each ruled by a social and governmental system from the past, named after them: Capitalia, Dictaduria, Imperia, and Eslavia.

Gia interrupted her research.

“The course to Civitas Permacolae in Tasmania is set. Do you want me to lead?”

“Halfway there. I’ll pilot for now; what should we play?”

She took both arms and legs to her sides, preparing for the ride, it was a beautiful day.

“We had a blast with ‘Reev1!”, maybe a couple of decades before? I’m developing a thing for twenty-third-century music,” the flight began. Her body was carried away by an incredible speed propelled by her merkabah. Lake Wanaka and the Aoraki mount shrank behind in seconds.

“What about the Bee Gees? It’s from a couple of centuries before Reev1!, who cites them as an inspiration in his most recent work.”

“Have I listened to them before? Do they have a relation to a hive? Maybe they come from cartoons.” Zanda perceived a strange familiarity with the name. “Oh, you’ve heard them before,” Gia faked a gasp. “The last time was four years ago. According the birthcloud records, the song was interrupted.”

“What?” She was skeptical.

“Javius,” the kabbalah said the name with such a tone it annoyed her. It was an old flame and someone she didn’t want to remember.

“He sang ‘More than a woman’….”

“Gia! Just play one goddamn song, and don’t make me remember that. Is something wrong with you!? He’s the last person you should worry about!” She said, tired of it.

“You’re boring.” A pair of muscular arms and an equally tanned back were displayed in front of her eyes. It was a body she hadn’t seen in years.

“Seriously, are you overheating!?” Zanda was furious.

“Yes! I mean no, but yes,” Her kabbalah was nervous. “Sorry, a different song. Got it!”

She closed her eyes in exasperation. Those memories were buried deep in her brain, and she did not need Gia to bring them back. Javius was a mistake in her life, and, to the gevurah’s disgrace, her companion fell for that infernal creature even harder than her.

“I apologize; my wires get weird when Javius appears in any file.” Gia’s tone was regretful.

It’s response was amusing to Zanda.

 “You don’t have wires; that’s ancient!”

“That was a joke. You didn’t get it. I’m about to play ‘Rocket Woman,’ a reinterpretation from the original hit released in 11,970 by Elton John, seems suitable in your situation.”

The young woman enjoyed the impressive view and studied the trajectory projected before her eyes. While they got distracted by Javius, the suit had reduced its speed. She concentrated on pushing her body forward, increasing her merkabah’s velocity. T.H.I.C. displayed much needed data; one of them was the current speed: 925 k/h., 950 k/h., 975 k/h.

When she started training five years ago and became a gevuritah, Zanda couldn’t lift herself from the ground for a second, and now her body was close to Mach one. The strength of the link between mind and merkabah was beyond any expectation.

“We’re breaking the barrier of sound,” Gia notified her.

The suit flew at an increasing speed while the playlist crossfaded into Celia Cruz’s ‘Oye Como Va’.

“Why is everything getting darker?” For a second, Zanda experienced confusion as her surroundings lost light. The merkabah slowed down. She was skeptical.

“We were going so fast our travel speed exceeded the sunlight rising on the horizon. In a simple explanation, you were living the same sunrise in a different time zone.” Zanda listened to the explanation, amused as she witnessed how the sun’s light grew smaller and the dark of the night awaited ahead.

Zanda listens to the explanation, amused as she witnesses how the sun’s light grows smaller and the dark of the night awaits ahead. 

“Not a common event, but not impossible. You are racing away from the sun.” Her merkabah couldn’t cease to amaze her. There was no extra pressure, no lag, no noise, nothing. “Terminator is ahead, the area that divides night and day.”

“Gia, take the lead and record this. Reduce speed, and pair it with the morning light coming in. I want to fly parallel to it.” She recognized it at a distance, an area where both darkness and light could be perceived equally. The woman reduced her speed to an eight in two seconds. She wanted to enjoy her flight above the Pacific Ocean; it was breathtaking.

“My pleasure.” the kabbalah takes complete control of the merkabah for the first time. 

Zanda relaxed her muscles. It was a little cold, to which her armor reacted by warming up a few decimals of a degree.

Gia flew the merkabah up and above into the sky, maintaining the same speed.

Getting close to the troposphere, the gevurah saw both day and night. Her body positioned parallel to the Terminator, traveling at the same speed. It seemed stationary, which allowed Zanda to appreciate that beautiful spectacle. Night and day, sun and moon, yin and yang, two lovers chasing each other as she rotated on her axis and contemplated everything around.

She remembered dreams from when she was a kid, of becoming a Gevurah. In all those years, she never fantasized about relaxing practices. They were about action, spectacle, and heroism. Zanda never imagined flying above that massive ocean in pair to the birth of a new day and dead of an old one would make her feel so whole, proud of herself.

As a gevuritah, she had to master the art of meditation, learning to separate her body and mind. Through practice, Zanda honed her ability to manipulate her body chemistry, even harnessing her pituitary gland to unlock the potential of her third eye. This newfound skill allowed her to perceive other planes and dimensions, with her wandering soul tethered to her physical body until the day she chose to release it and her spirit was freed onto everything. 

Her affection for Malkuth—formerly known as Earth—was boundless. Though she had only been a Malkuthian for a brief period, Zanda cherished her heritage deeply. Gia, her source of endless knowledge had always been there for her, offering information whenever she sought it.

“You’ve been summoned by members of The Gevurah, ten seconds until a connection is established.” The kabbalah interrupted her thoughts once more.

Heeding the warning, she abruptly halted her journey, guiding the merkabah to hover just above the sea surface within seconds, as the sun began its ascent in the distance.

Far away, the Civitas Permacolae of Tasmania loomed, a floating city positioned two thousand kilometers from Australia. Populated by farmers, herbalists, and agriculturists, most of whom were Tipharet from the Sixth Sephirah, aiding this advanced metropolis to produce over a million tons of supplies weekly for Malkuth and some colonies.

Assuming a lotus position, Zanda floated above the water, her eyes closed.

“"Establishing connection," Gia initiated immediately.

Zanda cleared her mind, allowing the flow of Vis energy to traverse her pituitary gland. Though her physical form and the merkabah remained suspended over the ocean, her consciousness embarked on a distinct journey

The woman closed her amber eyes, and upon reopening them, she beheld her physical self from a new perspective, floating above the vast sea. Attempting to touch her own face proved futile; her hands passed right through. Zanda's spirit merged with her mirror image, gaining awareness of all dimensions, vibrations, and frequencies, experiencing a state of entropy and unity with the cosmos.

Her consciousness joined with the collective spirit of her Sephirot, The Gevurah, guiding her to her destined location. The infinity around her faded, replaced by a kaleidoscope of colors, leading her to Gevurium—a spiritual realm accessible to members of her branch through astral projection. This sanctuary, the Donarium of The Gevurah, existed beyond the third dimension, a haven for any consciousness capable of reaching it and a true hell for those trying to harm it, crafted from the collective minds under Yggdrasil, The Tree of Life.

Gevurium was adorned with the virtues of the Fifth Sephirot, painted in hues of love and fury, numerology of five while also embodying the essence of the sun, fire, blood, passion, and bravery. Its architecture, innate with sacred geometry, presented a labyrinth of energy only a Superior Gevurah could navigate to its fullest.

Upon entering, Zanda stepped onto a newly formed bridge of onyx-like material directed towards an arch, the sanctuary's gateway. As her spirit touched the dark stone, a luminous projection of her body materialized, allowing her to cross into its chaos. Inside, she felt the pull of Vis energy from the Gevurah awaiting her, connecting with three consciousnesses—one familiar, her mentor Refius, and two others, strangers with unique, intense vibrations. From these two, she felt waves of pride and kindness.

Her astral form was drawn through countless doors of varying shapes and sizes, each opening to reveal a new path through the sanctuary, leading her to a chamber unknown at its heart.


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