A Wave Of Desire - Chapter 42

Published at 11th of March 2022 09:40:57 PM

Chapter 42: Makai - An Awkward Dinner Part 4

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I had expected Ocean to wait in the bathroom until Coach and the delivery people were gone. If he had made a fool of himself in front of them then that was truly understandable. He wouldn't want them to see him and know where he was or have them laugh at him again, if they had indeed laughed at him. Still, I wouldn't mind knowing what had happened.

Almost as if he had been listening at the door, waiting for the signal that the coast was all clear, Ocean opened the door and came out of the bathroom. I had just put the last of the food on the table and sat down. I was going to call out for him to let him know he didn't have to hide anymore but he had proved it to be unnecessary.

As soon as I saw Ocean's face I could tell that his cheeks were tinged red from his embarrassment. I really would like to know what he had done earlier to cause this whole mess between him and the delivery guys. However, I also didn't want to upset him by prying.

"Holy shit. Coach wasn't joking when he said he was going to get us extra." Ocean's eyes were opened wide with shock when he looked at the table covered in food.

"Yeah, there is an equal amount of everything so there is no need to share any of it." I told him as I pointed out the two piles that I had made which were identical in every way.

Without saying anything else Ocean sat down and looked at the food like he was a man who had been starved and deprived of food for days. I could practically see the drool dripping from the corners of his mouth.

'Oh Ocean,' the words were coming unbidden to my mind and I could only thank my lucky stars that they weren't coming out of my mouth instead, 'I wish you were drooling over me instead.'

I had to shake my head, hard, to try and get those thoughts out of it.

'Stop it Kai! Ocean doesn't want that. It's not OK to think like that so just forget about it.' I was scolding and reprimanding myself as I stared at him. I was trying really, really hard not to find anything he was doing to be appealing or attractive in any way. I tried not to find the shape of his mouth to be so alluring. Or the way that he shifted and moved his head around to be so sexy.

I shook my head again, harder this time. I needed to dislodge these thoughts. I needed to force that train of thought to retire completely. It had no business being in my head at all.

"Are you alright?" Ocean was looking at me with his head tilted and his eyebrows drawn together. He was clearly confused about what I was doing. I needed to play this off as if nothing at all was going on.

"Yeah, I think I just have some water trapped in my ear. I can hear it moving around and it's driving me nuts." We are swimmers, we have all had a case of swimmer's ears, several cases of it in fact.

"Use some saline and stop shaking your head like a dog." He was laughing at me as he shook his head now, he found my action funny and I found his laugh adorable. It was a win-win in my opinion. He hadn't figured out what was really going on anyway and that was the best part of it all.

"Yeah, I will after I eat." I lied again, I had no intention of using saline drops in my ears because I didn't need to. I was just shaking the inappropriate thoughts about him out of my head.

I did my best to concentrate on my food then. There was enough of it to occupy me for a little while, but it wasn't more than I could eat. Hell, if I truly wanted, I could eat everything that the coach had given us, my portion and Ocean's. But I would never do that. I had a feeling, though, that Ocean wouldn't even get through half of the food he had been given. What would he think when I ate all of my food?

We ate slowly in silence, working our way through the food methodically. Oddly enough we both started with the exact same thing. We grabbed the salad. It was the only leafy green substance the coach had given us, most likely because he wanted to say that he had tried to make us eat healthy so we were going to say that we complied. I was hungry enough to eat all my food so the salad disappeared fast.

And, strange as it was, all of Ocean's salad disappeared just as quickly as mine did. Following the salad we both reached for the plastic container that smelled like bar-be-cue. We popped it open and there laid about a dozen boneless wings that were covered in delicious sauce. Those disappeared one by one from both of our containers.

Once the chicken was gone we each flipped open our boxes. The big one with the pizza and the little one with the bread sticks. Man, those smelled amazing. The garlic was strong but it didn't seem overpowering, and best of all there seemed to be parmesan on it all as well.

I stopped watching Ocean then. I was paying attention to my food. I was working my way through it all meticulously, eating one piece of pizza then a bread stick, then another piece of pizza and so on. It wasn't exactly slow going but it was something that I could use to distract me for the time being.

When I was finally done eating, wiping my hands on a paper napkin, I expected to see Ocean sitting there with half the pizza and bread untouched. I imagined him groaning in pain from his overly full stomach.

I was wrong though. Ocean was smiling happily and cleaning his hands and face the exact same way as I had been doing before I froze in shock. What the hell? I had never met anyone who ate like me before. Aside from my own family that is.

Was Ocean like me or not? Sometimes I thought he was and others I was so convinced that he couldn't be. What the hell was the truth about him?

"Is something wrong? He looked at me, confusion filling his eyes. "I know I eat a lot but you have no room to talk. You ate all of your food too."

"Well, almost all." I smirked at him. "We still have our dessert. But I am betting you don't have room for it." I just knew he was going to be too full for it. He had to be.

"Like hell I am. If you try to take my dessert I will have to knock you on your ass and take yours. I will eat both of them instead."

There was no way. I could eat them both, but my metabolism was much higher than that of a normal person's. But, Ocean's wasn't like that, was it?" As I tried to figure it out I watched him unwrap his giant cookie and take a huge bite out of it. He closed his eyes and groaned loudly. Almost instantly my thoughts slipped from the innocent ones that had to do with what he was really doing and into some not so innocent ones that had me wondering how I could get him to make that sound for me. Would it be best if he was under me or pressed to a wall in front of me or-.

"Are you going to eat it?" I heard Ocean's voice and I imagined dirty thoughts about putting things in my mouth that I am pretty sure he had never intended for me to think about. "If you don't then I will." There was that cute laugh again as he moved toward me.

I snapped back to my senses and pulled my cookie toward me. I wasn't going to let him have it, it was mine. Well, I guess he could have it, all he had to do was agree to be mine. It wouldn't be that hard for him, would it?

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