Published at 19th of October 2023 07:24:00 AM

Chapter 445

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It turns out that before Fu Shiyun and Qin Wenhao proposed to break up, Qin Wenhao's parents sent someone to her hometown and found the unit where her parents worked. They said that their daughter Gou and her son were still in a delusion of marrying into a rich family. The Qin family also told Fu Shiyun's parents that their son had a young fiancee for a long time, and Fu Shiyun Ming knew Qin Wenhao There is a fiancee still tangled with him, that is, shameless little three.

The county where the Fu family is located is very small. I don't know who passed on this matter. As a result, it was made a lot of noise. Fu Shiyun's father was directly angry and lived in the hospital. Her mother called her and told her to break up with Qin Wenhao immediately.

Fu Shiyun has always been proud of herself. She has numerous pursuers from childhood to adulthood, but she always abides by her own bottom line. Even if she is with Qin Wenhao, the two people's biggest limit is to pull a hand, hug and kiss her, and she will be embarrassed.

Knowing that the people of the Qin family actually said this, Fu Shiyun immediately felt ashamed and indignant. She wanted to find Qin Wenhao and ask him clearly. When she found Qin Wenhao, she saw him teaching a girl she didn't know to play billiards.

At that moment, Fu Shiyun immediately felt cheated and betrayed by him --

Qin Wenhao: listen to my explanation, things are not what you think.

Fu Shiyun: I don't listen to me, I don't listen to me!

In short, after a ruthless and shameless vexatious entanglement, the female Lord angrily broke up and asked for leave to go back to her hometown.

In her hometown, Fu Shiyun's mobile phone was confiscated by her mother. She has been taking good care of her father all the time, and has explained clearly the things between herself and Qin Wenhao.

When everything at home was settled and her father's illness improved, her mother returned her mobile phone to Fu Shiyun. After she turned it on, she immediately received hundreds of short messages from Qin Wenhao.

That night, she stayed up all night listening to his voice until dawn -

Shi Yun, I didn't know what love is until I met you.

Shi Yun, you are my only one. In this life, I just want to marry you to be my bride.

Shi Yun, I admit that I have had many girlfriends before, but after being with you, I have only one in my heart and eyes, and I can't hold a second person any more.


Everyone is looking forward to a unique love.

Fu Shiyun broke up with Qin Wenhao in a fit of anger, but in fact, she really likes Qin Wenhao very much.

However, Qin Wenhao was born in the cloud. Fu Shiyun was afraid that he could not catch him.

Because too much love, so will worry about gain and loss, because too much love, so will be suspicious.

That night, Fu Shiyun has been weeping until dawn. She can't deceive her heart. She decides to go back and tell Qin Wenhao everything clearly. She wants to tell him that she also loves him very much. She is not for money or to marry into a rich family. Even if he has nothing, she will love him for life!


However, what Fu Shiyun didn't expect was that when she returned to T City, the first thing she got was that Qin Wenhao was going to officially marry Yinli!

Although Fu Shiyun only saw the silver lady in the photo, Qin Wenhao mentioned it to her. He said that it was his childhood sweetheart and his fiancee.

But Qin Wenhao also stressed that two people only have brother and sister relationship, and they do not interfere in each other's private emotional life.

Since it is brother and sister, since each play their own, why should suddenly get married?

Is it because of your sudden departure? Or because of his parents' pressure?

Fu Shiyun persuades himself in the bottom of his heart that he must believe the man who says he loves him deeply. He will not cheat himself or betray himself.

Therefore, Fu Shiyun took the initiative to call Qin Wenhao out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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