Published at 26th of October 2022 12:30:35 PM

Chapter 248

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Chapter 248: Can you help forge my identity?

Robb dreamed of Xuelu a few days ago, of course, but he couldn't recognize her at such a time. He smiled and said, "of course not. What do I want you to do?"

“Hehe. You really don’t want to admit it.”

"I really don’t have anything to admit," Robb said.

Even if the duck is dead, the mouth is hard and must not be soft.

Xuelu saw that he did not give up yet, but there was nothing she could do about it. Anyway, she hung her hands around his neck.

Gorda and Jike came up from behind, went to Baron Nuolun and saluted with a smile, "Baron, we have perfectly accomplished the task you have entrusted to us."

Gorda took out a parchment map with several red lines on it. "We have explored the trade routes on these red lines," he said with a smile. "We have already explored these red lines to ensure that there are no obstacles and there are no powerful monsters in the way."

Robb leaned over and looked at the map taken out by Gorda. With the town of Westwind as the center, several red lines extended to the south, southwest and southeast, leading to several cities and noble castles. The red lines indicate that the trade routes in these places are clear.

Baron Nuolun couldn't help being overjoyed, "that would be great, hahaha! As soon as I decided to start making a lot of sugar, there came the news that the trade road was safe now. It is really blessed that nothing can stop me from making money. I will let my nephew send the reward of the three of you later.”

The three adventurers laughed. They came out to take risks mainly to experience the thrill of adventure. Of course, it is also important to make money.

Baron Nuolun then took his leave.

But the three adventurers stayed, and as long as they were in Westwind Town, they often stayed in Robb’s chapel, chatting with Robb, eating and drinking with him.

Especially Xuelu, she has nothing to do and wants to trick Robb into marrying her, and then blow whispers in her husband's ear, and bring him for adventures…

She smiled while hanging on Robb's neck and said, "the magic training book you gave me last time was amazing. Now I can cast wind magic at will. With the robe you gave me, the magic can go on and on. The power is indescribable. This time we ran into a team of more than 20 ogres, which would have been very hard before, but this time, I swung the wind blades and the ogres were wiped out in an instant. Gorda and Jike haven’t even done much yet, . "

Robb smiled and said, "Oh, as long as it helped."

"Do you have any other training books?" Xuelu was said, "I need an earth series one, or a training book on water magic, or even fire. People like the feeling of putting magic in this way. If you give me another one, I will marry you. You can do whatever you want to my jade body…”

Robb said angrily, "Then I can’t give you a single one. I don't want you to marry me." After that, he added, "be careful when you speak, don't taint my Lillian. You see, she’s blushing."

"Cut! Be prudent, your hand is quietly on my waist again, don't think I haven't noticed."

Robb: "……"

Xuelu suddenly changed the subject, pointed to Suofa and said, "who is this? A new maid? But her eyes are sharp. She doesn’t seem to have been sold by traffickers."

Robb said with a smile, "She's an assassin from the desert kingdom. After the vanguard army retreated, you went out to complete a task. That's when the assassin came. As you can see, she failed, and now I've arrested her to reform through labor."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!