Published at 12th of July 2023 05:03:30 AM

Chapter 836

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Chapter 836: They turned into ores

The people of Norma have left!

Robb and his group decided to stay behind because they obtained a map that covered half of the mountainous region. The people of Norma were skilled in mapmaking, so the map was beautifully done. Although it was only half of the region, it was sufficient. The other half of the mountains, which was unfamiliar and unknown, could be explored at a later time.

Robb turned to Elsie and said, "Let's prepare to build a mining city here." He pointed to three key locations on the map: an iron mine, a coal mine, and a titansteel mine. He marked a spot between these three points that seemed suitable for building a city and said, "We'll build it here."

Elsie nodded but looked a bit concerned as he glanced at the dozens of titan giants' corpses nearby. These giants were incredibly massive, with bodies as large as mountains. He whispered, "Godfather, what should we do with these bodies? Leaving them as they are might lead to an awkward situation. They will decompose, emit a foul smell, and turn into dozens of horrifying, disease-spreading mountains. This area will become uninhabitable."

Robb replied, "It seems I'll have to dig several large pits and bury them." However, before he could finish his sentence, he sensed something was amiss. The corpses of the titan giants were rapidly changing color, becoming increasingly pale and resembling inorganic matter. Before long, they had all transformed into stone-like objects, stiff and solid.

"Huh?" Suofa exclaimed, "They turned into ores."

Meanwhile, Robb flew around the mountain range to ensure there were no remaining titan giants hiding. He wanted to ensure the safety of the new city's construction when he was absent.

Fortunately, there weren't many of these powerful magical creatures in the area. After the recent battle, all the titan giants in the mountain range had been defeated.

After about ten days, the rainy season came to an end!

Finally, sunlight dispersed the gloom in the sky. Rain clouds dissipated, and golden rays bathed the earth. The entire Mayan jungle began to exude an atmosphere of prosperity.

The newly leveled land for the new city began its construction.

With the existence of transmission gates in Westwind City, the construction of the new city progressed much faster than in the Kingdom of Norma and the Kingdom of Gran. Bags of cement were sent out through the transmission gates, along with reinforcements, iron tracks, food, tools, and various resources that flowed continuously. Countless craftsmen trained by the technical school emerged from the transmission gates and arrived in the new land.

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