Published at 1st of June 2020 07:12:51 AM

Chapter 64

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Chapter 64: ~Burn, My Cosmo1!

At the East City gate.  

Wind carrying the faint smell of blood oozed everywhere. 

On top of the city gate tower, the frenzied battle between the knights and the attacking demons had reached its climax. 

The helplessly isolated frontline knights were bitterly holding out, however, the situation had them at the end of their ropes.

“Quick! Push the ladders down! Don’t let them get near the wall! Aim the anti-demon crossbow and hit their siege vehicles!” 

The frontline knight captain dragged a knight’s corpse and rolled it towards one of the ladders attached to the city wall. Following this, the sound of metal colliding resounded. The troll foot soldiers that had adhered to the wooden ladders, who were making their way up, fell on top of each other one by one like dominos. They then slid down from the ladder, like dumplings on a stick.  

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the frontline captain took down the wooden ladder.  

“The situation is very critical… I could only borrow and make use of your remains. I’m sorry fellow knight, may honor be with you in the afterlife.  

Extraordinary situations called for extraordinary measures. Although the frontline captain knew that his method was inhumane, the fate of the entire city was at stake. He really couldn’t afford to be picky with his methods. 

The reason why they were still able to hold onto their positions right now, was purely because they hadn’t allowed the enemy to climb up to the city gate. As long as more than 3 troll foot soldiers got onto the wall, the beginning of a massacre would begin. 

The race gap between humans and demons was truly difficult to overcome. 

The only thing the frontline captain could do was to prevent the trolls from climbing up onto the city walls. 

“Captain! Captain!” A blood-stained knight pathetically fell a couple of times as he hurriedly made his way to the frontline Captain. 

“What are you doing? Why did you neglect your post and run all the way here for!?” The frontline knight angrily rebuked the knight in front of him who was incessantly panting. 

“Captain… it’s already hopeless. The city gate is about to be broken through! It’s better if we hurry up and make our escape!” The knight sorrowfully persuaded.

“Bullshit! If we were to leave now, we will leave the people in the entire city in a terrible situation. All those people include our loved ones too! Escape? Without the retreat order from our superiors, where can we run to?” The frontline captain had seemingly snapped as he held onto the knight’s shoulder and shook him. A part of his face was filled with blood, making it seem as if he had gone mad.     


“This is bad! Captain! A batch of demons are currently walking towards the city gates from within the city!” The reconnaissance scout, who hurriedly ran up the city gate, was still badly shaken as he made his report. 

“I know, aren’t they all over the outside city… Wait?! What did you say? From which direction are they coming from again?!” The frontline knight was stupefied. He felt that he had misheard his words due to the strong wind.

“A group of fully equipped trolls. They are rushing forth within the city, towards this specific direction…” Traces of sobbing were already present in the tone of the reconnaissance knight.

The frontline captain froze for a moment as he hurriedly pushed away the two knights. When he looked within the city, he was suddenly given a fright so terrifying his legs went limp. Sitting on the ground with his butt, his face was filled with indescribable despair as if he had nothing left to live for.   

Below. They were already below them.

The red-devil race, the skeleton race, and the evil spirit race… What exactly is going on here? Is this the demon coalition army?! 

With his legs outstretched, the frontline captain sat on the floor for a long time and suddenly let out a loud cry into the skies, “There’s already not enough people here, and you still have to f*cking encircle us?!  Screw you, God! I’ll make sure to sc*ew your mom in heaven! Do you hear me?? I’ll sc*ew your mom!”  

“Captain? What should we do now?’ 

“That’s right, captain. I have grown to such an old age, yet this is the first time I have seen so many demonic species altogether. 

“As a veteran of hundreds of battles, you must have seen more than your fair share of carnage on the battlefield. There’s definitely a way out of this, right?”   

“What should we do?” The frontline captain’s eyes calmly swept past his subordinates, all of whose complexions had turned deathly white from fear and silently lit a cigarette. 

“Wait for our deaths. What else can we still do? Don’t tell me you wish to speak logic with them? It’s of no use. When it comes to demons, they have a policy of not taking any human prisoners.” The frontline knight looked up at the night skies and exhaled a smoke ring from his mouth.

“Ah? But…” 

“But your ass. There’s no point in fighting when these many demons have already surrounded us. Even if you run, you definitely won’t be able to escape from them. The only thing we can do now is to wait for our deaths.” 

Just when the complexion of the knights had all turned ashen, the clamorous wind blew the blood and gore on the floor. Following that, a series of clear, orderly footsteps gradually drew closer. 

What ought to happen would eventually come. 

The first one to walk up to the city wall was a girl with a fiery-red ponytail. With a pair of black horns on her head, her hands were carrying a longsword in it while wearing a solemn expression on her face.    

What slightly surprised the frontline captain were the black knight robes that the demons were universally wearing. Rather than a coalition army, it was more accurate to say that they were an organization. What’s more, their attire, as well as the bladed weapons they were holding… were his own eyes failing him? They didn’t look like demons in the least, instead, they were somewhat similar to the official knights he had seen. 

As he thought up to this point, the frontline captain revealed a somewhat depreciating smile. He somewhat admired himself for actually worrying about such irrelevant matters even when his death was at hand. 

‘Alright. Come then! The faster I die, the quicker I get to reincarnate. Besides, there are so many comrades accompanying me on my journey to the netherworld too. No one will be able to leave here alive today.

The frontline knight leaned against the castle wall, incessantly sucking at the cigarette butt. ‘Well, let me get a few more puffs so that I can reminisce on my way to the Yellow Springs.’ 

The red-haired girl that was leading the group swept her eyes around the city gate tower, it seemed like she was assessing the situation. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed as she involuntarily came across the group of knights that had given themselves to despair.  

“Are you the knights that were guarding the city walls?” 

The frontline knight was calmly inhaling a mouthful of smoke, while his subordinate knights, who hadn’t witnessed a scene with such magnitude before, were all terrified by the large numbers of demons. This led to a situation where her question went unanswered.  

“Please answer my question, sir knight.” The red-haired girl frowned. 

“How annoying. Even on the verge of my death, you can’t grant your daddy a quick death. If you want to make a move, hurry up and do so.”  The frontline knight shot a glance towards the leader who was wearing black robes along with the rest.  

“???” Astonishment was written all over the red-haired girl’s face. She was somewhat clueless over the knight’s words.

“Forget it. The situation on the battlefield is critical. Make your preparations everyone…” As she looked at the troll foot soldiers that were climbing up the city wall, the red haired girl clenched the longsword in her hands. 



“For glory!” 

The sounds of swords leaving their scabbard arose continuously as their black robes danced along with the wind.  Revealing a solemn complexion on their face, they charged towards the trolls in a dense crowd.   

‘What ought to arrive, had finally arrived in the end.’ 

The frontline captain ferociously sucked in a mouthful of smoke and threw the cigarette butt on the ground. The demons that were moving towards him, had surprisingly, gone past him.  

‘…? Am I hallucinating? Wasn’t there a short demon holding onto a PSP handheld set that passed by my side earlier?’ 

‘Well, I must have mistaken it for something else. A demon interested in something created by humans? That is definitely out of the question.‘

The frontline knight originally had a look that suggested he had made peace with his situation and made all the necessary arrangements. 

However, the truth had proven that their worries were unfounded. These robed demons had neither the slightest intention to care about them from the start. In their assault against them, they had all simply brushed past them and ran straight towards the edge of the wall.  

“Ha!” The red-haired demon girl ferociously thrust her long sword and easily ran it through the chest of a troll foot soldier that had just climbed up. 


While he witnessed the black-robed demons chopping the trolls into a sea of slices without saying a word, the frontline captain felt as if he was dreaming. 

“Burn my cosmo! I will let you experience my waifu!” A red devil that was fighting to his heart’s content shouted. He tore apart the black robes on his body. What was revealed was a shirt with the…image of a 2d twin-tailed loli printed on it!? 

Following the exposure of his green veins, he ferociously smashed his chain hammer towards the head of a troll foot soldier, who was filled with cluelessness, and almost like a watermelon, its head violently burst apart. 

The frontline knights: ???!!


Refers to the catchphrase the protagonist uses in Saint Seiya the anime, in order to increase the rate its cosmos burn and his fighting ability.
In the anime, cosmos is mystical energy and the fundamental force which powers every supernatural feat performed throughout the series. The scale and the degree it burns determines the combat ability of the Saint Warriors.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!