Published at 22nd of July 2022 06:04:34 AM

Chapter 165

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I wake suddenly in the depths of night.

I couldn’t answer if asked why.

Only, my heart is racing.

If I’m to believe that which could be called a premonition, this isn’t the time to be asleep.

Especially with the world in a huge situation right now.

I promptly switch from loungewear to my equipment.

The night is unpleasantly silent.

For now I quietly exit the house.

With that which is called the depths of night layered upon pitch darkness, visibility is at its worst.

Even for me who has the eyes of an elf, this isn’t darkness where I can move without care.

I’ll try circling the perimeter of the village for now. If there’s nothing, that’s fine.

I walk carefully while watching my steps.

I suppose I’ll be able to move a little more freely, once my eyes have adjusted.

I walk for a while but, as expected there isn’t anyone’s presence.

It’s quiet.

Quiet, to the extent that it hurts my ears.

There isn’t even the sound of crying insects.

……Is this not strange.

To say there’s no sound at all in a forest like this is, actually abnormal.

Nature doesn’t make a sound, abnormal.

It really is unnatural.

My heart rate starts to quicken once again.

「――Is that Alice-san?」

I went stiff at the sudden voice.

「Fuaa……You……surprised me. Sitra?」

When I focused my eyes, there was a girl standing like a revenant a little in front of me.

I hadn’t noticed her with my focus on my feet.

No, in reverse, Sitra did well to notice me first.

I walk over feeling relieved and, Sitra was fully equipped and even held her staff.

「I was surprised. You did well to tell it was me at that distance didn’t you?」

Even though even I couldn’t see it.

「Fufu, since it’s not the case that I see with my eyes. Day and night? That distinction is lost on me」

「Isn’t that fairly impressive?」

「That might be so」

「It is so」

「Is that so」

The Sitra who has trouble distinguishing night from day is tilting her head.

Perhaps the only difference for Sitra is that night is the time for sleep.

「More importantly, what is Sitra up to? At such an hour」

Saying that, I was a little afraid so I’m reassured to have Sitra here.

Pure darkness is scary.

This is human instinct.

「I saw something, not good. No, I thought I saw it so, I’m confirming it」

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