American Fortune Life - Chapter 1368

Published at 7th of November 2021 08:08:46 AM

Chapter 1368: 1368

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In Manhattan at night, tall buildings stand up in the night sky, like steep mountain Feng, with transparent glass everywhere, like crystal palace. Colorful street lights flicker, far and near, high and low, now and then.

The car is like a dragon, flying by, the tail lights on the car, like countless red ribbons extending to the distance.

In the car, Andy gently cuddles Ivana in his arms and looks at the night scene outside the window. Thanksgiving is near, but there is no crowded holiday shopping atmosphere in the past, although it is not cold,

to see more and more homeless people in the street, under the bright window, dotted with the bustling night scene of Manhattan.

"Honey, what are you thinking?"

Hearing Wylie Ivana's question, Andy caresses her back and squints at the window. "If even New Yorkers don't go out, you can really see how serious the economic crisis is!"

Ivana got up from Andy's arms lazily, looked at Andy doubtfully, and looked out of the window to welcome Thanksgiving, Christmas and new year's annual sales season. Now it's a brilliant Festival lighting, and a shopping paradise business district everywhere.

"Ha ha, there are still two days to Thanksgiving. Everyone is waiting for the lowest discount from the merchants. I think it's because of the economic downturn and people's lack of money that people are rushing to buy cheaper goods. I'm optimistic about the festival sales season this year, and may have a more intense and wonderful scene to stimulate the festival economy. "

"Ha ha, you are optimistic. I hope so. By the way, this Thanksgiving Day, I want the Smiths foundation to distribute turkeys and Thanksgiving gifts free of charge to some difficult families in Los Angeles, Washington and New York. Tomorrow, I will call my father and ask him to come back to New York with my mother and take charge of his district distribution. "

"Honey, you are a good man."

"Ha ha, don't hand out the nice card!" Andy chuckles and kisses Ivana. He looks up at him. Then he chuckles and says, "although there are some purposes, ha ha, at least they are doing good deeds. If they can't help everyone, at least they can let some unemployed or difficult families have a full Thanksgiving."

"People will thank you for your kindness." Ivana smiled and hugged Andy's bear waist, then fell into his arms again.

When I got home, it was 10 o'clock. Ivana was lazy and yawned because she was pregnant, so Andy didn't bother her. Although he couldn't communicate with Ivana normally, after all, all roads lead to Rome. One door was closed and two doors could be knocked open.

Hua Hua -

in the bathroom, Andy first stands up from the bathtub and looks at Ivana's smooth and beautiful Ji. More and more proud people are looming in the water. He reaches out and pulls up Ivana, who is lazy. After drying the water for her, he wraps it in a bath towel, cradles it in her charming laughter and walks out.

"Is it getting heavier?" Ivana reached around Andy's neck and asked with a smile.

"How could it be! It's a little light. You still need more nutrition. After all, it's two people who are taking nutrition now. " Unless he is a fool, Andy will admit that Ivana is fat. Even if he deceives her, he can't make her unhappy.

"Cluck, you lied..."

"As God's witness, I didn't deceive you. It's really light. However, these two big babies have grown up. Tut, this is my favorite."

"Giggle, hate..."

。。。。。。 I can see if I can eat the split line......

On the morning of November 26.

After a night's rest, Andy, who had been baptized by Charlize Theron, finally came back with his stock and cleaned up the fatigue of flying across the United States.


"God, these bastards, how dare they do it!"

Andy, who was eating breakfast, suddenly heard Ivana throwing away her fork in the opposite hand. He was angry and scolded. He couldn't help looking at Ivana, who was full of anger, holding the newspaper.

"Honey, what's the matter? Don't get angry. Calm down first

"Hoo Hoo..."

hearing Andy's comfort, Ivana realized something and took a deep breath in a hurry. Then she handed Andy the newspaper in her hand and said: "toxic substances have been detected in several American famous infant formula Nai powder. Since the food and drug administration says that infant Nai powder is safe, parents can continue to give it to infants. The toxin content is very high Low enough to affect baby health.

These bastards, what's the poison content? It's too low to affect the baby's health. No, I need to call the food and drug administration to find out... "

looking at Ivana, who looks like a cat with its tail blown. Andy looks at the report in the newspaper. As expected, it's also the problem of his cat's San poly Qing amine. It seems that the Nai cattle ranch he bought in Australia is a very right thing.

What Nestle, Mead Johnson... He can't rely on meow!

Their children still drink from their own ranch products to make them feel at ease. At this time, they heard Ivana talking on the phone and coming in."If it's a confused mistake, it's too much for you to come forward and clarify, rather than disclose inaccurate information to the associated press."

Andy looks at Ivana's angry voice and starts to scold him on the phone. He can't help shaking his head.

"How irresponsible!" Ivana hung up the phone and make complaints about it.

"Come on, don't be angry. Seeing this report, it opens up a way for me. Dear, do you want to start your own business?" Andy walked behind Ivana and stroked her back, soothing her softly.

"Entrepreneurship? What's your idea? " Ivana, who was still very angry, looked at her man with a curious look.

Seeing the spirit of Ivana, thinking that she is pregnant, if you tell her that she is really interested, it will definitely increase her workload.

"Cough, forget it. You should take good care of the baby first. I don't want to add new jobs to you, which makes you tired." Andy shakes his head and refuses to give an idea.

"Honey, let's just say that if it's really a great idea, we can make a joint venture and form a team to do it. I'm absolutely not tired." Ivana smirked and pulled Andy's arm to squeeze into the middle of her pride.

"Cough, don't do this... I can't help it! "

"Cluck, honey, just say it, I want to know how powerful my business genius fiance is!"

Andy can't help but say to Ivana, who keeps winking and winking. "It's nothing to tell you, but let's say first, I won't let you do three jobs!"

"OK, let's talk."

Andy looks at Ivana, who agrees to come down directly, and finally says, "the idea is to create a healthy, non-toxic, natural, environmental friendly e-commerce for infant products to provide healthy, safe and efficient daily products.

We need to know that there are petrochemical products, formaldehyde and flame retardant everywhere from floor cleaners to floor mats on the market.

Some of them are clearly labeled in the ingredient list, while others are covered up by various aromatic smells. Although this is completely legal, mothers to be and their babies need more care.

I think this market will have a bright future. If you sit up with this e-commerce business, you can't say much. There's no problem with the 1 billion dollar valuation! "

" Bo -- "

" cluck, that's a great idea. Let's invest together, honey... " Ivana's face was pretty and excited. She put her arms around Andy's neck and began to hook Yin's own man.

"It's really a little demon that grinds people." Feeling being given a handle, the corners of his mouth pulled, looking at Ivana with a smile on her face, Andy could only shake his head and laugh.

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