Published at 1st of December 2021 01:06:34 PM

Chapter 404: 404

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Now, the miracle of Haldenzell, which is rumored in the social world, I pointed out at the prayer ceremony of Haldenzell that “I was not in the scriptures,” Gibe Haldenzell As a result of the ceremonial decision, the goddess of thunder, Fair Drenna, overwhelmed and thawed the snow overnight.

“I told you that I revived the old ritual, but this was the result of Gibe Haldenzell’s decision to follow the scriptures and the woman of the Haldenzell, so I didn’t resurrect it. I wonder if it was a woman of Haldenzell who sang in the rituals or provided magical power. ”

“That’s right …”

My mother taught me about this year’s Haldenzell with a small laugh.

As I heard from Gibe Haldenzell at the beginning of socialization, Haldenzell, which was completely thawed overnight, was able to work in the field longer and faster than usual, and the yield almost doubled . But the ritual effect is only Haldenzell. As I saw from the beast on my way home from Haldenzell, the blessing of the goddess of thunder, Fair Dranna, was clearly cut off at the border, and the surrounding land had a normal climate.

Naturally, what happened is questioned by Gibe on the land adjacent to Haldenzell. Gibe Haldenzell put his decision on the shelf and replied, “A miracle caused by the Lady of Ehrenfest.”

…… Don’t say anything like Hartmut!

“That’s why there are so many questions and requests for visits from the Gibe about how to do old rituals. What do you do?”

“… There is nothing I can answer. For more information, please ask Gibe Haldenzell, Gibe and the others. I can’t answer whatever I ask.” [19459002 ]

I said so and shook my head. The foster mother who has not seen Haldenzell’s ritual leans with a mysterious face, “Is Rosemine advised?”

“I just pointed out that men and women have changed over time. The people of Haldenzell have kept old lyrics that haven’t remained, and have continued to do the old rituals. I don’t even know where to place people on the stage of that ritual. “

I noticed that the song was the same as the poetry of the scriptures, but just reading the scriptures didn’t even help me use it as a song. In addition, Gibe Haldenzell told me to perform the ritual together, but I missed even the timing to get up and crouched on the stage. I don’t think it’s a miracle that I’ve caused.

“And if you meet other Gieves, will you be asked to come to the next prayer?”

“That’s the biggest meeting purpose. Every Gibe wants the arrival of spring as soon as possible.”

A mother who grew up in Haldenzell, a long winter in Ehrenfest, will tell you carefully how much the northern land is waiting for the thaw. Even in the town of Ehrenfest, winter is longer than in the Reino period.

“I understand the longing for spring, but I’m not going to the prayer ceremony for all lands. I was going to take Gutenberg this year, so I went to Haldenzell. I have no plans to go to spring in the future “

There is a balance with other blue priests, and it is difficult for me to go around all the lands for time and strength reasons. The next spring will not go to Haldenzell.

“… I want to go to Haldenzell because I’ll be able to read freshly printed books printed in winter, but I’m jealous if I go to Haldenzell every year. It ’s going to be difficult later. ”

“You can’t just go to Haldenzell”

The foster mother laughed, “Rosse Mine is not a prayer but wants to go to Haldenzell to read the book.” There is no other reason why I move, no.

“If you mention the miracle of Haldenzell as the reason for your visit, please do not accept it. If you would like to know about the ritual methods and the stage, you should ask Gibe Haldenzell. A more detailed answer will be returned. ”

My mother asked me.

“I understand Rosemine’s case. I’ll leave Gibe to my brother who wants to know about the ritual. Then, this is Rosemine. It seems to be a gift from Haldenzell. A new love story written by my friends. “

As a souvenir from Gibe Haldenzell, I received a book of my mother’s new love story. Say what you came up with while reading a new book.

“Mom, please print the lyrics for the ritual and tell Gibe Haldenzell if you want to sell it to other Gibe. There is a printing machine, and then Because you can save the lyrics even in the land of ”

After my mother had rounded her eyes, she laughed and laughed. “Rose Mine seems to sell instead of distributing it for storage,” he said.

After the tea party, immediately read a new book in the room. In some love stories, there was a tragic love story that a junior knight fell in love with Gibe’s daughter and desperately raised his magical power but did not come true.

…… Maybe this is Dermuel.

The name is different, the role of Brigitte has changed from Gibe’s sister to a daughter, and it is not an escort knight of the lords’ family, but there is a part of love between the Lord who gave the name, and there are parts that have changed creative The outline remains as it is.

In the climax, God came out in an annoying scene to choose between the mistressed woman and the Lord who gave her name, and began to rampage in the storm, expressing the depth of the suffering, and then the goddess It came out, sang poetry, shook its long sleeves, and it rained, so the flowers withered. If you read from the relationship before and after, you can see that it expresses the pain of broken heart. However, even though the scene was beautiful, I still didn’t know how hard it was.

… I understand the flow of the story. Yup.

Life in the castle is monotonous. Go out to the children’s room in the morning, read a book while watching the children, write a new story, practice a festival, go to the knight’s training area, do radio exercises and light I do exercise. But none of this is possible with other children. The opposite is true in terms of study and physical fitness, but the level is too different.

Even if the level of what is being done is different, the personality and mindset of each child can be seen by spending time together. I have been sleeping for two years and have no interaction with younger children. I have been told to go to the children’s room as much as possible.

And in the afternoon, I went to my foster office, read the report from the Aristocratic House at the desk set up for Villefried, and if I needed a reply, I’m supposed to help you with your work. This is my first time working with my foster father and working together.

In the words of the priest, I thought that my foster father was a savory devil, but when I actually saw it, I was working unexpectedly. He started working alongside his brother Villefried, and since he was unable to escape with his father’s pride, his work increased more and now he can no longer escape. When I worked hard, “I was the one who increased my work one after another.”

… Yeah. Well, both the Villefried brother and Charlotte are doing their best, and the adoptive father should do their best.

In fact, the priesthood chief told me that if I was with him, the foster father would not be able to skip. I am the adoptive guardian. By the way, the chief priest, who lost my report and no longer needs to hold his head, is working to gather information in the social world.

“The report of today’s Hartmut is accompanied by a bonus that Rosemine is pleased with.”

The adoptive father who looked through gave me a thick bundle of paper while laughing. A quick glance makes me joy.

“That’s Hartmut, isn’t it! You can get some of Dunkelferger’s love stories!”

Hannelore’s apprentice apprentice who had come to a tea party of his kind seems to have gathered Dunkel Ferger’s love story, and sent two stories.

…… Clarissa is the love story writer of Dunkelferger who has been working hard. Okay, I remembered. When I get back to my room, I have to read this story and talk to my mother if I can make a book. Ufufun.

I read Villefried’s report, desperately waiting to read the romance sent by Hartmut. Villefried seems to have lived a little peaceful life as a result of my return. This is a report of a battle with Drevanchel’s Ortovin.

…… I don’t care which one can make cool weapons.

According to the report by Marianne, the next reading of Charlotte’s apprentice apprentice, all first-year students finished their classes. However, it was written that he was struggling with practical skills. Charlotte seems to be in trouble with the attention of the surrounding people, who may be able to create a trend by using the deformation technique of Staap. Because it was a lot of trouble, I wrote information about the female crest and suggested that I try to spread it to first grade girls.

“Lose Mine, take a break”

When the bell of 5 rings, it is an afternoon break. It may be the best harvest this winter that I had time to talk with my adoptive father during this time. If you think about it, there was almost no opportunity to talk with your adoptive father. It is quite fun to talk while drinking tea and eating sweets.

“How is Rosemine, how does the child’s room look?”

The foster father asked me while eating the tart of honey pickled in Cordé. I think of the children’s room in the morning with a cup of tea from Richard.

“Even though there was no lord candidate, it seemed to be progressing smoothly thanks to Dr. Moritz. The children’s study was going well.”

“Well, what’s more. By the way, how is your physical strength?”

“That’s all the time …. I’m working hard with sincerity”

…… I was told by the priest that there was not enough effort.

laughing and smiling, I change the topic.

“Speaking of which, I was told to choose Richard in the morning in the children’s room this morning”

My brother, Cornelius and Haltomut graduate this year. Next year Leonore. If you don’t replenish the staff below, the aristocratic aides will disappear. In the same grade or below, I was told that I had to choose two side servings, three escort knights, and one civilian.

“Yes, it’s necessary. It’s better to choose and look at it yourself so that you don’t have to resign like Traugot because the screening criteria are different from others.” 19459002]

It seems that other people, such as Dermuel and Filine, have noble nobility, or have tried to join the old Veronika group like Rhoderich, and others do not know what they are choosing.

“I want to choose, but the lord candidates are too close to the age, so there aren’t enough people. Do you need Melchior’s aides? Isn’t it already?” 19459002]

I hear that there is a baptismal ceremony for Melchior in spring. Upon completion of the baptismal ceremony, Melchior will live away from the north and be attached to the aide. Therefore, it is in a state of competing for close candidates.

“If I like you, I don’t care about my identity, but I can’t say that”

Even if I don’t care, I care about the surroundings, and when I negotiate with other territories at the Aristocratic House, I still need my status. Each side service, civilian, and escort knight wants a senior nobleman.

“So I thought, but how about combining the Melchior and senior aristocratics in the Aristocracy?”

Babotto adopted father blows out tea, and Richarda, who was serving the tea, took his eyes off.

“What are you thinking about, princess, sharing your closeness?”

“Eh? Melhior has a different gender, so it’s impossible to share the side service, but there will be no escort knight apprenticeship or civilian apprenticeship until Melchior enrolls? You train them as you use them, and of course, you can serve me only while you are in the House of Lords. ”

“He must be awkward again …”

¡When the father adopted a cloth from his side and wiped his mouth, he held the temple. It may be outrageous, but it is reasonable.

“Because I think there is not enough people to get close to a senior aristocrat in the Aristocratic House? I think that Melchior will enter the school when we are in the final year, so we will help each other.

“What are you going to do for the final grade of the princess? There will be no aides. Please think a little more.”

‘I said so as Richard was afraid. Certainly it will be returned to Melchior, so the aide of the final grade may be insufficient.

“There is no senior aristocrat only in the final grade. I think there are no problems because there are intermediate and inferior grades.”

I think that you can borrow senior aristocrats only when necessary for Villefleet and Charlotte. The adoptive father shook his head to my claim.

“If Charlotte’s idea was profitable, Rosemine could not give permission”

“Why is it?”

“As long as Ehrenfest is influential and influential, Charlotte will probably marry some other territory. There are very few entourage that can be taken. It doesn’t matter if you use the civilian as Melchior, but Rosemine is married to Villefried and stays in Ehrenfest.

The aides who lived together at the aristocratic house seemed to have a sense of solidarity and familiarity than those who entered as aides.

“… I thought it was a good idea”

“I don’t think it’s bad, but don’t go to the position of becoming a wife of the lord”

Adoptive father laughed.

When I was engaged with Villefried, I wasn’t really satisfied, but my adoptive father seems to see me as my next wife. It was something strange.

The report from Aristocratic House arrived on a daily basis. A student who wanted to touch Hildebrand was known to appear in the library, students crammed into the library, and then no longer came out of the room, or Hannerole was stroking Schwartz There are various reports, such as being repelled by static electricity-like batters, or Limeund having completed the task and wanting to correct it.

“Rose Mine, this is a report from Charlotte. There is an order from the royal family rather than Drevanchel. I will leave it to the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce.”

My adoptive father said so and sent me a report. It was a report of Charlotte. It seems that Drevancher had a tea party in Charlotte, and he received an order for hair ornaments to be given to Adolfine, the first prince Sigiswald graduated. Actually, like last year’s Egrantine, he was planning to order at the tea party I attend.

If you order under the name of Sigigiswald, the royal family, Drevancher is not a contracted territory, so you can’t say that you don’t want to give it because you don’t want to be studied by Drevancher.

“I have never received an order for hair ornaments at the tea party, so I would be happy if you could give me advice from my sister. (Charlotte)]

If I can conclude the report with these words, my sister, I can only write an answer.

“Please bring Brünnhilde to the tea party and ask about the colors and designs of costumes and flowers you like for Adolfine. I know well what I need to do to order a hair accessory that matches my costume. Please rest assured that I will talk to Gilberta Shokai. (Rose Mine)]

If you ask Brünnhilde, you should receive a neat order. The problem is the Gilberta firm that is ordered.

“It will take a few days to receive the order at the tea party, but I’d like to contact the Gilberta Company first. Prepare early, such as securing craftsmen and checking inventory of yarn. I will be able to do it. ”

“I see. But in this heavy snow, it’s difficult to use it. If you don’t need a reply, you can use a magic letter.”

When the adoptive father said so, the adopted father’s civilian immediately brought me a letter of magical equipment. If you write on it and fly it, the letter that turned into a white bird will reach even the ordinary people without magic. If your opponent is a commoner, you can’t reply, but if your opponent is a magical aristocrat, you can get a reply by putting in a reply sheet.

…… Speaking of that, the letter sent from Georgine to the former temple chief included a reply paper.

I am grateful for the letter of the magic tool, and this winter will receive an order from the royal family, and a detailed order will arrive in a few days. I wrote that I needed to add an armband.

…… The royalty of the royal family has come this year. Sorry, Turi!

When I sincerely apologized to Turi, the bell of 5 rang. It’s tea time.

“No way, I didn’t think there would be an order for hair ornaments from the royal family this year”

“That’s surprisingly bad. The second prince gave it to Klasenburg. I was able to make some predictions when it came to the story that the lord candidate of Drevanchel married the first prince.

…… Could not.

“You seem to be worried a lot, but did you make a stunning hair ornament last year too? Did you trust your personality?”

“I trust. Because I am the best”

“That’s not a problem”

Talking so with a plain face, adoptive father drank tea. When I was told that, I felt okay.

…… Since my Turi is the best, it’s okay.

“Speaking of which, you seem to have refused all visits to Gibe?”

“Yes. I can’t answer the miracle of Haldenzell, and even if I ask you to come to the prayer ceremony, I can’t answer it. I can’t let you get along. “

“I hear it from Florenzia”

The foster father who said so, paid the man when he placed the cup. It seems to be a secret story. The civilians and side servings who were serving tea leave quietly.

“Calstead, Angelica, and others, please come out”

This is the first time my father has been issued. After looking at the foster father with his eyes open in amazement, I gently put a cup and correct my posture.

“Did you have any problems with the Haldenzell relationship?”

“Yeah, there are some Gibe who ask him to meet”

…… Do you pay for such a story?

When I tilted my head, my adoptive father coughed up once.

“Lands that can be restored to old rituals just by listening to the story need only meet with Gibe Haldenzell, but there are also places that have already destroyed the stage for the ritual. I can’t recreate it or I want to talk to the temple head. “

“I don’t know why. Is it stupid to break the stage used for rituals?”

I was frowning on the father’s words. In this world of praying to God and blessing with magic, I can’t believe breaking the stage used for rituals.

] While watching me revealing anger, the adoptive father exhaled lightly.

“As you say, it’s a foolish work, but it wasn’t so important until it became the temple head.”

“Isn’t it the Gibe’s job to protect and make large-scale magical tools for my land? It takes time to meet with Gibe who was not satisfied with his work. It’s too much to do. “

I’m very busy copying Dunker Felger’s book. In addition to studying the materials borrowed from Dr. Solange, the mother’s new book must be reread a few more times. I can’t get a lot of meeting time.

“Unfortunately, it’s not listed in the scriptures, and managing the stage isn’t the job of the temple chief. You’ll have to look for old literature on your own land and recreate it.”

If the ritual that can truly call spring is revived, especially in the north, the yield will change drastically, making life a lot easier. I know that, but remaking the stage is not my job.

“Fum, don’t even know …”

“I don’t know. The scriptures contain stories about the gods, and there are ceremonial illustrations everywhere, but there’s no way to make a sacred stage or an old magic circle. If something is listed, Fernando will be informed soon, and Ferdinand will be happily studying. “

I waved my hand with patters, saying that I was overly expecting the scriptures and saints. The adoptive father whispered with a mysterious aspect.

“That’s true, but Rosemine. Because of the request from Gibe and my order as Abu, he must look for a description of the ritual stage and study the scriptures.”

So, Yabu shined his dark green eyes and shook himself up and frowned.

“If there is a building, you can go back to the temple and reserve reading time.”


…… What an attractive building.

“I understand well in a few days, but I’m poisoned by Ferdinand and I work too hard on my child’s body. While Ferdinand is spending a lot of time socializing, take a moment to relax. Reason for returning from the House of Lords Is it resting? ”

After adopting that, Yabu laughed and ordered.

“Rosemine, you can go back to the temple and review the scriptures. I sincerely hope you will find descriptions of the rituals and the stage.”

“I have indeed been appointed”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!