Published at 1st of December 2021 01:01:39 PM

Chapter 580: 580

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The promotion ceremony begins with the third bell. I feel the atmosphere in the dormitory that is flirting with preparations, and I have Riezelater and Bertilde hair. Brünnhilde and Gretia are absent because they are going to distribute hair ornaments to new girls.

“Beltilde is good at tying hair”

“I like to tie my hair. Elvira also praised me.”

Bertilde prepares her hair while talking about what kind of work she was doing when she was serving her and what she was talking to her. Such a rose pink hair of Bertilde was decorated with a hair ornament given to a freshman girl and a hair ornament given by parents to the entrance celebration.

It can be seen that the Rieserator who had been watching Bertilde for a while started preparing hair ornaments and checking his baggage from the middle, and he was accepted as a side serving apprentice.

“Rose Mine, are you sure you want to accompany the social gathering in Matthias, Roderich and Brünnhilde?”

“Yeah, Reizerator”

“Information from the officials who went to collect information yesterday, but this year there seems to be a new student of the lord candidate in Klassenburg. Let me give you the name again for greetings.

A lyser who seems to realize that I was absorbed in reading and didn’t listen, laughs mischievously.

“Please, please”

“The third lady princess of Aub Klassenburg, Jansian-sama. I think you will probably meet again and again at the dedication ceremony.”

…… Jeansian, Jansian …

I repeated in my mind several times and learned the name.

“Good morning, Rosemine”

“Good morning, Dermuel”

Dermuel was in the multipurpose hall after preparation. There are also Haltomuto and Cornelius brothers, but they are not so uncomfortable because they were together at the Aristocratic House. However, it is strange and unavoidable to have Dermuel in the multipurpose hall. I don’t think I’m just wearing a blue priest costume.

“Leonole and Angelica also thank you for today”

The reason why Darmuels are wearing blue priest costumes today is because we have a meeting with the people of the central temple while we are going to a promotion ceremony and a social gathering. I don’t know who will come from Krasenburg, but I was contacted by Egrantine today.

“Let’s leave the dedication ceremony to Hartmut. Everyone else should be careful not to run out of Hartmut.”

“I’m smart”

Also, there seems to be a confrontation between Immanuel and Khartomut, so I ask you to take good care of the brother Cornelius and Darmuel.

“Is Rosemine a friend who I can meet for the first time in a long time? Enjoy a social gathering”

“Yes, Cornelius brother”

I was sent to my brother Cornelius and I went to the entrance hall. The entrance hall is crowded with students wearing Ehrenfest cloaks. The first grader with a tense face is cute. All the hair of Ehrenfest students was smooth and glossy, as Brünnhilde and Charlotte arranged.

“Well then? New students should not lose their cloaks and brooches, and be careful not to forget the number of Ehrenfest’s door. I will not be able to return to the dormitory.” [19459002 ]

We left the door with the command of Villefleet and headed for the auditorium.

Although there are some changes in the rank of territories, there is not much change. We only line up at number 8.

Advancement ceremony as usual begins, and lectures are explained. As decided at the lord meeting, the acquisition of stap is now in third grade, and in connection with this, it is reported that the lecture content will be changed to a large amount of the old curriculum.

“I was looking forward to acquiring Staple, but …”

Bertilde sharpened his lips with some dissatisfaction. The surrounding first graders seem to be rather dissatisfied. Some people will be dissatisfied if the reason for the change is announced but the reason is not announced.

“Stap is a nobility proof, so you can see what you want early, but it’s better to get it as late as possible.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah. We found that dedication and prayers can give us a lot of blessing for the gods. If the magical power fluctuates a lot, you may not be able to handle your own magical power with the stap acquired during the year. The curriculum change is to prevent it, so if you have a freshman from another territory who is dissatisfied at the time of the lecture, please let me know. ”

Bertilde seemed convinced and responded, “I understand.” Nikolaus, who seemed to have heard the story nearby, also asked.

At the end of the promotion ceremony, each class will move separately for a social gathering. Each of our lord candidates moved to the hall with three aides.

“Villefried, Rosemine, and Charlotte come from Ehrenfest in 8th place”

Demanded by the voice of a civilian who stands in front of the door, we enter the hall. There was a Hildebrand sitting inside, just like last year.

“This year, the goddess of time, the threads of Drefanguaer have joined together, and it has become possible to see this way.”

Every year, Ehrenfest’s turn comes around and Villefried greets as a representative. I face Hildebrand with Villefleet and Charlotte.

“This year’s dedication ceremony is also expected by Zent. I haven’t officially enrolled yet, but the dedication ceremony for a mid-class aristocrat who has dropped one class should be less burdensome. Zent allowed me to participate, and I ’m looking forward to participating in the aristocratic priesthood. ”

Hildebrand said with a smile.

…… Hybrid Brandt is really a hard-worker, compressing magic so that he can put it in the underground library, and studying old languages. I can’t believe I haven’t entered the aristocracy yet.

It seems that this time he will participate in the dedication ceremony as a royal family. If you are actively participating in Shintoism from now on, you will get a lot of blessing from the gods. I think Hildebrand has the highest chance of becoming a Zent among the current royalty.

“I think it is great that Prince Hildebrandt is positive and hardworking because it is very important for the royal family to rule Jürgenschmitt. I hope to be a part of it. “

When you get off the stage with the encouragement of Hildebrand, you greet the upper territory and go around. The first is Klassenburg. At the table in Krasenburg, a girl who was not much different from me greeted me with a smile and greeted me. A cute girl with scarlet hair and blue eyes. I thought the atmosphere was so much like a woman in Krasenburg.

We, Ehrenfest lord candidates whisper and greet for the first time.

“Giancian, please allow me to pray for blessings in a rare encounter with the rigorous selection of Evilive”

“Forgive me”

In response to the blessing from the ring, Janciane smiled with a graceful smile that resembled Egrantine and Primvale.

“Aub asked us to hold a dedication ceremony with Ehrenfest as a joint research. As you can see, there are many cases where students are confused by unfamiliar first-year studies. Please please “

“Thank you for this, Janciane-sama”

After finishing the greeting with Klassenburg, it is Dunkel Felger. Since Resty Laut has graduated, Hannerole is standing alone this year. When he met his eyes, Hannerole had a friendly smile. I also smile with a smile.

Villefried called out “Rose Mine” with a loud voice, removing the escorting hand and gently pushing my back. I’m the best friend with Hannelore, so it seems to give me a place to say hello.

“The goddess of time this year, the threads of Drefanguaer have joined together, and it has become possible to see them in this way. After a long time, Mr. Hannerole”

Unlike other students, Hannelore met at the lord meeting, but it hasn’t changed for a long time.

“There are a number of books that will please Dunker Felger this year. There is a Ditter story with a picture of Restirlaut, and there is also a Dunker Felger history book. The Fernestine Story There are three volumes of this, but have you already read it? ”

Hannelore’s escorted knight man was very interested in the new book of Ehrenfest, but did not seem to touch Hannerole’s chord.

“Yeah, I was very moved at the end of the Fernestine story. Isn’t there a new book on the love story of Aristocratic House this year?

“Of course, let’s lend and borrow books this year”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it.”

laughing together and finishing the greeting, the next will move in front of Drevancher. There are some lord candidates here and there are more lord candidates than last year, but it is Oltovin who stands as a representative. Villefried greeted him and invited him to do joint research this year.

“Unfortunately, this year is a schedule of collaborative research related to affairs with Krasenburg and Freibertak. I think it would be difficult for individuals to collaborate with other territories.”

“Is it necessary to have material that can draw out interests and cooperation … It seems necessary to consult with Dr. Gundorf”

Ortovin saw me while saying so. He seems to be pulling me out of Gundorf for joint research, just like last year.

…… I don’t think anything about Dr. Gundorf.

My research at the Aristocratic House is to create library magic tools, and I would like to help Muriela and Raimund to improve the transfer team in search of a leap in the printing industry. But this year I’m busy preparing to move to the center. Perhaps you will have to check the palace, and you will also need to choose an entourage in the center. Visible increases in discussions with the royal family.

By the way, I am busy with both the Aristocracy and Ehrenfest because of the appointment schedule. At Ehrenfest, you have to go back to the dedication ceremony with the blue apprentices, you will also need time to meet with the nobility returning from the center, and ask the various people to do the rest.

Considering what to do at Ehrenfest, I want to make the return period as long as possible. I think that if I’m not good, I might leave the material with Hirschl.

… Huh. I knew it, but I don’t have much time to do what I like.

《I leave the front of Drevancher, thinking about what I will do this winter. Later Giressenmeier and Haufrezze greeted Charlotte. The younger brother and sister were introduced by Lutzinde of Giressenmeier.

My brother is a sophomore and seems to have adopted in the fall. As far as I know, the territorial candidates of Giressenmeier are only girls, so it is not uncommon to increase the number of lord candidates by adopting blood men in the same territory. I think it is for getting my brother and sister to marry. However, it is rare to adopt at the last minute of being divided into specialized courses.

Hauprezze also greets on behalf of a 6th grade woman, but has a younger brother and sister. Villefried seems to have a little interaction with his brother. My sister is a freshman.

“… So this year there are a lot of new cadet candidates. The number is suddenly increasing.”

“Hartmut said that adoption seems to have increased because of the ways in which the gods are blessed and the effects of them.”

It seems that he hadn’t heard the name of Janciane, but he seemed to listen to various reports. Apparently, there was an increase in adoption of Aub and senior aristocrats who had no magical problems at the age before they were divided into specialized courses.

“Hal Tomut said that he would send information to me and Charlotte so as not to disturb the important reading time after a long time, but he reported it right next to him. Is n’t it strange? ”

“It’s not unusual or strange that you can’t hear the surrounding sounds when you’re reading. It’s true that yesterday it was a long time ago, so I forgot about myself.” [ 19459002]

…… Even so, do not disturb the important reading time after a long time …. It’s not cool, even though it’s Haltomut. I was inadvertently going to Kyun.

Although I am very happy to pamper you by ensuring reading time, I can’t afford to receive a report. From now on, let’s ask you to pamper yourself in the direction of reading the report as a string.

While thinking about that, Villefried had finished greetings to Ahrensbach. Dietlinde ’s affiliation Martina appears to be the representative this year when Dietlinde graduates and Letizia is not yet enrolled.

“How are your uncle and Dietrinde?”

“Well, thanks to Ferdinand, Ahrensbach has been very helpful. The foundation has been dyed so that we can help you supply magic power.”

… Eh! ? Even though the star knot ceremonies are still there, we are not only providing office work and religious affairs but also supplying magic power! ?

When I was surprised and looked at Martina, Martina smiled in trouble.

“Because Dietrinde-sama was going to devote a domineering kingship to give a hidden room before the star knot ended, Ferdinand said that he would take over the magical power supply before the star knot ended. Yes, it ’s really kind. ”

The Hidden Room demanded Hidden Room from Ahrensbach’s insaneness who could not get married but could not return to Ehrenfest. I think it’s strange to demand more magical power from the hidden room.

…… Did you really take on Ferdinand? Is Ferdinand planning something like a collection at a prayer ceremony? Or is it a lobby activity in Ahrensbach so as not to be blamed by the surroundings?

I think while watching Martina asking Villefried about the state of Aurelia. Both are likely and the truth is not known.

While I was thinking, I came back to the Ehrenfest seat. From here, you will wait for the lower territories to come to say hello.

When Immelding came to say hello, Murren Royer, a grade higher than me, smiled with purple hair. Vigilance is stronger for smiles with mixed sympathy, resentment and ridicule.

“Can Rosemine defeat the adoption and become the temple head of the central temple? Even though it spreads the importance of the shrine to Jurgenschmitt, it was dropped from the lord candidate to a senior nobility and the central temple. It ’s hard to get in. What a pity… ”

…… Rumors that you will become the temple chief of the central temple, it seems to be flowing well in other territories.

It seems that the noblemen of Ehrenfest judged that the secret calls from the royalties overlapped, but did the other nobles look like they were called in the same way? Or is it a territory that was enshrined by Georgine of Ahrensbach and asked the royal family that “the saint of Ehrenfest should become the temple head of the central temple!” There are a number of territories where it seems that it is a good idea for the saint to be taken up by Ehrenfest, given the laughing voice of couscous.

“I never heard from Zent about Rosemine being in the central temple.”

Murrenreue blinked with orange eyes to Villefried who said so once and again. Attention is gathered here as the surroundings change.

“That’s not true. Aub Ehrenfest was invited by the king at the lord meeting.”

“It is true that the royal family spoke to the central temple chief, but nothing has been decided yet.”

I once smiled with a smile after affirming Mullenroie’s claims. It seems that I have been confirmed as a senior nobleman in Murrenreu’s brain, but no matter what happens, it is now a lord candidate and Ehrenfest is higher. There is no righteousness to listen silently to what you say.

“With my frailty, it’s impossible to go to other territories and do rituals, so the lords and other lords from all over the country have to go to the central temple to learn gods. Aub Ehrenfest has been replied, and depending on Zent’s judgment, you may be able to meet Murrenreue wearing a blue priest’s costume in the Central Temple after next year. “

When I became the central temple chief, the lords of all territories, including the royal family, were companions. He looks like he has never thought of being able to enter the temple.

“There is no entry into the central temple of Rosemine unless there is an answer from the royal family and the local aub to enter the central temple.”

Nobody told me to enter the central temple after answering Immelding clearly.

Villefried and Charlotte were talking about a joint study with a senior student at Frabel Turk. This joint study is centered on two people, so I take a step back and listen to the story. Apparently, the nobility seemed to go to the temple and try to get a little blessing and increase the yield.

…… Speaking of which, Ehrenfest noblemen will not come to the temple except for business talks with the downtown area.

I spent my social time with such an impression. It was a lively social gathering as the number of lord candidates in the lower grades increased.

When we returned to the dormitory, Hartmut and others returned to the multipurpose hall. I will immediately hear a report on the dedication ceremony. Of course, Villefried and Charlotte, who hold dedication ceremonies at intermediate and lower levels, are also involved.

“Thank you for your negotiations. How did you decide?”

“This is a joint research between Krassenburg and Ehrenfest and not a lecture, so we cannot make time for lectures, and we will have a dedication ceremony using Saturdays and Sundays.”

The student side wants to pray to increase the blessing by experiencing the ritual as soon as possible, but the teacher side positions the collaborative research as timely after the applicant finishes the lecture. Therefore, I cannot make time for the lecture. Therefore, it seems that a votive ceremony was held for applicants on Saturday.

“Joint research is not a lecture, so all students are not obligated to participate, and it is troublesome to make a special exception. You will only have to use it. “

I wondered if Krasenburg would push more, but it didn’t seem to be the case. He said that the central temple did not need to be repeated so many times that he wanted to do it all at once, but it was rejected because there was too much difference in the amount of magic between the lower nobility and the lord candidates.

“Egrantine struck down many times, but Immanuel was finally unable to argue with the example of the blue priests and priests who lost consciousness at the ceremonial dedication of the lords.”


Haltomut smiled happily.

“And then, according to Egrantine, Prince Hildebrand dropped the class for safety and participated in the dedication ceremony of the middle class nobility, and in the lower grades, he would participate in the dedication ceremony of the lower class.

Drowned the chest as Charlotte was relieved by the words of Hartmut.

“It’s good that the danger is reduced. If you don’t get used to it, the magic supply is really hard.”

“Lower grade aristocrats may want to refrain from participating. It’s hard to keep track of the amount of their magic when they are supplying”

Villefried also asked Charlotte’s words.

“So on which Saturday did we end up offering a dedication ceremony?”

“I thought it would be better to hold a ceremonial ceremony for lord candidates and senior students on the first Saturday day, considering that Rosemine would return to Ehrenfest. The eyes will be inferior aristocrats. ”

When I was whispering, Brother Cornelius scolded Hartmut with Giroli in a dissatisfied manner.

“When I think of Rosemine’s physical condition, I suggested that it would be better to start a dedication ceremony from a lower aristocrat and to advance to the third week …”

Since the first week is full of lectures, it is necessary to rest on the first Saturday day, and it is better to make my dedication ceremony the third Saturday day after the lecture. Seems to have proposed.

“Cornelius who wants to give Rosemine a top priority, and Hartmut who says Rosemine wants to get back to Ehrenfest as soon as possible but is too late in the third week.

When Darmuel exhales, Leonore shakes his head with a tired face.

“Egrantine-sama arbitrated, and it is preferable to do it in order of status, so the ceremonial ceremonies and senior aristocratic dedications were the first week.”

“Did you have a conflict in front of the royal family?”

Charlotte and Villefleet round their eyes. I was also surprised.

…… What are you doing, both of you! ?

“Egrantine-sama was laughing at it, both of which are her main feelings, but she did not feel alive.”

Dermael and Leonore taught me with a little distant eye, and I wanted to hold my head, saying, “I would like to say such a thing in front of the royal family!” I feel I understand the feelings of my parents who have their heads.

“I must apologize to Egrantine now”

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