Back To 2005 - Chapter 611

Published at 19th of January 2023 05:38:22 AM

Chapter 611: The wedding reception tonight is a bit dull

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  Chapter 611 Tonight's wedding reception is a bit dull

   After offering tea to both parents, Luo Baozhi, who had finished the main process of the wedding, changed into a cheongsam in the private room next to her, and the first time she returned to the banquet hall, she looked at Li Youyou at table 3.

   However, Luo Baozhi, who was supposed to see the other party sitting there cautiously, unexpectedly found that the man next to the other party was chatting happily with another person, and Li Youyou also agreed with him with a smile on his face.

   This situation did not meet her expectations at all. Luo Baozhi, who returned to the No. 1 seat, couldn't help asking her husband beside her: "Who is that person?"


  Hearing his wife's question, Du Yixia, who had just eaten a few mouthfuls of hot food and drank on an empty stomach, reacted a bit slowly, and asked with some doubts.

  Although the hotel has humanized wine bottles filled with alcohol and mineral water in them, inexperienced people don’t know how to do it, but when facing some important people, the groom still needs to drink real wine.

  Just now, the old leader at the same table said a few words to him, and Du Yixia clinked two glasses with the other party, really Wuliangye full of sincerity.

   "The next door to Li Youyou."

   "Director Tong?! Why did he sit at that table? I clearly arranged him at the main table."

  Seeing the young man chatting happily with his ex-girlfriend, Du Yixia said something in surprise.

  That was his old senior, the personal secretary of Wuzhou No. 2, and the real deputy director of the municipal office. He, the newly appointed secretary of Wuzhou No. 3, could only be regarded as a younger brother in front of the other party.

   What's more, the other party now represents Wuzhou No. 2 behind him. Du Yixia previously arranged the other party at the main table, next to the father of the new father-in-law, the former Wuzhou No. 1.

   As a result, the other party actually sat at table three, and seemed to know Li Youyou's current boyfriend very well.

  What is the situation?

  Du Yiya, who had drunk some wine, was a little slow in thinking.

   "Is he the secretary of Zhou Zhifu?"


  After hearing her husband's words, Luo Baozhi was a little more surprised in his heart, but a little more clear in his eyes.

  Hmph, she pretended to be noble on weekdays, but in the end she also found a rich and powerful man.

  Women are all the same.

  However, Luo Baozhi didn't say it on the spot when he complained in his heart.

  Today is her big day, so there is no need to lose her status because of such a trivial matter. Among the guests present, there are many famous local figures in Wuzhou. Her husband may not use them in the future.

  That's fine, this time, her husband should completely give up.

"Wait a minute, the bride and groom are about to start toasting, please don't leave in a hurry. In the interactive game we are waiting for, there will be a lot of gifts, as well as the grand prize provided by the couple tonight, a doll as tall as a person, And ten of the latest Nokia phones"

  When the two newcomers were about to toast, the host who ate some bread in a hurry came on stage to warm up the atmosphere, so that most of the people would run away before the bride and groom finished toasting.

  Listening to the grand prize mentioned by the host on stage, Zhou Anan couldn't help feeling a little more emotional.

  The latest Nokia mobile phone costs three to four thousand at least one, and ten is thirty to forty thousand. There is a mine at home.

   With this momentum, it is worthy of the symbol of the bride's family's wealth, and the groom's vision is not in vain.

   "When it's time to toast, be more polite."

   After toasting the wine at table 2, Du Yixia, whose face was a little red, worriedly told his wife beside him.

  The No. 2 tables are all the bosses that he needs to pay attention to. Even though some of them came with couples, he drank a lot of wine to pay respects one by one.

   Fortunately, he follows the leader on weekdays, and has practiced a lot of alcohol, so he can hold on.

   "Don't worry, I won't tear down my husband's platform on this occasion."

  Knowing the meaning hidden in her husband's words, Luo Baozhi took his arm and spoke decent and generous words softly.

  After all, Li Youyou, whom she occasionally envied, bowed her head to the society, and she, Luo Baozhi, didn't need to take him seriously, and didn't need to pay attention to such an opponent who was no longer a threat.

  Furthermore, even if the other party finds a rich boyfriend, her husband has already taken an important step in his official career.

  In the future, they will be people from two worlds without intersection.

   "Director Tong, thank you for coming."

   "Brother Tong, I still need more advice from you during our stay at home on weekdays."

  When they came to table 3, Du Yixia and his wife immediately toasted the most important Tong Dami, with the most sincere smiles on their faces.

   "You are welcome, I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years."

   It can be seen that Zhou Anan is not very familiar with the other party, and Tong Ziqian is only based on the friendship of ordinary colleagues, with a smile on his face and a slightly flat tone.


   Dried the small cup of Zhen·Wuliangye in one go, Du Yixia blushed and thanked.

  If the other party can come, it is to give him face, and to give face to his mother-in-law and natal family.

  Although he is now the face of Wuzhou No. 3, compared with Wuzhou No. 2 who is in charge of the government, the gap is still obvious.

  After Tong Dami didn't show up, the bosses at tables 2 and 3 became more enthusiastic about him.

  A man's face should be like this.

   "Mr. Zhou, Yoyo, thank you for coming."

  After respecting Tong Dami, Du Yixia did not go to pick up the water Wuliangye handed over by his wife, but took the real Wuliangye from the hand of the bridesmaid next to him, poured a full glass, and said to the ex-girlfriends with a smile.

  Although he gained his career, he gave up his relationship for more than four years, but he didn't have much regret in his heart.

  He is an ordinary college student from a small remote county. If he wants to survive better in a big city, he must at least put in several times more effort than ordinary people, and there may be no results.

  In this slightly confused situation, Luo Baozhi appeared in front of his eyes, illuminating his ordinary life and giving him a chance to surpass his peers.

   Sure enough, with the help of his wife's natal family, he has already stood at a high starting point that ordinary people may not reach in his lifetime, and his future is even brighter.

  Even if God gave him another chance to choose, Du Yixia would still make the same choice.

  Career is a man's most important partner.

  The only thing I regret is that I have been in love for four years, but I still haven't really had the other party.

  Li Youyou tonight is so beautiful, she deserves to be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

  Du Yixia couldn't help being upset that he didn't really own the other party, and he might be taken over by others.

   Once upon a time, he thought that with the help of his wife's natal family, after successfully ruling one party, he would turn around and reconnect with Li Youyou.

   Now it seems that it is his wishful thinking, women are duplicity animals.

   "Happy newlyweds."

  Choosing the most bland greeting, Li Youyou, who also drank a glass of white wine, covered her mouth to hold back her cough, without much emotion in her heart.

   This cup is for the past, to commemorate the love once.

   "Eat and drink well."

  After her husband finished drinking, Luo Baozhi held back his unhappiness, and said to the two with a forced smile.

  When there are so many people, be patient.

   What's the matter, let's settle it in private. After all, the husband is also a person of status now, otherwise it will be her face, and their Luo family's famous face in Wuzhou.

  Looking at the bride who swallowed her anger and acted as if nothing had happened, Zhou Anan, who was helping to support the scene, gave her dozens of likes in her heart.

   Originally, Zhou Anan thought that the bride would ridicule her confidante endlessly, so he helped her confidante get back the place, but the bride tonight was not as sharp as the one she met at the beginning.

   Except for the few witty words before the wedding banquet, the bride's overall performance was very generous and decent. It seems that she does have a bit of IQ and EQ.

   There don't seem to be many of those brain-dead rich girls in the TV dramas in reality, and Zhou An'an has never met a few.

   It's just that the wedding banquet tonight is a bit dull.

   "Drink tea together when you have time."

  When Du Yixia and his wife paid their respects to most of the banquet hall, Tong Ziqian, who had eaten a little and half full, was about to leave, and he had to go back to prepare to lead the itinerary for tomorrow.

   It is not good to follow the big leader. You can’t eat as much as you want, so as not to be called away suddenly, which will affect the image of the leader.


  Naturally, there would be no retention on such an occasion. Anyway, everyone is so familiar, and Zhou Anan is also planning to wait for the bride and groom to finish their toast, and then leave with her confidante.

   "Let's ask a kid to name the winner of the first group of prizes tonight, 306."

  (end of this chapter)

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