Battered Young Miss - Chapter 42

Published at 12th of June 2019 09:10:37 PM

Chapter 42

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The next couple of days the Zhang were discharged from their respective hospitals after full recovery, with the Zhang heiress being escorted by to jail in a shuttle bus, while Zhang Tianyu was welcomed back with so much fan fair, none was as anxious for his return as Zhang Jie, the little girl being terrified that he may never walk through the Zhang manor door again. Not much was disclosed to her, the staff of Zhang manor couldn't say much themselves, for fear they might say the wrong thing that could result in them losing their jobs.

This time the press couldn't be silenced as before, a horde of them stood outside the gates of the grand building belonging to Zhang Tianyu, it took a sizable amount from the security team under the President of Zhang Corporation along with a squad of police cars to clear the path for the car conveying Zhang Tianyu to get into his home.

Flashing bulbs continuously went off as the luxurious black car passed by, Zhang Tianyu sat proudly within the confines of the car, this was to maintain a look of calmness, inspite of the torrent of emotions that was currently going through his body. The President of Zhang Corporation wasn't so sure any more if he could trust Yang Lin or not.

When the little girl heard that her father would be returning home in a few minutes, she took her place along with the rest of the staff that worked at Zhang manor, standing as the first person in line, this way she will get to see her father sooner than ever. On sighting the entourage of cars belonging to her father, Zhang Jie still in her flowing pink night gown and indoor slip on, ran towards the car in excitement, none of them could hold back the little girl who badly wanted to see her father.

Her action, forced the cars to come to an early stop. The back seat door of the second car opened as Zhang Tianyu got out to meet his daughter, lifting her up as she clung to him in a tight embrace. Zhang Jie bursted into tears as soon her she was in her father's arms, for the first time in days she could now she her father. Zhang Tianyu wasn't unaffected by his daughter's tears, as he fought to hold back from doing the same. Almost ten minutes after before the two separated, as Zhang Tianyu carefully placed his daughter on the spotless grounds of the Zhang manor. Hand in hand they walked through the door together amidst the curtseying servants of the Zhang manor.

After showering and having breakfast with his daughter, the President of Zhang Corporation prepared to head back to office, while reassuring his daughter that he will be back that night.

Reluctantly Zhang Jie had to watch her father leave with his aide, as she fought back tears.

Along the way, Zhang Tianyu briefed his aide how he wanted his day to be, asking that Yang Lin be called in and brought straight to his office.

On arriving to the entrance of Zhang Corporation, the team of security men that followed Zhang Tianyu parked behind his car and got out to provide protection for the President of Zhang Corporation.

An army of reporters stood by the main entrance to Zhang Corporation, having tipped about the arrival of Zhang Tianyu. The employees of Zhang Corporation had to squeeze through them to get by, a couple of policemen were in place should the press get out of hand.

The ones that saw the company President ran ahead to alert the others of his coming. Pushing forcefully against the weight of the bodies that surrounded them, Zhang Tianyu's security team composed of all men in corporate black, pushed against the hot sweaty bodies of the reporters to make way for the company President.

On getting in, all employees of Zhang Corporation assembled in a straight file on opposite side as the curtesied to Zhang Tianyu who walked by with his entourage, taking in the men and women that welcomed him.

The walk from downstairs to the elevator and all the way to the office belonging to the President of Zhang Corporation took about five minutes, when both Zhang Tuanyu and his aide got out, they were met by a cluster of blossoming flowers of varying sizes and length, this made it much of a difficulty to get by, his personal secretary stood to the side and curtseying in greeting.

She rushed ahead to open the door leading into the personal office of Zhang Tianyu, closing it after them.

Inside, Zhang Tianyu couldn't sit, as he continued pacing within the confines of his office.

No sooner had they got in, the aide to Zhang Tianyu placed a call to the number belonging to Yang Lin, demanding that the President of Zhang Corporation wanted to see him at the office. He then went on to let Yang Lin know that he should just walk in and not wait to be announced in by the secretary, with that the line went dead as Zhang Tianyu continued to anxiously wait for his trusted confidant to arrive.

Obeying the summons to the last letter, Yang Lin came in dressed in his usual corporate black, as Yang Lin was about to open his mouth in greeting, this was met by a couple of punches across the face, the impact was so great that Yang Lin had to spit out blood, from his inner cheek being nicked by his teeth. Zhang Tianyu wasn't unscathed either as the back of his hand and knuckles was also bruised from the force of the punches.

Only then was Zhang Tianyu open to listen to the reason for Yang Lin's action in court. The young man knew he had to play his cards right, on one hand was the man who played a part in his upbringing on the other hand was the woman who was not only just a boss to him.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!