Published at 3rd of December 2021 08:43:26 AM

Chapter 107: 107

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When Fu Fengcheng came back, it was already in the afternoon. Lengsa was sitting in the outer room of the bedroom, flipping the abacus to settle accounts. Seeing that he came in with his wheelchair, lengsa raised his head and looked at him, then lowered again, "back."

The yard has been completely restored to its former tranquility. In addition to the red wedding characters pasted on the doors and windows, it can hardly be seen that this is the yard of the newlyweds.

Lengsa happily sits at the table and dials the abacus against the account book. Learning to calculate accounts is the self-cultivation of every woman who requires economic autonomy. Although he has only been in this world for three years, Leng Ye's abacus has been set quite skillfully.

"La la la..." humming a little song while calculating the accounts, looking at the numbers on the account book, I feel great!

"What are you doing?"

Fu Fengcheng couldn't help frowning when he listened to the crackling abacus. Then he looked at the woman who could even calculate her elated expression in front of him. She was a little more helpless in her eyes.

What's in this woman's eyes... Besides money?

"Ah?!" Leng SA looked up at him blankly.

"I asked, what are you doing?"

"Come on, the cashier has sent all the gifts and gifts we received for our wedding. Look." there are all kinds of boxes on the sofa and tea table behind us.

"So happy? Are you so short of money?"

Lengsa dialed his abacus hand and nodded solemnly, "lack, very lack, do you want to help me?"

"..." even if I use a golden mountain, it's not enough to support you. "Where do you need to spend money? Let me think about it."

Lengsa pushed the abacus forward and sighed, "you don't understand. Making money is faith."

"How much is enough?" Fu Fengcheng asked.

"How big the world is, how big my money bag is." lengsa walked up to her with a kind and sincere smile. "Fu Shao, are you interested in investing in the future of mankind?"

"Speak well." Fu Fengcheng leaned against the back of his wheelchair. "In addition, I don't like looking up at others."

"No problem!" Leng SA sat directly on the tea table behind him, just a little shorter than him. "Well, I met a unlucky guy before. He wanted to build a plane. I think this project is very promising. What do you think?"

Pulling a local tyrant into the gang has long been planned.

"Plane?" Fu Fengcheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What flies in the sky can carry people..."

"I know." Fu Fengcheng said faintly, "I've seen it abroad. Its performance is too poor and it's almost useless."

Fu Fengcheng looked at lengsa carefully. "People you know can build stable manned aircraft? This kind of talent is hard to find." Fu Fengcheng has only seen it once abroad. The information collected shows that the performance of this kind of thing is extremely unstable, and there is almost no record of successful manned flight.

Therefore, there are several adventurers and scientists who were killed by falling.

Fu Fengcheng was once very interested. After all, flying is the ultimate dream of mankind. Fu Fengcheng can see more possibilities than ordinary people, but there are few people studying this. It's more difficult to find the right person and bring it back to the country. After returning home, all kinds of affairs are involved, and the reality is too busy. Where is the time to think about the future of mankind?

"Yes, he also came back from studying abroad. I think it's very reliable." lengsa said, "he changed the car before me." like every unscrupulous businessman who wants to deceive investors, lengsa selectively ignored Liao Yunting's previous research failures and was almost chased and killed by investors.

Fu Fengcheng narrowed his eyes slightly and thought.

"If it's really reliable, it's not bad, but you have to prove it first. After all, my money didn't come from the wind." Fu Fengcheng said.

Leng SA smiled, "this... Time and failure are the necessary process of scientific progress."

Fu Fengcheng raised his eyebrow. "Compared with this... I'm more curious about why madam is interested in this. She doesn't hesitate to invest so much to support something that may not have results. You know, if his research fails or others study it one step ahead of him, your investment will be wasted."

"The bigger the bet, the more I win. I'm very optimistic about the research in this direction." of course, she can't tell him that she has seen all kinds of planes for a long time. The future world pattern must be a trinity of sea, land and air. Of course, she should win at the starting line.

After all, even if you have the scientific and technological development data of the whole world in your mind, there is no egg use without corresponding industrial hardware facilities and scientific and technological development.

But now it's different. Although it's still very backward, it has indeed been laid a foundation.

It's a pity that the three blood foxes are not science and technology geniuses.

The three guys ran in front of her. One was full of conspiracy and calculation, and the other was full of infatuation and narcissism. There were only other people's faces and their own faces in life. As for LAN Xiaomeng... She's the best at gossip rubbish. She turns her eyes when she sees serious things.

Even if she can pick up a lot of confidential information from the Internet, there is no interesting news of star cheating in her eyes.

However, even so, at least at present, Anxia has not lagged behind other countries in all aspects, and even surpassed in some fields. It should not be more demanding.

She may not be able to give Liao Yunting any detailed help in specific research, but at least she can give him some help in the research direction.

Even if she may not be able to touch the sixth generation machine in her life, is it always possible for the first generation and the second generation?

"I want to see that man and ask him to give me a report enough to convince me." Fu Fengcheng said.

Lengsa blinked, "I'll communicate with him first."

From the beginning, lengsa didn't intend to hide it from Fu Fengcheng. In fact, he couldn't hide it at all.

Now Fu Fengcheng doesn't realize that it's because she hasn't done anything except giving Liao Yunting a sum of money. Liao Yunting solves everything by herself.

Moreover, most of Liao Yunting's research is still in the theoretical stage. In the later stage, no one can hide the materials, accessories and test sites.

It's no use relying on money alone. We have to pull someone with enough strength to escort us.

Besides, she has no money.


"And?" Fu Fengcheng gave her a look of "you ask too much".

Leng SA said angrily, "Uncle Fu, you need talents to do research! Just three or two kittens. You want to wait until monkey years and horse months."

"I see." Fu Fengcheng nodded, "wait until I've seen someone."

"No problem!" lengsa was satisfied. "I hope we can cooperate happily."

Fu Fengcheng sneered and ignored him.

What's wrong with "..."?

Oh... It seems that I was angry last night.

After talking about business, lengsa abandoned her newly married husband without hesitation and went back to settle accounts. The Fu family is not short of money. They rarely tangle too much about money.

She and Fu Fengcheng got married. The bride price and all the expenses of the wedding went through the public accounts of the Fu family. Fu Fengcheng didn't spend a dime. However, all the gifts given by the guests were handed over to the two new couples to deal with respectively. Lengsa was in front of a lot of gift lists received yesterday, which could be regarded as quite generous.

Fu Dashao is rich and powerful. He said he was not interested in these. He just calmly took a book and sat next to her and watched her continue to settle accounts in high spirits.

Leng ye said that a generous man is very handsome.

As for the legend that Fu Fengcheng inherited all the property of old lady Fu and part of the property of old master Fu, lengsa didn't even think about it.

A gentleman loves money and takes it in a right way.

If Fu Fengcheng had just married, she would have revealed her family background to her. She was afraid to think that he was either out of his mind or trying to do something against her.

You know, now is not an era of husband as the heaven and death. In theory, they can divorce!

Two people who have no feelings and do not intend to spend their lives together, who will expose all their details to each other?

Just as lengsa doesn't care that Fu Fengcheng knows what he wants to do now, but he won't tell him what else he can do.

"Why, what did Hong Tianci send jade to make complaints about? What else did you bring this thing to?" In addition to cash, some people also sent congratulatory gifts on the gift list.

They are generous, such as the house that Wei Changxiu directly sent to Jiangcheng, and there are also a variety of jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, etc.

Fu Fengcheng raised his eyes from the book. "It doesn't matter if you don't like it in the warehouse."

Lengsa touched his chin, thought and nodded, "it's really not good. You can sell it for money." as the saying goes, gold is valuable and jade is priceless.

They received nearly 300000 yuan for a wedding yesterday.

The current 300000 is not the same as the 300000 in her previous life. Although 300000 is not enough to buy several gemstones that she wanted Zheng Ying to compensate at the beginning, it is an astronomical figure that a powerful family like the Zheng family also needs great vitality.

The master of the Fu family can receive 300000 for a wedding, although some of them will be returned sooner or later.

"What do you think of these gifts?"

Fu Fengcheng said faintly, "this is the cost of living. You have to think about how to deal with it. You can do it yourself. Don't make you have no money to eat."

"Living expenses?"

Fu Fengcheng said, "in the Fu family, marriage means independence. In addition to this money, the family will not give any money in the future." this is the reason why the family didn't ask for these gifts.

Lengsa was surprised. "What about Fu Yingcheng and Fu Pingcheng?" she didn't believe that there could be so many gifts for the wedding of the Fu family. Fu Pingcheng hasn't been married for a few years. She doesn't have much impression in her memory. It can be seen that the pomp at that time should be small.

Fu Fengcheng said, "the old man directly gave them a sum of money. In addition... The second aunt will subsidize Fu Yingcheng every month. The third doesn't mess around, and the third daughter-in-law has a lot of dowry."

"Your mother can really plan." Fu Yingcheng, subsidized by his aunt, married a daughter-in-law who didn't have much money. The honest third married a daughter-in-law who had money and could manage. Let the two concubines not be unhappy with governor Fu, but don't think too well.

Fu Fengcheng was noncommittal. Lengsa happily divided the money order, cash, gold bars and other things in the box into two parts, "then, we're half a person?"

"... take it yourself." Fu Fengcheng took a deep breath. The daughter of the emperor's family is really fresh and refined.

Lengsa knew what he was thinking only by looking at his expression and rolled his eyes silently in his heart.

Is it easy for her to degenerate from a rich second generation to a poor ghost? What's more, she has a yard of kids waiting to be raised. There are still lofty ideals waiting to be realized... Eh, at first it seemed that I wanted to be a salted fish?

But salted fish has no plane, no car, no sniper. If you want to get a motorcycle, you have to sneak and earn money for a long time.

Therefore, what she loves is not money, but the day when she can spend money freely.

The life of sticking to salted fish is not that you have no money to buy things, but that you have money but nothing to buy.

If she really lived in ancient times, she would die by eating and drinking. Born in an age of ups and downs, I'm not forcing people to work.

With a slight sigh, lengsa put the things back into the box, "OK, I'll take them first. But half of the ownership is yours. If you need to ask me to take them, I'll give you half of them if they produce additional benefits."

"Madam is really virtuous." Fu Fengcheng praised without sincerity.

"If only you knew." Leng SA snorted.

Her requirements are not high. It's ok if the goods can speak human words.

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