Published at 13th of May 2023 05:21:30 PM

Chapter 713.: You do the work.

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Looking at the stack of paper and wishing to have less work, Seth suddenly had an idea. One that would save him a lot of time! He had read about it in some novels, he couldn't believe that he had forgotten it.

In olden times, craftsmen had to produce a journeyman's piece or a masterpiece to have their skills acknowledged by their guilds. He would do exactly that! All of the applications that made it through to him were already judged as trustworthy, although some of these texts made them unsympathetic.

In the end, skill should talk more than personality. This way he could quickly weed out the ones without talent.

"Mary!" he stormed the office of Hestia's chosen.

He recoiled at the sight before him. Despite the thick black bags under her eyes, Mary's face wore a creepy smile as her hands moved at a speed that was hard to follow with normal vision. Even with that would greatly help him.

Seth also had some items waiting on him. One was finishing Jonah's new Mask. The other was a bow and mace for Lydia, especially a bow. She currently had a bow made by Bess, but performance obviously lacked compared to his Mind Reaper bow.

The chosen of Wepwawet, or rather her divine sugar daddy, had even provided him with special rated materials to make one of the weapons out of. A copper-colored metal bar that was called and a piece of timber called

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