Published at 12th of June 2023 01:22:44 PM

Chapter 779.: Bunch of Dawns

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Seth didn't quite know how much time went by but he had crossed 28 bridges and met another two bosses by the time his level went up again. The dungeon also had gone through a peculiar change.

As Seth kept getting lower and lower on the bridges, a dim light started shining in the abyss below and the naming convention of the monsters also changes, with beings like "Cruel Dawn" and "Splendid Dawn" becoming the main cast of monsters attacking the bridges.

These monsters were based on the two bosses he had met previously. Cruel Dawn was the name of the first real boss he met. It was technically a version of the twilight creatures, but instead of a skin that looked pale with dark ashes rubbed on it, it was covered in grizzly scales with reptilian features distorting the face. It also had three snake-like tails that ended in scorpion stingers.

Despite its tankiness and size, the necessity to protect the bridges was a bigger hurdle to the pair of Imugi and Blacksmith, than being able to defeat the beast. Its massive size, several limbs, and its constant attempt to hang itself onto the bridge had made it an annoying boss fight, even for Seth.

At least the bridges also went through a change and started becoming more splendid. It was not just the fact that they were in much better condition than the derelict bridges in the beginning, but they started showing exquisite masonry works and signs of metal constructions the closer he came to the light below.

Had they not become better and more stable, it was questionable whether Seth and Tatzel could have defended them. At this point, the bridges were wide enough that even beings like the massive bosses and their elite copies could stand on the bridges.

The other boss he met was Splendid Dawn. Compared to the Cruel Dawn, it kept its humanoid features. Instead, it had two pairs of feathery, dark wings and a slight sheen of gold, as if gold powder was mixed into the ashes on its skin.

Albeit less than half the size of cruel dawn, it had the same defense with a much higher speed and stronger skills in melee combat. Objectively, the Splendid Dawn was the stronger boss, but subjectively, Speed wasn't something that worked on Seth.

He had to admit that the boss had a better weapon mastery, but that was all. The blacksmith was able to use his exotic mix of skills such as the short-range teleportation of and

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