Published at 23rd of June 2023 02:14:32 PM

Chapter 797.: Uncle Olaf

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"What should we do now?" Mike asked into the round.

It had been two hours since the boss just keeled over and died. In the meantime, Mina had managed to keep everyone alive. Once Bulko had recovered enough health and mana, he healed Fin who in turn helped the others recover once she was awake. Lyxiss also woke up somewhere in between. She was hurt, but her unconsciousness stemmed from the mana deficiency after casting a meteor.

They sat in a circle and ate special meals prepared by Link, to recover their fatigue and other resources. Now that everyone was awake and recovering, Mike saw it fit to talk about the party's next step.

"I want to leave," Lyxiss stated openly. "We lack preparations for this kind of dungeon and we barely beat this times boss. But most importantly, I really dislike this place. It's dirty, it's dangerous and the mobs are disconcerting to the max," it finally broke out of Lyxiss.

Her expression was one of shame and sadness. She had hidden it so far because she was embarrassed, but now she showed how distressed she was by the dungeon. The party listened to her with serious expressions.

They all knew how strong Lyxiss was usually, but everyone had their weakness. To them, it explained her sudden and extreme reaction, to cast meteor. Unsure, the half-elf looked at the others, who stayed silent for a moment, after she finished speaking.

"I'm in favor of leaving. Even if it means we return all the way back to Delta."

To everyone's surprise, it was the rabid dog of the party, Fin, that would not forgo a tough challenge, that voiced her agreement to return first. Especially since she said it in a serious manner, instead of her cutesy act. She offered Lyxiss, who staring at her in disbelief, a warm smile. The others followed suit.

"Yes, I also think we have gotten far enough for now. Level 94 isn't bad at all and we can return at any time now." Bulko said with a chuckle.

"I also want to go home. Cleaning magic is good and all, but I want a bath," Mina spoke languidly, stretching her limbs.

"Alright then. Since we don't know whether it will work here, we should all use the skill at the same time," Mike concluded the discussion.

At his words, the other four were stumped for a moment. They had totally forgotten, that Home Call may not even work. Lyxiss stared at the party leader with big tearful eyes, that clearly blamed him for reminding her of the possibility that they might be stuck here until they cleared the dungeon ...or died.

"On three. Three, two, one

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