Published at 28th of August 2023 10:30:24 AM

Chapter 810.: Exceptions two and three

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Over the next few days, Seth mostly took a break. He would spend most of his time with Mina and Fin, as they waited for the return of the other teams. The blacksmith only returned to his workshop once in a while to work on the prototype of the Armor of Lunacy. Aside from this, he paid a visit to the people Leana had invited.

"Good morning, Senior White. I didn't expect you to be serious when you said that you would come," he greeted the first person he visited.

Stretched out and relaxing on the sofa of the guest room laid a sensual beauty. Skin and hair as pale as snow, with long legs peeking out from her robe and fine fingers flipping through the paged of her book. Her pair of almond-shaped eyes with vertical pupils looked up from her book when the blacksmith spoke up. Only the small scale pattern on her cheeks gave an idea of her origin.

"I told you, I would try to follow once my business was done. Wasn't it you, who offered me a new home? It just took a little longer, because these Chrona people wouldn't let me move," she said with a huff.

Seth inadvertently checked her status. It was really the White Snake deity Seth had met in Keväti Kuinen during the empire's evaluation. Back then she was the deity of a whole region and had used her powers in an attempt to save her people from the sun god's wrath.

Although she was unsuccessful and weakened at the time, she had been a great help to their team back then. She guided them through the fog and helped to find the rest of the party. Without her, their chances of dying would have been very high.

"Did you manage to recover?" Seth asked, sitting down opposite her.

"Only physically. All my people died, there is no way to recover without them," she said solemnly.

After his talk with Leana, Seth had a much better understanding of what Senior White was talking about. Deities were like people on their path to becoming a legend, except that their end goal was to become a full-fledged god.

But even full gods could experience this. Nas'Korn for example. Despite being a god, Nas'Korn was by far not as imposing a figure as Hades, Apollo, or even Eos. It was all a matter of their believers and the devotion of their belief.

Despite her level being high, without her believers and their power, her abilities and strength were severely restricted. Still, the fact that

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