Published at 22nd of January 2024 07:48:48 AM

Chapter 960.: Cuirass of Death

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Seth had already decided on the soul for the core piece of the armor. He chose one of the souls he had further refined that combined a strong affinity with heavy armor and pugilism. It seemed like a good match for the cuirass.

After the short respite of forging the soul armament, he faced the consequences of his choices. The enchantment he prepared for the cuirass was the generic automaton core circuit of Hephaestus. An enchantment that was even more difficult than the master-tier circuits he had gotten from Arget Nore.

However, he had his reasons. If the cuirass had an ego, it could not only deny being worn by someone not approved by Seth, but it could also help Evee use the sacrificial formation. Although it was a lot of work, it was worth it. For the next hours, Seth was silently focused on his task of engraving the soul cuirass.

Until he was almost disrupted by the orb on the table vibrating. He glanced at it with hostility, not moving an inch. He made no attempt to take the call and simply waited for it to stop with sparks flying from his eyes. Only when it stopped, did he calmly continue.

By the time he made the last finishing touches, he had already forgotten about the call. At this point, it had already gotten late. As awesome as the master tier enchantments were, they also cost him a lot more time, if he didn’t want to make a mistake.

He could only look forward to leveling his master skills, in the hope that it would ease the pressure, later on. Although the growth came to a crawl after reaching the master tier, his skills still improved with every item. was over 30%, almost at the half way mark and was around 75%.

After pondering for a moment he decided to end his day quickly after infusing the soul cuirass and finishing item.

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