Published at 22nd of January 2024 07:48:41 AM

Chapter 964.: Garment of Styx

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The one to suffer immediately was Neeco Boos, as he suddenly vanished from his warm and soft bed, where he had slept beside Alison. The tailor appeared in his workshop, only wearing his pair of boxer shorts. The cold floor against his back immediately had him wide awake


A high-pitched screech escaped his throat when woke up in a dark room, and saw a towering dark figure, looming over him.

“Neeco, you need to appraise this,” the Tower Master ordered him with manic eyes, holding up the pitch-black garment of death. Had the blacksmith finished it? Had the blacksmith kidnapped him from the side of his girlfriend in the middle of the night, just to appraise an item for him? Yes, yes, he did.

The tailor wanted to complain and curse, but all his grumbling got stuck in his throat when he threw an appraising glance at the “Garment of Death”. The item had gone through a great change under the hand of the Tower Master.

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