Published at 25th of April 2024 12:34:27 PM

Chapter 939: First Scenario Complete

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Chapter 939 First Scenario Complete


The usage of the Sunbeam Relic was the hidden scenario condition, and also what made it possible for us to defeat a Level 300 Boss much quicker than expected. I had guessed it would get new forms and stat boosts every time its stats lowered more. But thanks to the Relic and helping the NPC, we were able to blast the rest of the monster's health points in a single attack.

It completely disappeared into ashes, not even a single particle of it left behind. The quartet of researches sighed in relief, dropping over the grasslands my ability had created. Everyone else was also exhausted, even I sighed in relief.

"W-We did it..." Mark sighed in relief, his body slowly collapsing into pieces as his smaller body emerged from a pile of burning wood. "Ugh."

"I hope we get a break after all of this." Rita laughed, as she patted my shoulders.

"I sure hope so as well." I nodded.

"Woah, something's going on...!" My daughter noticed.


[Congratulations! You have completed the First Scenario: [Defeat the [Aberrant Demon King Fragments Amalgamation: Lv300+] while protecting the four researchers from death!]

[Excellently done! Not only did you defeat all monsters, but you were able to find the right item and manage to kill the Boss Monster while its health points were still above fifty percent.]

[Because you've defeated an enormous quantity of offshoots from the boss, your entire team has gained a large quantity of Score.]

[Scenario Requirements]: [Protect the four Researchers, kill the Boss: Complete]

[Scenario Hidden Requirement]: [Defeat the Boss using the Sunbeam Relic: Complete]

[Scenario Additional Score]: [+500.000]

[With slight distrust brewing between old comrades, the group of four walked back to the city where they reported what happened to their superiors, direct "Avatars" of the Gods who could freely communicate and share their five senses with them.]

"So it was possible for you to kill not one, but four Demon King Fragments with this?" A silver-scaled Divine Dragon asked. He looked a lot like Silver. "Incredible! We did hear some about it, but we were waiting for the confirmation from you."

"This is unprecedented. We must immediately communicate with the Gods about it." Nodded a blonde Ancient Elf.

"Well done, you've worked hard. You deserve some rest after all this time." A blue-skinned Majin said, with sharp red eyes and long, silver-colored eye. He had a pair of long spiraling horns.

Divine Dragons, Ancient Elves, and Majin were the "three ancient races" created by the Yggdragon before any other race was made or born in the world of Arcadia, or so I've heard.

[After reporting what they found and showing them the Sunbeam Relic to their superiors. The trio quickly contacted the Gods, immediately telling them the news about this artifact's powers. Once that was done with, the Gods decided to create similar artifacts with the help of the Ancient Races.]

[However, this was no longer something they could get involved with so easily.]

"I-Is there anything else we can do?" Wondered Mercedes.

"You've done enough, you may leave. Rest for now. We shall do the rest ourselves." Said the Silver Divine Dragon.

"That's right." Nodded the blonde-haired ancient elf woman.

"Thank you for your help." The Majin smiled gently.

"A-Ah, well... Actually." Cecilia was going to try to address something. "About the Demon King Fragments, apparently, their seal was very weak. When Hermes was trying to kill one using the relic, the seal was destroyed, and they freed themselves. I-It was what caused this entire incident."

"The seal... weakened? That's impossible." The ancient elf woman said. "Are you sure it wasn't something the relic did, perhaps?"

"I am fairly sure it wasn't the relic, ma'am." Said Hermes. "Someone might have tampered with it."

"Someone? Do you suggest that one of us did it? A traitor?!" The Majin asked angrily.

Tension quickly brewed.


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