Published at 27th of January 2023 12:04:25 PM

Chapter 447

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From beginning to end, Lu yunqi had a strong distrust of amsl.

For China, if it wants to truly rise, it will inevitably touch the interests of some people.

However, since ancient times, the vast majority of disputes are due to the distribution of interests.

It's no use talking alone.

Only when the enemy is completely defeated, defeated and crushed can we have the power to distribute interests.

Lu yunqi has seen this very thoroughly.

After returning to Chenxing science and technology building, Lu yunqi directly came to the office. After pulling the curtain outside, Lu yunqi shouted at the computer screen in front of him.

"Little star!"


The computer screen lights up automatically.

Small stars that have evolved into strong artificial intelligence are already waiting for Lu yunqi's orders.

"Bring out the latest data of US stocks. I want to see the effect of shorting."

"Good master!"

As the sound fell, the computer screen showed the timely stock information of nastaco and the New York Stock Exchange.

After Lu yunqi held a press conference on domestic lithography machines, US stocks had a series of shocks. The market value of amsl and the four software giants alone had evaporated more than 132 billion US dollars.

The entire US stock market is now in a downturn.

The share prices of semiconductor enterprises such as TSMC also fell to a certain extent.

Compared with short micro soft companies and short Gu Ge, the fluctuation of just over $100 billion can no longer arouse Lu yunqi's great interest.

The reason for his concern is that this short is not carried out by Zheng He and the Hong Kong Island trader team, but operated by Xiaoxing, an artificial intelligence.

"As a strong artificial intelligence, Xiaoxing can be said to be the real uncrowned king of the Internet."

"And through Internet learning, Xiaoxing's knowledge reserve has undergone earth shaking changes!"

Lu yunqi was also a little excited at this time.

Before that, he had handed over the account authority of some small Treasuries to Xiaoxing, with $500 million in them.

This money is the start-up fund he prepared for Xiaoxing.

As the king of the Internet, the two major stock markets of US stocks are just strings of cold data for Xiaoxing. Xiaoxing can complete the exchange of all data with just one idea.

At Lu yunqi's instigation, he lifted some restrictions on Xiaoxing. Xiaoxing was also happy. He took the $500 million "pocket money" given by landing yunqi and ran to the U.S. stock market.

Compared with human traders, we should also consider various factors, and Xiaoxing's way of thinking is completely rational.

Chasing after the rise and killing the fall, he made a move when it was time to make a move. Many hand changing operations made Lu yunqi look at a cold sweat.

It only takes tens of seconds at night, and Xiaoxing's short may be smashed by the giant.

The undulating curve shows how much movement Xiaoxing has made in US stocks.

"Master, Xiaoxing has invested a total of US $500 million in the air this time, and the final net profit is US $1.72 billion."

A string of numbers was displayed on the computer screen.

"Good guy, Xiaoxing really has a unique advantage in finance. It won't take long to go down at this speed. It seems that Zheng He should be laid off!"

Lu yunqi looked at the income on the computer and sighed slightly.

Xiaoxing's short this time lasted 16 hours and successfully withdrew the funds before the SLA Association launched a counterattack.

The $1.72 billion in profits also entered different offshore accounts in batches.

Compared with Zheng He, he has to bear the risk of being targeted by the United States. There is no place to follow all traces of Xiaoxing on the Internet.

This is the strength of artificial intelligence.

"From now on, the offshore account belonging to the small Treasury will be kept by you. When necessary, you are responsible for cooperating with Zheng He in operation!"

"Don't expose your identity. I'll inform Zheng He."

After sighing, Lu yunqi ordered Xiaoxing.

"Good master!"

On the computer screen, the little star with three heads of version Q turned around happily.

The appearance of small stars can be said to greatly reduce Lu yunqi's pressure.

At present, Xiaoxing has taken over Chenxing's accessible server and become the guardian behind the scenes, responsible for all user data and information security protection of Chenxing technology.

Before that, Lu yunqi had been responsible for this task, and was also responsible for the development of firewall. At the moment, this part of the task has been handed over to Xiaoxing.

Now Chenxing technology server can be said to be the safest place on the whole Internet.

No one can attack a strong AI on the Internet.

At this time, the little star on the screen suddenly wrinkled his little face.

A little in the air, a video box appears in the screen.

"Master, look at the news!"

Across the ocean, country y.

Aim, a well-known chip architecture designer in country y, held a temporary press conference at the company's headquarters.

With the expansion of Android and IOS, aim chip architecture has achieved absolute dominance in the field of mobile devices.

As the company most likely to challenge the Internet x86 architecture, aim is coveted by many companies. As early as a few years ago, soft shadow, a famous investment company in neon country, wholly acquired aim at a price of 32 billion US dollars.

After winning, the development of things did not follow the expected direction of soft shadow, and aim even suffered losses. In September last year, when Chenxing technology released Polaris computer system.

Soft film and NVIDIA, a well-known graphics card equipment supplier, have reached a transaction cooperation.

INVISTA plans to invest US $40 billion to wholly acquire aim.

The acquisition has caused waves all over the world, and many forces are trying to prevent the acquisition from landing.

At present, country y has stopped the transaction under the pretext of "information security".

Under the gaze of the beeping media that used to be with jiao'e of Chenxing technology, aim announced a heavy news.

"Our company has received the ban from the United States. After consideration by the board of directors, we have made a formal decision."

"During the US ban, we will stop authorizing aim architecture to Chinese enterprises. The authorized architecture can continue to be used. After the expiration, we will not continue to renew the contract!"


There was an uproar at the scene.

A moment later, the media of country y led by beep media suddenly began to applaud warmly, and the applause became more and more huge.

"The blocking of aim is definitely the wisest decision in history, which will further consolidate the position of aim architecture in the industry!"

"Chinese people should have gone back long ago. Go find your Chenxing technology, ha ha ha!"

"Damn Chenxing technology, dare to look down on the media of our country y, and now it is finally punished by God!"

Among them, the person sent by beep media to interview was the middle-aged female reporter who was driven out of Chenxing science and technology building by Lu yunqi that day.

At the moment, the sharp faced female reporter received the warmest applause.

The reporter of the Y country branch of the state-owned media has a very ugly face.

After watching the live broadcast of Lu yunqi, the smile on his face disappeared.

After inter and and, now even aim has joined the battle.

X86 architecture has always been hard won by Intel. It is very difficult for ordinary chip enterprises to obtain x86 architecture authorization.

Different from the complacent Internet, aim is a charging authorization scheme. As long as you are willing to pay, you can directly use the existing architecture, which is simple and convenient.

In China, many enterprises have adopted the design scheme of aim.

At this moment, aim suddenly announced that it had cut off its confession, which immediately caused an uproar in China.

"Warwick was cut off last time, and the whole Chinese market was cut off this time. This aim is beginning to die again!"

"This decision has nothing to do with soft shadow!"

"Shit, beep, beep, these guys are really disgusting."

"X86 architecture and aim architecture stop Authorizing China at the same time. What is the development direction of China's semiconductor industry in the future?"

"What are you afraid of? Mr. Lu said that he would release the self-developed chip architecture in two days. According to his consistent style, he will definitely be able to make a wave of big moves at that time."

Melon eating netizens talked about it one after another.

"Master, do you want me to destroy the beep media?"

At this time, the little star on the computer screen noticed the change of Lu yunqi's look and passed the previous records left on the Internet.

In an instant, she had inquired about the news that the female reporter of beep media was kicked out by Lu yunqi.

In Xiaoxing's eyes, Lu yunqi's safety sequence is definitely in the first place. No matter who insults Lu yunqi, he will bear the revenge from Xiaoxing.

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