Published at 25th of May 2023 06:58:51 PM

Chapter 213

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How many times do I have to tell you, not happening.

Ben could only groan. When he’d made the mistake of admitting to both his god and himself that he was interested in Thera those few months prior it had been in a moment of weakness when he was unsure about what to do about it and because of that Myriad hadn’t shut up since.

Look, maybe she does like me, I’ll admit that’s kind of the impression I get when I practice connecting with her anyway, but that’s meaningless if she doesn’t want to get romantically involved with anyone regardless. Now are we going to keep talking about this or can I focus on the church?

It was finally complete in all of its glory. Two stories with two basements as well, he had a lot of space to fill up for his own uses, but the main area left for visitors of all sorts was what he was currently dedicated to, filling the walls with small metal plates.

It had been his idea and he thought it was quite the good one, filling the walls with tiles, each of which had a skill enchanted to it with its name and level written down. It created an environment where Myriad’s believers would want to come to make copies of them and was a place where the effects of connect could be fully felt. With that goal clear the day had been spent copying the effects of his numerous skill rings, but despite that, his god wasn’t budging.

Make it a quest and I’ll think about it.

I’m sure Sachel can handle that, for now let me just finish up in peace.


With only a little more nagging from his god he was able to finish up with the enchantments before moving on to the next part of setting up the church, the private areas. He fully intended to use almost all of the extra space for his own purposes, and given the hundreds of books he now had, he needed to put together shelves before arranging everything.

As far as things went it was a surprisingly quick task. He already had his wood cut and ready, it just came down to assembly, only taking a bit over an hour to do. From there he arranged the shelves before looking them all over in the end.

Yep, it’s perfect. What do you think Myriad?

Yeah, but now I can start moving things I don’t need in here as well. Trust me, it’ll fill up before you know it.

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