Published at 10th of February 2022 05:32:48 AM

Chapter 1135

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"Kill Kill my dad? "

"It's not that serious. He's your father. I respect him."

Zhou Ting heard this, can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, did not expect Fu Ying next sentence to let her instantly speechless.

I want to take them out of the house, and then blow up the house directly, so that he can understand that I'm not easy to mess with! " Fu Ying said coldly.

Zhou Ting helplessly shakes his head. As expected, he can't think of this guy as being too kind. He is very angry!

"Well, I really want to thank you for making such a big concession. It hasn't burst out in the house, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with it. You wait for me here. I'll say goodbye to them and I'll go with you

"Well, speed up."

"Well, don't rush the girls!"

She turned pale with anger.

She went back to the house and talked to her parents a lot, and they didn't trust her to leave.

Zhou's father sent her to the door and looked at Fu Ying outside the house. Her eyes were slightly dignified.

Finally, she held her hand tightly and said, "Xiaoting, you are 18 years old. From the legal point of view, you are an adult. You should be responsible for your words and deeds! As a parent, this home will always be your port of sailing and your haven. However, the sea route needs your own planning, you have to steer yourself, no one can teach you how to go! "

"You've always been smart and stubborn, but you can distinguish right from wrong, know what to do and what not to do, and don't let us worry too much. So, I hope you will keep on thinking about the consequences of every decision you make. "

"Xiaoting, you're old enough to fall in love, though Some of our own ideas, but your mother and I still respect you the most. Just hope you are happy and happy, we will be happy. There's a saying that Dad never told you. Now that you're an adult, I should say the same

"Good daughter, you have always been our pride. I'm proud of you! It's a long way to go, but you have to make your own way. No matter how far you go, remember that we are waiting for you at home. "


Zhou Ting stares at her father.

Her father was serious and serious, because he was a university president and a professional professor. She always had a grim face.

She often complains to her mother why she chooses such a rigid teacher as her father.

But the mother always laughs and says that dad is upright and responsible.

A man has responsibilities and responsibilities, which is a very important thing.

A man should be himself first, then a husband and a father.

He set a good example for his family. He was conscientious, upright and brave in these years.

Zhou's family is not rich, but his parents are all over the world, both business circles and political circles respect her father incomparably, and they are courteous.

There are too many excellent students in DIDU University, too many of whom are sent by Zhou's father.

This teacher's kindness is extremely heavy.

It turns out that her three outlooks are all derived from her father!

She hugged his father tightly and said, "Dad, you are a good teacher, both in my study and in my life."

"You are also my proudest student

With tears in the corner of his eyes, Zhou's father clapped his big hand on her back.

"You are a girl, your shoulders are not wide, but you should also raise your head and straighten your chest, and hold out your own sky!"

"Dad, I know!"

Zhou Ting choked.

She and Fu Ying get on the car, parents stand at the door for a long time did not go in.

When the car was far away, she had no taste in her heart.

I want to cry

The nose is sour, the throat is choking, and the heart is shaking.

She hung her head, stirred her fingers, and tried to bear it.

At this moment, the car suddenly pulled up to the side of the road.

Fu Ying took her into his arms and said, "cry, I'll borrow you from my chest."

"I I don't cry. I'm not that vulnerable... "

She choked and sobbed, still holding on.

She just felt that it was humiliating to cry in front of him, so she had to endure it until now.

"In fact I don't understand your feelings, I have memories. From the beginning, I knew that I was a family member. But I don't have parents. My uncle tortures me and makes me a killer. "

"My heart was cold and impregnable from the beginning. Family love To me, it's strange and ignorant. So, I don't know what you're upset about. But, look at your eyes, as a man, I should give you a hug, borrow your chest, let you cry in my arms

"I can't comfort you because It's not my area of expertise, but I can be by your side and let you vent. I'm very good at fighting. You can give me two punches to vent

"Now I am moved to tears, not aggrieved angry, why should I hit you?"

"It looks the same to me anyway.""You really don't know women!"

"I don't want to know Bi Ren, but I really want to know you. I don't know why."

He looked down at her and said faintly.

When she heard this, her heart trembled violently, blinking the cloud eyes filled with water mist, staring at her stupidly.

Eyes gently shake, tears unconsciously overflow, eyes fell down.

And he, even gently bent over, kiss away the tears from her eyes.

"I feel that tears are useless and can't change anything. But But I don't want you to stop crying. I start to agree with you now. It's very useful to have someone to talk to. Please talk to me

"You How do you get so much insight? You are Have you got through the two channels of Ren Du

She looked at him stupidly, these words she doubted whether she had heard them in his mouth.

Is the shadow in front of you changed by your soul?

"I want to know what your humanity is."

"My humanity?"

"I want to know about you, your stubborn attitude towards death, your stubbornness not to kill Boren, and your childishness of being fearless of tigers."

"Don't Don't understand. "

She stopped in a hurry, calmed down, left her body and said, "you and I People who are not in the same world, even in parallel space, are separated by several dimensions! "

Fu Ying heard this, eyes color instantly cold sink light, become terrible.

His hands were hanging on his waist and clenched unconsciously. His fists were bulging, and his joints were white with force.

He thought of what she said in the ward, they Doomed is impossible.

Does he want to be with her?

He's not fit for anyone!

"Do you think I'm in love with you?" He asked coldly.

“……” She pursed her lips. How to say this, she was embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I won't fall in love with anyone. You teach me what is emotion, I can distinguish what is the teaching content, what is the real world. You're too weak. I'll kill you like an ant. You don't deserve to be my partner, so don't look high on yourself. You are just dew love to me, plus It's just a qualified teacher. "

"I just want to Make up for what I lacked in those years

"That's all."

He spits out the last four words coldly.

That's all.

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