Daily American Drama - Chapter 1078

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:43:47 AM

Chapter 1078: 1078

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Duncan's house.


Amanda sneered, "I know you adore your brother Adam, and so do I."

But please!

You are 18 years old and adult. You are going to university after the summer vacation. You can go wherever you want. Why are you so staid?

We went to Paris, where there are the Louvre, the Impressionist Museum, the Picasso Museum... It's the romantic capital!

You are 18 years old or a first-time girl. It is strange enough, don't you want to take a romantic trip in the romantic city? "

"In no mood."

Charlie immediately shook her head: "Adam said that romantic waves and stumbling waves are completely different concepts. They cannot be confused. Paris is stumbling waves, not romance..."


Amanda's face went dark.


Charlie suddenly understood that she had poked her girlfriend in her heart, and quickly apologized: "I didn't mean to mock you.

But believe me, when you look at the shapes that will become after those wanderings, you will think that this is also good for me. "

"I don't look at those disgusting things!"

Amanda disgusted: "Is Adam a bit psychopathic, you are his sister, but he shows you this?"

"He didn't show it to me."

Charlie explained: "My mother showed it to me."

"He sorted it out and gave it to your mother."

Amanda interrupted: "What's the difference from what he showed you?

Don't they all scare you, I want you to cleanse yourself!

Don't you know the romantic legends from his high school days?

To yourself and to your sister, there are totally two sets of standards, which are simply too double standards! "


Charlie distinguished: "Adam did not prevent me from falling in love, just as he did not prevent Teddy from falling in love before.

He just didn't want my private life to be too erosive and to contract diseases that shouldn't be contracted. "

"How can it be so exaggerated."

Amanda doesn't eat this set: "Look at those big stars, don't they also live very smartly..."

"I know this."

Charlie couldn't help laughing: "I only thought so a few years ago, and then Adam and I had a good chat about the ins and outs of this, I think it makes sense.

The reason why the film and television dramas are full of all kinds of beautiful feelings and drunken fans.

That is because to promote consumerism and to conquer Hollywood.

Human nature has its common roots.

Without restraint, in the end, any fashion will infinitely converge to Liu Bei·Cut Finger Xuanyuan·Ouyang Feng.

But for this reason, if you want to make Hollywood popular all over the world, you must use these three to attract the attention of the world.

So in those Hollywood movies, one by one, handsome men and beautiful women, more and more exposed, various show figures and intimate scenes, various taboo plots that break people's imagination.

This is an overbearing method of the country's soft power strategy, but it is not a kingly or righteous way.

Staring at the abyss for too long, the abyss will stare back.

Just take a look at our high school classmates, one by one was affected first.

In reality, if one’s mind is full of hormones and eating, drinking, and having fun, then it’s the animal world, not human civilization..."


Amanda was stunned.

She never knew that her best friend had such a side.

She always felt that her best friend was influenced by the other's brilliant brother, and was too conservative and uninteresting. She is still a young girl and doesn't understand what fashion is.

But now she actually has the illusion that the clown is me.


Illusion, illusion!

This must be an illusion!

"Don't talk about it."

Amanda shook her head: "Europe is the birthplace of civilization. Don't they understand civilization better than us?"

My cousin's luxury apartment in Paris is very good, overlooking the Seine.

Even if we don’t go to ‘Lang Dang’, let’s go on vacation and learn French by the way.

I have bought my ticket, so you can say whether to go or not? "

"Ah this..."

Charlie was very entangled, not willing to go, and worried that her girlfriend was disappointed and angry: "Even if you want to go, you have to talk to my parents and them first."

"Need not."

Amanda pulled Charlie and began to pack her clothes: "While they are all at work, let's go first.

Tell them when you get to the place, or you won't be able to get there at all.

Oh, God.

Based on the conditions of your family, for a person like you, you have traveled around the world a few times a long time ago.

Maybe in a few years, you will be able to go to the sky to play.

You haven't even been out of the country a few times. It's so embarrassing. "

"Adam said it's not safe abroad..."

Charlie said, being pulled by Amanda and began to tidy up.

Soon carrying a small suitcase, he was pulled out of Duncan's house, got into Amanda's sports car, kicked the accelerator, and went to the airport.

That's right!

Amanda's family is also rich.

In fact, although I don't want to admit it, because of Adam, Duncan's circle of friends has changed a lot.

Dad Bob and mother Amy are okay, and some old friends can still talk.

But the four sisters, Charlie and others, who grew up after Adam achieved their small goals, unconsciously leaned on the children of wealthy people in their circle of friends.

It's not just love that is right.

Friendship is actually more about the right person.

Because love still has hormones in the middle, as long as you look at each other, two lovers who are very different from each other can get together.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, the Seven Fairies and Dong Yong, the Three Madonnas and Liu Yanchang, Zhu Bajie and Gao Cuilan... Countless people who are truly different from each other, all call their expertise.

But friendship?

It's better than a six-member group of old friends, so close and friendly, and because of the income gap, it almost fell apart.

The combination of rich women and poor women is most likely a lady and a maid, not a girlfriend.

Duncan's house is a block away.

A black SUV whizzed past the sports car and followed.

This is the security guard that Adam has hired for the family to secretly protect Adam's family.

When the sports car screamed towards the airport, the security personnel who followed were not because this is not once or twice.

Charlie's best friend Amanda and their lives are flying around the world when they say a word disagrees, and sometimes Charlie will drive them to drive them.

The life of the rich is so unpretentious and boring.

But when the plane flew away, and the good girl Charlie came out as usual, they began to worry and sent someone to search for it.

"It has been reported, the boss said that we don't need to control it.

After the security guards reported, they got new instructions and drove back.

Before they reported it, Adam received an encrypted message reminder, which was a long sigh: "Huo baby boarding the plane, destination Paris!"

Adam had an ugly face and sent a message to Juno with a dark face: "Are there any of us in Paris?"


Juno also knew the ins and outs at this time, and smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, the foreign country is not as dark as you think... and the Tyrannosaurus rex is in Europe, you can pass at any time, I will notify him immediately."


Adam said: "I feel bad, it's better to let the Tyrannosaurus arrive before the fire baby gets off the plane."


Juno sent a message: "The Tyrannosaurus has received it and is on its way."

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