Daily American Drama - Chapter 1087

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:43:30 AM

Chapter 1087: 1087

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On the way back.

Mr. Juno gave the little sweet bear Emma a follow-up tutoring after class.

Emma the sweet bear thought for a while: "Should I look for more hornet companions, or just cultivate more hornets by myself, form a swarm, and besiege the big hand?"

"This is also a way."

Juno nodded and smiled: "After all, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, but the reality is that it is difficult to form a swarm of bees that can cope with the big shots.

If you gather a larger bee colony, you will attract pesticides instead.

On this planet, it is the human beings who dominate, not the swarm of bees, which has already explained everything.

Therefore, competing with hard power and fighting violence with violence, the final outcome is self-destruction. "

"So I can only pretend."

Emma the sweet bear frowned: "Even if you are not afraid of hornet, you have to pretend to be afraid of hornet?"

"That's called gregariousness."

Juno reminded: "From the perspective of the wasp, in the case of being unable to fight against humans, if you pass training to disguise the harmless flying insects of adult animals, your own safety will be greatly improved.

All you need to do now is to pretend.

Fortunately, you have enough talent..."

Having said this, he glanced at Emma's exquisite and picturesque face, and shook his head: "In fact, even if you don't pretend, the chances of survival are still not small.

After all, beauty is justice.

With your face, even if you are guilty.

There are still many people who will feel sorry for you and defend you, and think that you are a crime if you are sentenced to jail for such a worthy sentence.

But I think you don’t want to surrender your fate to those idiots, do you?

And there are always people in this world who are not confused by your face.

And it's still mainstream.

If you don't study hard now, you will regret it very much when you can't help yourself.

You should understand the emotion of regret, right? "


Emma the little bear nodded: "I see."

Just when Mr. Juno was instructing the bear student Emma, ​​Peggy also went to the TBBT apartment for the first time to visit her good friend Sheldon.

TBBT4A apartment.

Sheldon sat on the throne with a three-dimensional chess in front of him.

Instead of staring at the board, he stared at Leonard jokingly.

On the opposite side of the chessboard, Leonard stood there, holding his chin, looking left and right, looking up and down, trying to figure out the trend of three-dimensional chess.

From time to time, he picked up a chess piece to make a move, but glanced at his opponent Sheldon with his eyes, trying to deceive him from Sheldon's eyes on whether this action was correct.

But unfortunately, Sheldon had only one expression from beginning to end, and that was mockery.

So this scam tactic to deceive a sneak attack is ineffective against Shelton.

In the end he could only pick up the chess pieces and place them.


Sheldon picked up a chess piece after he placed it and went straight to the general.

"Oh, no!"

Leonard reacted immediately after the placement of Sheldon, but it was too late, so he could only let out an unwilling cry: "General again?"

"Obviously you are not qualified to play three-dimensional chess."

Sheldon said: "Perhaps you are more suitable for playing a three-dimensional candy box game."

"One more plate!"

Leonard also wanted a face, not convinced.

"It's embarrassing that I have to let you have so many layers."

Sheldon gave a gesture of the three upper and middle faces of the three-dimensional chess. It was quite similar to "Ask me how tall is the master, the three-layer chessboard is so high".

As for why it is not a five-story building or atmosphere.

That's because three-dimensional chess only has a three-dimensional board with upper, middle and lower.

Boom boom boom.

The door of the room was knocked at this moment.

"Please come in."

Leonard didn't open the door like usual, pinched his chin, and continued to figure out the chessboard.

Chess is not theoretical physics after all.

Not necessarily high IQ must be great.

Otherwise, it’s better to test the IQ directly to determine the outcome.

It was not that he had no chance to defeat Sheldon.

Of course, the most important thing is that his goddess Petunia returns to her hometown and is not there.

Otherwise, he would definitely leave the outcome of the chess game behind and open the door to Petunia as soon as possible.


Even if the door is unlocked.

But the moment the door opened, what was left of the light, there was no more chessboard and victory in his eyes.


Peggy opened the door and walked in.


Sheldon nodded at her.

"Dr. Adler."

Leonard stood up straight, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to grin to the root of his ears, calling out a little cautiously.

"Dr. Hofstadter."

Peggy nodded at him.

In fact, according to Adam's relationship, it is time for Leonard and Peggy to call each other by first name these years.

But one doesn't care, one cares too much.

So many years later, when they meet, it is still a very formal honorific title.

In fact, Leonard also likes Peggy to call him Dr. Hofstadter.

This is not only better than the former Mr. Hofstadter.

It sounds countless times better than Leonard (nard and nerd are pronounced similarly, Leonard is Leonard).

"Playing three-dimensional chess?"

Peggy glanced at the chessboard.


Leonard's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, and said diligently: "Dr. Adler, come and play with Sheldon. He always beats me. It feels boring."

"I'm talking about you being embarrassed, not boring."

Sheldon corrected Leonard.

"You still like the feeling of winning against others."

Peggy laughed blankly.

"Don't you like it?"

Sheldon looked at Peggy warily.

"Of course I like it too."

Peggy smiled.

"Then go down."

Leonard said with joy: "Sheldon, you won't be afraid anymore, are you?"

"Am I afraid?"

Sheldon couldn't help but smiled while shaking his head: "Oh, Leonard~Leonard~Leonard~"

"Dr. Adler please."

Leonard ignored Sheldon at all, restored the board directly, and then gave up his seat: "Tea or coffee? Or water or Coke? I can go and buy..."

"no need."

Peggy waved his hand, sat down, picked up two kings, one black and one white, held them in the palm of his hand, turned his back behind him, changed a few times, stretched out again, and signaled Sheldon: "Guess the one?"


Sheldon glanced and glanced, then pointed at Peggy's left hand.

Peggy opened, it was the white was very happy.

White moves first.

With Leonard, he doesn't care about white and black, but with Peggy, he really wants white.

Peggy smiled and waited until Sheldon had played first, then started to move.

Leonard was watching, the curvature of the corners of his mouth had not disappeared.

Especially when Sheldon was entangled in his state every next step, he smiled happily.

Halfway down, the door was pushed open again.

Howard and Rajesh walked in.

"There are female visitors..."

The sulky Howard subconsciously wanted to say something, but after seeing Peggy's face clearly, he choked there.

In the scientific world, who does not know the first beautiful mathematician Peggy Adler!

Not to mention the gossip about her and Adam, that's Leonard's biggest talk that he often used to brag about the close relationship between him and Adam Peggy.

And thinking of Adam, Howard can't get angry anymore...

"Dr. Adler, let me introduce you. This is Howard Vorowitz and this is Rajesh Kusapari."

Leonard introduced to both sides: "Howard, Rajesh, you all know Dr. Adler, don't you?"

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