Daily American Drama - Chapter 1207

Published at 21st of October 2022 06:17:36 AM

Chapter 1207: The taste of revenge is always so sweet

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Principal Seibert's home.


Hearing a new e-mail, Principal Seibert thought that there was a new sponsorship that he could pull. Although he was unable to do so, he kept telling himself that he would never fight in person again, but he opened his hand when he was out of control. Saw Rajesh's apology video from the country of peace.

"What are you looking at? Don't look at it!"

At this time, the wife came over wrapped in a bath towel. Seeing that her husband no longer looked like a dead person, she could not help but walked over, grabbing the mobile phone in her hand, she must turn it off and throw it away, condensing her husband’s attention to one point, and then Hearing the voice of **** anger in Rajesh gay, his heart shook, his hand paused, and he looked over.

"What's this?"

"It's like this..."

Headmaster Seibert explained to his wife.

"This Sheldon Cooper again!"

The wife complained: "The last time I ran to our house at night, it disturbed the rest of the night, but now it's too much!"

"No way, he is a good friend of Adam."

Headmaster Seibert smiled bitterly.

"Even a good friend of Adam can't keep doing this!"

The wife complained: "And we are also Adam's friends. We can't bully the honest people. This time, you must teach this **** a lesson!"

"He is still a child's character..."

Principal Seibert hesitated.

"That's also a bear kid!"

A woman who couldn't bear Shelton and let a dog bit him said: "So don't let him go!"

"Okay, I will try."

Principal Seibert did not dare to pack tickets.

"Since Sheldon Cooper made the matter, why is this person so excited? Haven't you forgiven him and who?"

The wife is puzzled.

"Leinard Hofstadter."

Principal Seibert reminded him, and then sighed: "Perhaps Rajesh Kusapari is too sensitive..."

"Are you sure he is sensitive?"

The wife pointed to Rajesh, who was bathed in a dirty river among the crowds, and wiped herself with nothing about white foam.

"The body may not be sensitive, but the heart may be sensitive."

Principal Seibert said helplessly: "I can only tell him, count you as cruel!"

"you are vicious?"

The wife muttered, and then suddenly said: "You mean he is playing discriminatory cards?"


Principal Seibert complained: "We have just been spoofed by the white bubble. One of the people involved, he ran back to the motherland to create a white bubble.

It also said that this is their tradition and the blessing of the sun god. If I hold on to it, what is it? "


The wife worried: "I heard that the pollution over there is very serious, these white bubbles...Forget it, this is a cruel man, you should just ignore him, just concentrate on teaching this **** Sheldon Cooper. !"

"I think so too."

Principal Seibert glanced at the brown Rajesh who was laughing freely in the video and nodded weakly.

Although he didn't say a word, everyone knew the meaning.

If he wants to punish Rajesh, then the subsequent development of contradictions is beyond his control, let alone what he wants.

He can't afford it.

"Hurry up and like it."

Wife reminded.

Principal Seibert immediately responded with a thumbs-up, and then found that Rajesh also posted this video on Twitter, and pressed the like button below.

After everything was done, he discovered that the school board members who had been spoofed with him had already liked this video before him.

Sure enough, they are all human spirits!

Pragmatic may not work, but retreats are all elites!

"What's all this..."

After Principal Seibert praised him, he looked at all this absurdity and wanted to complain very much.

But seeing someone next to him, he decisively chose to shut up for his wife who was more rational than hormones a long time ago.

It's a pleasure to try my tongue now.

But in the future, if he goes to court with his wife, this will be a big deal, enough to make him irreversible, and at least it will be a big loss of property.

Forget it, forget it, wash and sleep.

TBBT4A apartment.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?"

After making the video, Rajesh flew back quickly, took his mobile phone to show to a group of friends, proudly said: "They all liked me, who dares to say that I am not a genius idea at this point?"


Leonard said with envy and jealousy: "It would be great if I could also use this trick, and I wouldn't have to worry about it all day."

"Who made you a white master!"

Rajesh sneered: "Unless you go to the Olympics and play the asthma warrior card, you won't be able to use this trick!"

"Isn't this considered reverse discrimination?"

Sean was puzzled.

"Of course not!"

Rajesh smiled and said: "The correction must be over-correct! Besides, we were discriminated against and bullied by the white master in the past much harder than we are now.

Let me say that in the future, whenever the white master sees us, he will bow to us to make up for the mistakes of the past. "


Leonard couldn't help but smiled: "Would you like to pay you back and send it once when you see it?"

"We don't mind."

Rajesh proudly represented.

"Don't laugh, this will never happen."

Sheldon sneered.

"Ha ha."

When Adam heard this, he couldn't hold back anymore, and he laughed out loud.

Isn't this reality in the future?

And this is California.

Although everyone didn't understand what Adam was laughing at, they also thought that what Rajesh and Leonard said was funny, and they laughed together.

There is a happy atmosphere in the apartment.

"Now Leonard and Rajesh are all right, what about Sheldon?"

After Penny laughed, she cared: "When can he go back to work?"

She does care about Sheldon.

But I care more about myself.

Shelton who has a job is already the limit she can tolerate. Now she lives in the apartment every day without a job. She knocks on her door from time to time and asks her to drive him out. She can't bear it.

"Wait a little longer."

Adam glanced at Sheldon: "Wait until the Principal Seibert and their anger disappear and give punishment, it should be fine."

Now if you directly approach Principal Seibert and the others, it is definitely a low EQ approach.

Otherwise, it is easy to attract resentment.

Why did you drop it? It was because you made a mistake first, and there was another threat of discrimination.

Adam felt there was no need to offend people to death.

Yes, he really doesn't care what they think.

But there is no need to offend a few people with little energy in order to make Sheldon more comfortable.

"Isn't this a punishment?"

Petunia didn't know whether she was talking about Sheldon or herself.

"Forget it, but it's not enough."

Adam smiled.

In the current situation, suspension of self-reflection is the basic, and follow-up punishment is the key.

"How do you think Shelton will be punished?"

Petunia curiously asked.

"do not know."

Adam shook his head and saw Sheldon staring at him sternly. Thinking of Misie and the others, he said with relief: "But it shouldn't be too serious."

The punishment is too heavy, so he will naturally come forward.

The next day.

California Institute of Technology.

Principal's office.

"What? You let me teach?"

Sheldon was called over, and after hearing the punishment of Principal Seibert, he called out immediately.


Principal Seibert said stubbornly: "You are known as a genius with a beautiful heart. I don't think this beautiful heart should be wasted. More people should see this beautiful heart."

"But I don't like teaching!"

Sheldon exclaimed: "I hate teaching! Those elm heads are not worthy of my beautiful heart..."

"very good!"

Principal Seibert smiled and said, "This is also a punishment. You can still study your string theory, but you must take time to complete certain teaching tasks, Professor Cooper!"

"I'll stroke it."

Sheldon was a little confused: "After I accidentally sprayed you all over with bubbles and uploaded them to the Internet and became a hot spot, your punishment for me was to give me a promotion and a salary increase for me to teach students?"

Changing from a researcher to a professor is indeed a promotion and salary increase.


Principal Seibert felt Sheldon's headache and smiled happily.

"You are so perverted!"

Sheldon told the truth.


Principal Seibert's smile was stagnant, and his face went dark.

If they are replaced by others, where do they need to do this, dare to embarrass them so much and get rid of the incident directly.

However, Sheldon is not only talented, but also has Adam behind him.

They are worried about severe punishment.

After much consideration, based on what she knew about Sheldon, he came up with a punishment that could show their generosity, sell well to Adam, and make Sheldon seriously uncomfortable.

In the past, Sheldon was invited and took a class or two. In addition to a few super fans, he also made a lot of people vomit.

Shelton and the students should be regarded as bothered by each other.

This is the best way they can think of.

The specific effect depends on the curative effect.

"Adam, I don't want to be a professor!"

Seeing that Principal Seibert really planned to do this, Sheldon immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Adam's number.

"You want to be!"

Adam ignored him at all: "This is your principal's right, you just need to obey it, or you're going to say goodbye to the scientific world."

"Professor Cooper, you can go back to prepare for your lesson."

Principal Seibert also smiled when he heard Adam's words on the phone.

As long as Adam is not on Sheldon's side, Sheldon is just a banana to him.

Noon cafeteria.


After hearing Sheldon talk about the principal's punishment measures, Rajesh sprayed directly, and then vomited: "Sure enough, the white master is the white master, what a punishment!"

He tried his best to jump into the Ganges at the risk of becoming a peaceful country again, just to avoid punishment. Although he was successful, he only got a few praises.

And Sheldon was the culprit, and did not do any remedial measures, but the punishment was a promotion and salary increase.

What is this called!

"Don't say it, this is a reward for others, but it is definitely a punishment for Shelton."

Leonard looked at Sheldon sympathetically.

In the past, Shelton had invited all the invited classes, and he knew the results best.

"That's true."

Rajesh was also happy when she saw Sheldon's frown.

"Leinard, I don't want to be a professor!"

Sheldon looked at Leonard.

"I know."

Leonard sighed with a smile.

With Shelton's qualifications, if he wanted to, he would have become a professor long ago.

Isn't it because of becoming a professor and having to spend a certain amount of time teaching, Sheldon has always been reluctant to be promoted to a professor.

"Adam won't help me either."

Shelton grieved.

"How can this help..."

Leonard said speechlessly: "For anyone else, this is a reward, not a punishment, so let me organize a lesson for you and let you try it again?"


Sheldon entangled: "Otherwise, you help me persuade Adam and let him help me to get rid of this punishment. I would rather ask for other punishments!"

"I really want to go."

Leonard said: "Adam's decision, who can change? Don't waste time, we must be convinced in the end, let's go to class and try."

"All right."

Seeing that there was no hope, Sheldon nodded helplessly.

Soon a physics class was arranged.

"The reason why I am willing to come to teach you tonight is because someone told me that you are the smartest of the PhD students in this school, just like the most important electron in a hydrogen atom..."

Sheldon started to class, telling his own silly jokes, seeing that all the students did not laugh with him, trying to explain the jokes: "Because the hydrogen atom has only one electron...this is also the smartest, my God~"

Then came a series of ridicules.

Many people are paying attention to this class.

Principal's office.


A burst of laughter penetrated the soundproof door, showing how unstoppable the joy of the people inside.

"Look, look, just turn around, let all the students raise their middle fingers to face each other at the same time. Except for Sheldon Cooper, who can do it? Who can do it?!"

"Can't do it! Hahaha!"

"Looking at this comment, a female student said, watching Dr. Cooper's class, I want to commit suicide again!"

"Also, the topic chosen by Dr. Cooper is quite boring, and the success has risen to an unbearable degree!"

"Hahaha! And, there is! Dr. Cooper's joke is too cold, it looks like a big insect with its jaw open!"

"Look at this one. Einstein's theory reveals that when you are happy, time flies quickly, and when you listen to Dr. Cooper, time flies!"

"Hahaha, Cybert, how did you come up with this method of punishment? I can only say one word about this: Absolute!"

"Too much relief!"

The principal and a group of directors almost lost their anger.

TBBT4A apartment.

Leonard and other good friends also took their phones, watched the comments, enjoyed the common joy, and explained the infinite joy to Petunia, a layman.

Seeing Sheldon walk in, everyone forced a smile.

"So, Sheldon, I heard that you are in class, how do you feel?"

Petunia said weirdly.


Shelton felt extremely good, and said proudly: "I think Principal Seibert's idea fell through. Maybe I'm a teaching genius!"


When everyone heard this, they couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!