Daily American Drama - Chapter 485

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:01:46 AM

Chapter 485: 485

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Medical center.

Outside the building.

Steven, Meredith's banquet, showed his problem to Adam's doctors.

Adam almost didn't hold it back.

In the past, he only thought that Meredith was the old Siji, and he still had the talent for being 100% drunk and wearing the belt.

But now he knows.

He looked down on her after all.

She is still the legendary Xiuer, the deity of Good Fortune Zhong Shenxiu!

Christina smiled slyly and stared at it.

Meredith, who had been looking at Steven's face, realized only then, and looked down and saw the other party's illness.

Then the whole person is bad.

"I played the egg!"

Under the thunderbolt, this was the only thought in Meredith's mind.

It just broke that she was dumped by Dr. Shept, and the scene of'Little San's Tragedy Abandonment' was in full swing at the center of the gossip scandal in the hospital.

Everywhere she went, she was pointed and ridiculed.

Now that she makes such a case again, she really can't see people.

"Cover it up."

Adam suffocated a smile and reminded: "There are people coming and going here, so if you have any illness, wait until the ward to talk about it."

"Oh, oh."

Steven quickly blocked him with his jacket.

He is also impatient to be so ‘sturdy’, otherwise a normal man, who wants to confess this kind of privacy in public.

"Let's go, let's go to the consulting room."

Adam greeted.

"Go, go!"

Christina threw the coffee away, her eyes gleaming in agreement.

Of course, she had not forgotten to pull up her beloved good friend Meredith.

After all, Meredith is also the victim.

Some medical conditions still need to be consulted with her!


It's definitely not that it's not too big to watch the excitement.

It is a formal process responsible for the patient’s condition.

"Hurry up."

Christina hugged Meredith and reminded: "Now, while there is no one, we will show him together. If there is no big problem, let him go quickly, this is the wisest."

"What if we look down on it?"

Meredith grimaced.

"There is Adam, basically no problem."

Christina is very confident: "Of course, the premise is that Adam is willing to help you keep it secret."


As soon as Meredith heard it, he was immediately an energizing spirit. He hurried to keep up, grabbed Adam, and asked Adam for treatment, and kept it secret.

"I try my best."

Adam did not comment: "But if the situation is serious, it must be reported upwards, and everything goes through the formal process."

Although Meredith was dissatisfied, he knew that Adam had always been this way, and he had no choice but to accept it. He secretly prayed that Steven was just a small problem.


The world is not as expected, nine out of ten.


Consulting Room.

Adam put on a white coat and gloves. After a very professional examination, he asked the embarrassed Steven: "Are there any medicines?"

"Take medicine?"

Steven was surprised.

"Take medicine?"

Meredith subconsciously said: "Impossible!"

The victim, Steven, didn't react for a while, but Adam and Christina gave a meaningful smile.

Why is Meredith so sure?

Old Siji is not good at dismissing him.

"It's medicine to treat sheep's tail."

Adam reminded: "Your current symptom is called Yinjin Persistent Dustpan Syndrome, which usually occurs due to excessive use of drugs used to treat sheep's tail."

"No! I swear! I didn't take any medicine!"

Steven understood, and quickly denied it, and looked at Meredith, who was a little confused: "Everything is natural between us."

"Well, since there is no evidence that you lied, we believe what you said."

Adam said in a serious way: "So we have to find out other reasons, but this requires many tests, many treatments, extreme discomfort and pain, and may even make you regret the growth of the seal.

So, are you sure not to change your rhetoric? "

"Steven, you must tell the truth."

Meredith said nervously: "Dr. Duncan didn't scare you. Those examinations and treatments are really painful..."

Then she quickly said a few indescribable details.

When Steven heard this, his brown face was instantly pale, and he couldn't help arching himself up.

"It doesn't matter if you take medicine..."

Meredith prayed to Steven and lied.

Because if this is the case, then the cause is clear.

After that, the treatment is very good, and there is no need to "invigorate the teacher and move the crowd."

This embarrassment, at best, was passed on in the circle of friends.

As long as she has a firm attitude, friends will not spread it outside.

"You must tell us the truth so that we can treat you as soon as possible and resolve the pain."

"I really didn't take any medicine."

Steven paled and trembled: "If I eat, I will say it."

"Sorry, Meredith."

Adam smiled apologetically: "It seems that Steven is going to be hospitalized. He should have not lied, Meredith, give him some tranquilizers and draw some blood. Then there is a whole set of inspection procedures."

"I come?"

Meredith called.

"It's not you, it's Christina, you decide."

Adam smiled and said, "I have something else."

Those basic examinations can be carried out by a more skilled nurse.

Such a lack of technical content and extremely time-consuming work, if not as a tube bed doctor himself, Adam would not be able to do it.

And based on this situation, we can't let Steven congestion all the time, otherwise it will be a sheep's tail, imprinted gold infarction, and even necrosis after a long time.

Then he was forced to practice Sunflower Collection.

Although it is the difference between 0 times and countless times.

But under normal circumstances, no man is willing to take such a small step.

Therefore, most of the time, physical means will be used to make Steven's blood vessels constrict.

AKA needs a doctor to give him an enema.

If the enema does not work, then acupuncture and aspiration are required.

Whether Meredith did it herself, he still begged Christina for help.

Anyway, Adam knew that he would never do it.

"I have something else too."

Christina flashed after Adam.

It's one thing to watch the excitement.

It's another matter to give this kind of treatment to your girlfriends.

Even if she is as professional as her, she will feel a little awkward.

Meredith opened her mouth to speak, but no one could hear her anymore, so she could only awkwardly accompany the man who was driven out by her this morning to do all kinds of embarrassing checks.

after an hour.


Meredith leaned in.


Adam gave a few words to the nurse, then smiled and looked at her.

"Steven’s all checks were normal. I asked Christina to do an enema for him, but it didn’t work. Then I did acupuncture, which successfully made Whispered.

"That's great."

Adam nodded: "Where is the problem?"

"We don't know either."

Meredith said anxiously: "He just changed back to what he was before, Adam, come with me and have a look."

"Coming again?"

Adam was surprised and said: "That means it is a neurological problem, perhaps a tumor, let's go, let's go over and take a look."

As soon as he said this, he was excited.

Tumor surgery is never a minor operation.

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