Daily Disposable Persona - Chapter 127

Published at 7th of January 2022 10:30:18 AM

Chapter 127: College Entrance Exam Student 03

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After being visited by the three original primal gods, Zong Yan’s life on the film set quietly came to an end.

By then the crew had become numb to seeing big shots show up every few days.

First was the world-class superstar Shub-Niggurath, followed by Professor Ambrose Dexter, the number one CEO of biotech R&D, and finally Mr. Tawil, the youngest and most handsome Supreme Court justice in U.S. history.

Mr. Shub-Niggurath was known for his foul temper. When he was in a bad mood he wouldn’t even give face to the president. During a charity dinner broadcast to millions of people, he smashed the trophy to the stage floor and no one dared to say a word.

Professor Ambrose Dexter was a man with dark wheat skin. Not only was he an honorary professor at MIT, he’d also set up his own research lab. A few years ago, when his startup went public, Wall Street’s elite venture capitalists fell all over themselves to give him money. His company was a dark horse in the biotech industry, which eventually became a world leader on the cutting edge. In recent years his company secured a large chunk of market share, entering the top 500 list of the world’s corporations.

Finally there was Mr. Tawil, the youngest and best-looking justice in American history. The United States had a system of government with three branches, and the Supreme Court was one of them. The nine justices of the Supreme Court had lifetime tenure.

Incidentally, Zong Yan felt like the world must be out of its mind. They’d actually made the Lord of the Gate a judge. If the Lord of the Gate loaded a human thinking module, every guilty person in the world could get the punishment they truly deserved.

Of course, these big shots didn’t come to the set empty-handed.

Shub-Niggurath brought in a few Michelin chefs to serve a summer luncheon to the actors hanging out on set, which was designed to look like ancient ruins.

Ambrose Dexter hauled in a newly developed cooling machine and installed it on one side of the venue. It immediately vanquished the sweltering summer heat.

Mr. Tawil didn’t arrive with anything in particular, but when he stood beside Zong Yan, the atmosphere of the entire film set felt a bit off.

Later the crew learned these three big shots were all family members of the Chinese teenager.

Well… they said they were family.

Everyone stared at them and saw cold white skin, cold white skin, cold white skin, and dark wheat skin; black hair, gray hair, blond hair, and black hair; Chinese, Russian, Italian, and German. Of course, the most important thing was their completely different temperaments and looks. It was enough to make everyone fall silent.

The cast soon learned the elegant and handsome justice was the young lead actor’s boyfriend.

Others heard the CEO call the young lead actor “Dad” with a bright smile, while the Hollywood superstar called him “Your Majesty.”

Um… Were they a blended family with a passion for cosplay?

Americans were open-minded and welcoming, and they knew how to give people privacy. In view of the fact these people were heavyweight big names, they didn’t dare to ask many questions.

The strange atmosphere continued until the end of the shoot.

In fact, although the movie was specially tailored for Zong Yan, he didn’t actually have that many scenes. It was more accurate to call it an ensemble film.

Zong Yan didn’t need makeup, and there was no need to hire a martial arts instructor either. While his co-stars were dangling from wires, he tooled around with the Night Watchman card active, holding a small black umbrella, dashing ninety degrees up the side of a glass skyscraper all the way to the roof, stunning everyone who saw it.

Whenever Zong Yan had a fight scene, there was never an NG. The martial arts instructors for the other cast members actually sat in a row and watched him perform while screaming inwardly. This type of Chinese kung fu was too amazing.

With this kind of pace, the crew soon reached the end of filming.

Because of the continued high level of international interest in the movie, the production team hosted a wrap party for all the crew members who participated in the shoot, and added a charity auction.

That night, Zong Yan received good news from home.

—He was the top student on the college entrance exam in Jiangzhou City this year. His near perfect score had stunned everyone.

His result was especially impressive in physics. This year, the physics section of the national exam was extremely difficult. On the comprehensive science exam, Zong Yan’s score was unbelievably high, and as for his physics result, it was flat out perfect. They said that Mr. Liu, the physics teacher in charge of teaching Zong Yan at Qingyang High School, was so excited that he burst into tears. The teacher gave a speech under the national flag for the incoming senior class, telling them the legendary story of the student who got 30 points on the physics exam and was able to make a comeback in a single semester, becoming the top physics student in the city.

In addition to physics, Zong Yan didn’t lose a single point on the math exam.

As for his total score, it was said that he beat second place by a considerable margin. It was a well-deserved, impressive result.

The admissions offices of Tsinghua University and Beijing University camped out at his house and blocked the door. However, a news story said that the top student in the college entrance examination had run off to Hollywood on the other side of the ocean to make a movie. He couldn’t even grant an interview. The most they could do was request a phone call.

After this was discovered by the media, it caused a big commotion. Not only was Zong Yan debuting at the peak of the film industry as the hand-picked lead actor in a major Hollywood production, he was also the top student in the college entrance exam with an unbelievably high score. Before Zong Yan even had a chance to give an interview, there was a hot search about him on Weibo.

Online commenters were stunned.

“Wait a minute, is this the same little gege who accidentally broke into a live press conference in the United States?”

“Ahhhhhh it’s definitely him!! I watched that video over and over dozens of times! You can’t hide that kind of beauty!! *screaming like a crazy chicken*”

“Oh my God… My mom just asked me why I was kneeling in front of my phone. I never thought the top student on the college entrance exam would end up in Hollywood. I’m so dizzy I’m going to fall over.”

The last time Zong Yan became famous it was only on a small scale. He didn’t even have a Weibo account, so he didn’t gain many actual fans. As a homebody whose movie hadn’t been released yet, the follow-up attention he received was limited.


But now, as a result of taking first place in the college entrance exam, plus the release of several movie trailers, he was suddenly red hot.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of getting famous just like pigs are afraid of getting fattened up.

Zong Yan burst into popularity on the Internet. His previous activities in Qingyang High School, along with his graduation photos and all other kinds of photos were put online. Netizens wept and licked pictures of his face. He even looked good in his ID photo.

As for Zong Yan, he didn’t have strong feelings about anything, but when he woke up in the morning, he suddenly had 99+ notifications on WeChat.

He walked out of the bathroom in a robe and sprawled lazily on the sofa.

There were messages from university admissions offices who tried to reach him through his teachers, classmates who’d sent messages to congratulate him, Wang KeMing’s exaggerated praise in their small group chat of three people, and a string of twenty excited emojis sent by Ye JingMing.

Speaking of which, Zong Yan had to rush to the set so quickly he didn’t even have time to go to the senior class party after the college entrance exam.

This time, Senior Class 3 went to KTV for an afternoon of singing, and at night they went to a bar. Apparently, spirits ran so high that Ye JingMing actually confessed to Xia KeYan. Although he was rejected, he vowed not to give up, so his disappointment seemed to have given him more courage.

Zong Yan replied to his messages one by one, then accepted a WeChat friend request from a certain “Head of Tsinghua University Admissions Office”. After thinking about it, Zong Yan also accepted the request from Beijing University.

This was a trick he’d learned from the Astrologer. Whoever offered a better price would win. It was true that Tsinghua was Zong Yan’s dream school, but Beijing University’s science department was so famous it spoke for itself. As long as they gave him more money, who knew, he might even end up in the Math Department of Beijing University!!!

The instructor from the Beijing University Admissions Office wasn’t fooling around. Barely a second after Zong Yan accepted the friend request, the instructor sent a message.

【Mr. Wu of Beijing University】: Is this Student Zong, the top student of Jiangzhou this year?

【Mr. Wu of Beijing University】: Congratulations on passing the exam and becoming the top scorer! I wonder what the student intends regarding our Beijing University?

【Mr. Wu of Beijing University】: You can freely choose your major, and you’ll receive our highest scholarship. I understand the student got a perfect score in mathematics this year? Many students in our Mathematics Department are members of the Olympiad national team. The head coach is a professor from our university. If Student Zong were to join, you’d certainly become a core member of the team and receive a lot of training.

Zong Yan was a bit stunned by the sudden bombardment of messages.

It was daytime in the United States, which meant it was after midnight in China, yet this guy was firing off a message every second. These Beijing University people were really dedicated to their work.

He couldn’t help but feel some respect.

Although Zong Yan didn’t know it, the teacher from Beijing University was also muttering to himself about his hardships at that moment.

The admissions office staff usually saw the scores before the students, and this year Zong Yan’s results were brilliant and unbeatable. A few days ago, the admissions offices of several institutions began working overtime to recruit this top pick to their school.

The only problem was that after so many days, no one had managed to contact him.

Zong Yan wasn’t very dependent on electronic devices. He’d been a dirt poor student who didn’t even have a cell phone before his senior year. When he was filming, he didn’t carry his phone with him, and there was a big time difference between the United States and China. Furthermore, his cell number was specially protected by the occult world. It was basically impossible for a random person to contact him by phone.

After squatting by the phone for so long, the instructor from Beijing University received a response from the top scorer just before going to bed. He was so overjoyed that he immediately replied and began to solicit with all his strength.

【I Love Gauss】: Hello teacher. I’ve been interested in your school for a long time, but I’m still filming in the United States. I’ll give you a reply after I think about it a few days. Thank you.

When Mr. Wu saw this reply, his heart went “thud”.

The student said he’d been interested for a long time, but those were empty words. If he was really interested, he would have immediately applied to their school, right?

Which meant… Tsinghua on the other side was causing trouble?!

Every year, Tsinghua and Beijing University competed for the top students. In their fight for high quality freshmen, both schools engaged in a long-term tug-of-war with no holds barred.

The admissions offices of these two schools had been sparring for years. Oftentimes, a student who was basically settled would suddenly be intercepted by the other side. Over the years, they’d accumulated a lot of hostility for each other, and every summer they went head to head.

【Mr. Wu of Beijing University】: Ah, student, we at Beijing University are recognized as having a stronger liberal arts and science program than our neighbor next door. Besides, the school next door is like Shaolin Temple, too many monks and not enough porridge. It’s different at our school. Our students are closer to the water, and they get the moon first.

When Zong Yan saw this message, he could hardly hold back his laughter.

It so happened that an instructor from the Tsinghua University Admissions Office had also set a phone alert and climbed out of bed eager to recruit this top scorer.

Zong Yan did just one thing—he forwarded the chat transcript. As a result, the instructor from the Tsinghua Admissions Office blew his lid. Swish swish swish, a column of new messages filled Zong Yan’s phone screen.

It was true that Zong Yan had decided to go to Tsinghua, but if he could get a better offer with the help of Beijing University, why not do it?

All of this was thanks to what he’d learned from that cold and ruthless profiteer, the Astrologer. Zong Yan had learned quite a bit from the memo field on the Astrologer’s phone.

By the time the Lord of the Gate arrived, the black-haired young man was lying lazily on the sofa like an aristocratic Persian cat. His body sprawled like it was completely boneless.

The evil god appeared casually behind Zong Yan, wrapped his arm around the young man’s waist, and rested his chin on the young man’s shoulder, smelling the light fragrance of a recent bath on his skin.

Zong Yan’s face still wore a smile. He lazily found a more comfortable angle in the arms of the Lord of the Gate and nestled his head between the gray-haired evil god’s shoulder and neck.

As he settled back, his bathrobe loosened more and more. Zong Yan had just finished taking a bath and he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Now he was revealing even more of a view.

Yog’s golden eyes darkened, and a violent storm of desire seemed to surge inside them.

“What are you looking at?” The evil god’s voice was gravelly and low, incredibly pleasant to the ear.

His hand quietly stole inside the belt of the robe.

Not only that, the black shadow behind the Lord of the Gate suddenly fractured into a thousand mysterious tendrils, then split further into millions of unnamable, abominable things which began to silently creep up the ankles of the black-haired young man.

“Nothing… ah… Nothing much.”

The black-haired young man’s face flushed a sweet, familiar shade of scarlet. He locked his phone screen and tried to move away, only to burrow deeper into the arms of the evil god.

With a light laugh, Yog brushed back the young man’s hair and gently tucked it behind his head.  He gazed with satisfaction at his own distorted reflection in those blurred black eyes, which had just begun to lose focus.

Nothing was hidden from the all-seeing, all-knowing god.

A while later, when Zong Yan could no longer stop himself from crying out, the evil god suddenly spoke.

“Go to Tsinghua.”



The author has something to say:

Bubbles: Very well. You dare to pry my corner right in front of me? You’re gone


TL Notes:

cosplay – This word appeared in the raw

NG – This appeared in the raw – “No Good”, a term for a scene that needs another take because of an error or some other issue while filming

people are afraid of getting famous just like pigs are afraid of getting fattened up – 人怕出名猪怕壮 – A man dreads fame as a pig dreads being fat; Fame portends trouble for men just as fattening does for pigs; One fears to arouse trouble after being famous just as a pig is slaughtered after being fat; One is timid and lacks creativity after getting fame

closer to the water… get the moon first – 近水楼台先得月 – “waterfront towers, the first to catch the moon” — first come, first served; A waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first — the advantage of being in a favored position; A person in a favorable position gains special advantages

pry my corner – 撬我的墙角 – Digging under someone’s wall is a common idiom which means the person is trying to steal someone else’s lover or tempt them to commit adultery. I interpret this to mean Yog is being possessive and wants YanYan focused firmly on him, not distracted by silly Beijing U


Transliterated names, titles, and places—new in this chapter:

MIT – 麻省理工 – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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