Published at 11th of January 2022 09:43:58 PM

Chapter 301

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“There is no script for the play you will be putting on tonight. Before you go on stage, we will play you several minutes of clips from classic films. You will have ten minutes to prepare before you are to immediately go on stage and perform.”

The sound of everyone sucking in their breaths could be heard in the room. All the contestants were a little panicked.

Improvisation was not only a test of an actor’s acting skills, especially in the absence of a script. That was to say, tonight’s performance will depend solely on the contestants themselves.”

“Of course, the program team has rules to limit your performance,” Qi Shu said, “Since this is an improvised performance, you are allowed to change the plot or the script however you like.”

“Whether your opponent could continue the play or not will be entirely dependent on your skills.”

All of them had different expressions.

Ye Fan already made mental preparations, so she wasn’t too surprised when she heard the announcement. What the show had in plan for her was in the same lines as what she thought it would be.

If the actors got a script, then the scenes and the dialogue would already be fully designed, leaving them minimal room for improvisation.

She was sure such a cruel challenge needed to be put in place in order to screen out the people who can really act.

Ye Fan thought for a moment that the most important part about this type of competition would be who they were going to be matched with.

If both actresses were well-matched and able to act smoothly, then that would be the best. However, in a competition, one of them can completely steal the show for themselves, changing the plot completely and making things difficult for their opponent.

But the disadvantage of this was the chance that the show would not be able to continue or be incoherent, which will affect the audience’s viewing and thus the ratings of the show.

After a while, Qi Shu’s voice came, sounding somewhat slack. “The rules of this challenge round will be different from last week.”

Then, he suddenly said, “Your opponent is selected for you by the netizens.”

Ye Fan’s heart jumped. She had a very, very bad premonition.

She could already guess what the netizens wanted to see.

Qi Shu, “Now, let me announce the opponents of each of you.”

“Chang Su, your opponent is Shi Rui.”

Chang Su was stunned. She had no idea why the netizens would choose to see a big shot like her crush that leech Shi Rui hard on the ground with her acting skills.

Qi Shu looked at Tang Jin whose expression had turned stiff, and lips pursed straight.

“Tang Jin, your opponent is…” Qi Shu suddenly paused.

The air turned still for a moment. Then, Qi Shu’s eyes slowly moved towards Ye Fan.

Looking at her, he announced, “Ye Fan.”

Ye Fan nodded indifferently. Neither she nor Tang Jin were surprised by this result.

After Qi Shu announced all the pairings, he told everyone, “You still have the afternoon to prepare. I hope you make good use of this time.”

After she met Ye Fan, Jian Lan felt almost bewitched as she clicked open the videos about Ye Fan. She had watched all the videos relating to Ye Fan many, many times.

She had never even paid this much attention towards her own daughter. She never paid any attention to Tang Jins’ work in the entertainment industry.

She also watched all the reports relating to Ye Fan, including the fan meeting that she and Tang Jin attended together.

Ye Fan was sitting quietly near Tang Jin, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Ye Fan.

Jian Lan felt like she had been possessed to pay this much attention towards a stranger she had met only once. And, this attention she paid her far surpassed the attention she gave towards her own daughter.

Whenever Ye Fan was being scolded by the netizens, she would feel her heart jerk. After Ye Fan was exposed as Tang Jin’s body double, she even felt her nose turn stuffy.

Ye Fan had completed many difficult and dangerous stunts for Tang Jin and did not complain at all, but Tang Jin was the one to take all the credit.

Jian Lan found out that her daughter, Tang Jin, wasn’t as innocent as she appears at home, and that she was also involved in the reason why Ye Fan was getting hate.

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