Published at 6th of March 2024 06:26:43 AM

Chapter 65

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Sally spat out a mouthful of cold grass.

She blinked and tried to absorb her surroundings as her muscles ached and burned from every slight movement. Something fidgeted from behind her and with the popping sound of a clasp, the small goblin girl rolled from the backpack.

“Ew, that made me dizzy.” Bella stumbled to her feet and held her head.

The heavy footsteps of Humphrey’s plated boots stomped closer to the zombie as she rolled over to look up at the stars.

“How was that?” The Death Knight grinned. "Expensive?"

“Bad. Even Level Ten guards are a menace.” With a pained groan, she sat up to see the sickly orc being led over to where she had reappeared. She narrowed her eyes to pick out it was Oleb giving the assistance.

“You did well; the carnage is still ongoing,” the orc smiled. His empty eye sockets turned towards the sky. “At least fifteen dead, and many wounded by the fires. Some of their supplies were lost to the fires.”

“They’ll be tired too,” Humphrey added, “since you interrupted their rest.”

Sally nodded. “I killed one of the Elites too. I was hoping for more, though.”

The Death Knight shrugged. “Considering the level difference, you did well enough. It’s no surprise you levelled up.”

She held up her wrist to see the glowing golden STAR awaiting her input. Perhaps her little adventure had done a bit more than just weaken the approaching forces. With a sigh, she scrunched up her nose. “Where’s Theo at?”

“He thought he could get another Level, I think. He said he wasn’t tired.” Humphrey crossed his arms and shook his head. “Possibly he was just a little jealous not to be included in the fun.”

Sally rubbed her temples. “Just warm up Henkk and let him have a go too then.” He had some catching up to do, and he would be too weak to take on the higher-level guards. She had barely managed herself, and she was pumped up on what potions she could get her hands on.

“Henkk is…” Oleb shrugged sheepishly. “Well, that took a lot out of him. He will need to rest if you want him to assist tomorrow.”

She nodded and frowned. “They have to… remove the Leaders, right? Bella is invincible, no?”

Their eyes turned to the small Healer, who had been listening in with her hands clasped behind her back. It was hard to consider the possibility that everyone could get killed and the remaining guards would be trying to off the last goblin but couldn’t. That sounded like a big glitch waiting to happen.

“Invincible, or just high regeneration,” the Death Knight looked down at the goblin. “If the latter, then sufficient damage in a short period would…” He looked out to the surrounding forest as the flames of his helmet burned brighter.

It looked like they had returned to Sanctuary just outside of the Garrison area. The breeze was nice and cool here and a far cry from the maelstrom of heat and violence she had just left behind. She took a moment to allow nature to just exist around her. Tomorrow would be further carnage; a light bit of contemplation would settle her mind.

“Meditating again?” Humphrey grinned and extended a hand down to her.

Sally rolled her eyes and took it, standing up on her aching legs. “Being able to regenerate like that was pretty neat, but I think it would drive me insane after a while.”

The Death Knight raised an eye socket as they turned to head back into the village.

“I’m just saying, I like my fights to be brief and dramatic. When it turns into a slog it wears on the emotions, maybe more than my stabbing arms.” She sighed and looked to the floor.

“Sleep well and choose your new ability. Knowing the System, it’ll be some Deux Ex Machina skill that’ll win us the day tomorrow.”

“That’d be kind of anticlimactic, Humps.” It was certainly a possibility - maybe if she had chosen the Puppy skill, then things would be different. Even with the amount of bugs she had been amassing, it seemed unlikely there would be something powerful enough to lay waste to the force arriving tomorrow.

The dimly lit village square seemed so serene now, considering the battleground it would be tomorrow. Humphrey filled her on some of the details of preparations made, but she largely tuned it out. It had been a long day. If she could just ignore the possibility of imminent danger for the rest of the night, that’d be swell.

They passed Cass, who was sitting on a bench and staring into the clear night sky. “It’s going to rain tomorrow,” she warned with a nod, “maybe even storm.”

She waved off the Death Knight and retired to her room in the Inn. No sooner had her head hit the pillow than she fell asleep - arm stretched out as if she was about to press the STAR.

A shadowy figure loomed over her as she startled awake. Dark clothes rose to a pale face, shadowed despite the bright morning sunlight illuminating the bedroom. Her hand went for her dagger before she paused.

“Theo? Ass, what are you doing in here?”

The vampire was now wearing what was essentially a smart suit. A velvet dark black, with a dark crimson tie and white dress shirt. The cape that hung from his shoulders was almost too cliché to be believed. “I just came to wake you. You wouldn't want to miss the big day.”

She rubbed her eyes, wondering how late she had slept in. “Aren’t vampires supposed to get permission before intruding?”

Theo shrugged in response. “This is the Player side of me talking to you. I heard you levelled up; what did you end up picking?”

“Oh, I hadn’t - I fell asleep after all that fighting.” Sally frowned down at her wrist. Now was as good a time as any to do it. There was some amount of trepidation on making the choice - especially with Theo watching. “Did you get to Level Five?”

“Sure did!” He beamed, wrapping his cape around himself dramatically. “Vampire Keystones are really cool, but I went with a ranged stun. I figure it would be a good support skill so you can do your eating thing.”

“That’s really thoughtful, Theo. Just don’t wake me up like that again.” She scowled at him but almost immediately softened her glare. “Did you not sleep?”

He shrugged. “I’m not sure vampires need it. I feel great. Real great.” The slow nod with wide eyes did little to convince the zombie that his statement was totally true. “Anyway, I’ll leave you to it - meet at the Garrison?”

Sally nodded and watched him depart. No sooner had the door closed, she deflated back into the bed. As if reading her mood, the tip-tapping of raindrops started beating on the window. Slowly the bright day rescinded, and the first rainfall she had known in this world had begun.

She slunk from the bed to move over to the window, pushing it open. The drops were cool against her skin. A breeze rolled through the room, bringing with it the scent of wet grass and vegetation. Homesickness rolled through her stomach at the scent. The familiarity was comforting, but the prickle of nerves sat in the back of her mind.

For a minute, she held her eyes closed and just listened to the noise. Eventually, she turned around and brought up the STAR.

[Pick One]
[Skill Upgrade]
[Improved Necroblast] [Projectile has a chance to strike further targets.]
[Improved Eat Brains] [Gain percentage of targets stats for short duration.]
[Improved Summon Zombies] [Raised zombies are higher level.]

All very interesting options, and at least they were her undead-themed ones. She let her stomach do the picking.

[Improved Eat Brains] was one of those clutch skills that probably wouldn’t see a lot of use, but when it mattered, it could be a huge boost. It already gave a permanent boost depending on who she ate, so an extra temporary boost could be a force multiplier - especially if it worked on the System-created. Actually, she selected it on the basis that it should work on the System-created. A buffet was on its way.

Before leaving the room, she went to the bathroom sink and selected the [Wash Clothes] option. Somehow this seemed even more arbitrary after all they had been through. Whoever the Architect had been must have been undecided on where to draw the line on gamifying things. After a few seconds of a progress bar - her clothes were suddenly back to pristine. A similar bar could be utilised by the bath and the rest of her became clean too.

She added taking a real bath to her to-do list. Right after surviving the System Apocalypse.

As she left the Inn, she largely ignored the goblins having a good time in ignorance in the tavern side.

The distance between the Inn and the Garrison was similarly filled with villager goblins who seemed happy to see her and still oblivious to the danger they were about to be in. The constant rainfall didn’t seem to dampen their spirits either. A wooden barricade had been built at the northern road entrance - the kobold creating an alcove for the guards to funnel into. Atop the garrison, a raised platform had been built, where Jackie sat amongst boxes of bows.

She gave the mobster a wave, which was returned. The information that Humphrey jammed into her tired mind the night before slowly started to emerge to the surface of her thoughts. The Leaders were going to stay in their buildings. They weren’t particularly combat-focused, and their survival meant the town would stay in their control.

Most of the Unique monsters weren’t too fighting capable but had agreed to do what they could to hold the Garrison. Sally hadn’t wanted them to - she thought they should escape with the Players and ensure they survived the day. The Outsiders and the village militia would handle most of the meat of the fighting. Outnumbered and lower-levelled.

She rubbed her chin as she pushed into the Garrison, thankful to be out of the rain for a bit. It was nice to hear, but being damp was no way to go to war.

The eyes of all present turned to meet her, including the empty sockets of the orc.

“They are on the move. In about an hour, they will arrive.”

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