Published at 2nd of May 2021 05:44:53 PM

Chapter 426: 426

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"Queen mother." The fierce shouting cuts through the dark sky, and xuanyuanche can hardly support himself.

Rushing up, he grabbed Ryukyu's shoulder, pushed Ryukyu away, and xuanyuanche hugged empress Chen.

"How are you, mother? How are you doing? " Looking at the blood on his chest, xuanyuanche's eyes were red.

Ryukyu, who was caught by one hand, stumbled back two steps, looking at the back of xuanyuanche, who was almost unable to control his sadness, and was stunned.

Xuanyuanche is followed by Qiuxian and Yanhu. They open their mouths, which are absolutely unbelievable and completely exposed.

"Kill this fairy......"

"Kill the queen, kill her..."


In the shadow around, countless guards came out, just like they appeared out of nowhere, full of anger, full of anger.

Strong armour, sharp sword, and fierce fighting spirit.

All the people are angry. All the people are going to kill the witch who dares to kill the queen. The anger suppressed by xuanyuanche starts a prairie fire at this time.

The evil girl of this evil country must be eliminated and eliminated.

The dark night is more and more oppressive.

The vapor in the air is so thick that it almost drips into the water.

The autumn wind is blowing, which makes people cold.

It turns out that there are still designs waiting for her. Ryukyu returns to God and laughs at himself.

Staring at the back of the moment from grief to anger, Ryukyu took a deep breath and said in a loud voice, "I won't explain to you. Now I'm going to find someone to settle accounts. You come to me."

The cold voice dropped in the air, and Ryukyu's figure disappeared in the vast night in a flash. It was crisp and neat, without any drag.

After that, Du Yikuang said, "it's not the master." While chasing Ryukyu, he rushed towards the night ahead.

"Stop for me." Back to Ryukyu holding empress Chen's xuanyuanche, listen to ryukyue's words immediately turn around is a roar.

However, the angry Ryukyu, with his speed of action, is unparalleled. In such a turn, his kung fu has already rushed out of the surrounding forbidden army, far away from the night.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!