Published at 6th of November 2020 10:16:45 AM

Chapter 688

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here would only be things pertaining to the court in Nansong Kingdom’s Prime Minister fu. They couldn’t be that secretive. So, if Helian Yunzhao wanted to found some confidential things in the Nansong Kingdom, the Palace would be the best and most convenient place. So why was he here?

What was he looking for?

 “I don’t know what he’s looking for. But we can’t underestimate this Prime Minister fu.” Xuanyuan Che stroked his chin and looked pensive.

“Oh?” LiuYue looked up at him.

He stroked his chin and slowly said, “Nansong Kingdom was founded 531 years ago. The first Empress came from this Prime Minister fu. Several Li officials made achievements during the founding of Nansong Kingdom. They accompanied the imperial family to carve the world.

“No one could compare to their glory. After 400 or 500 years, the Li family had its ups and downs and a few Empresses. There was a time when the Li family almost died out. I’m afraid not just anyone can hang on until today and stay as prime minister.

“The place we were just at is probably where the Li’s first Empress lived and her study.”

LiuYue raised her eyebrows. They lasted for 400 or 500 years and didn’t perish. 400 or 500 years…… LiuYue’s heart suddenly shook.

Even if she was ignorant, she knew that that quaint study was from a long time ago……

Could Helian Yunzhao……

LiuYue’s eyes suddenly shone bright. She stared at Xuanyuan Che.

Xuanyuan Che saw her reaction and nodded. He lowered his voice and said, “It’s likely. They say that the founding Empress Nee Li left something behind, but there is no way to confirm whether it’s true or now. Nee Li died for hundreds of years and no one no one found anything. No one knows whether the rumor is true or false.

“However, since he’s looking for it, I can’t think of what else there is for him to come all the way here to look for.”

LiuYue’s eyes gently moved. She licked her lower lip and said, “It seems that Helian Yunzhao isn’t a good person.”

He seemed to be here for an alliance, but secretly……

However, she liked it.

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