Published at 20th of September 2023 06:46:44 AM

Chapter 191: An Assassin's Pride

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Lenny thought hard at this.

Firstly, Demons used Darkline magic.

This was entirely different from the kind of power that angels had.

He had the Satan System from Lord Lucifer Morningstar.

Lucifer Morningstar was an arch angel and even for the system, it would take a couple of days to convert the feathers into his own power.

This meant that even though the Angel Feathers had power, it was going to take a very long time before all that power would be able to be converted for use.

Besides, it was also safe to say that whatsoever method they were to use was not going to be easy.

Thinking this far, a bright idea flashed in Lenny's head.

"System, is it possible to absorb the energy in the feathers and still retain their appearance?"

"Good! Do that."

Lenny suddenly placed a hand on the first feather.

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