Published at 20th of September 2023 06:55:08 AM

Chapter 38: Order Of Secret Gladiators...

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Lenny noticed the blockade about him from the corner of his eyes.

The moment he did, his knees curved a little, and he shifted his centre of gravity.

If this was going to be a trap, then he was going to be ready for a fight.

He clenched his fist as his mind raced for solutions on how he was going to attack.

E4004 licked her lips as she stared at him like a piece of snack.

"Wait!!!" E7007 immediately mediated, "I did not mean that kind of gift!" he turned to her, "I'm bringing him to the order."

"Huh!?" she raised a brow at him, "are you sure?"

"yes!" E7007 nodded, "But I want you to appraise him first."

This time around, Lenny was the person that raised his brow.

E4004 nodded at E7007 and stood up. She was several times the size of Lenny and it was bit awkward to watch but she did it anyway.

She grabbed him by the hand as she took a knee.

And then she made a cut on her palm and then she dropped bits of her blood on his hand.

Slowly, the blood changed colors.

Immediately, Lenny got an alert from the system.

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